Damn Internet!

Damn internet went offline @ 2pm, just came back on. Legit internet aswell. I phoned them up and have to wait until tomorrow @ 12 for engineer to come out :s... prob gonna go off tho anyway...

Gave me some time to work on SLAC launcher tho. So all good.


image: k65g9

Allows you to connect to SLAC servers instantly, no more copying IP and such, I guess you got create shortcuts, but this is another method. I use it anyway. Still bit buggy since SLAC wants me to login due to error, every time. So gotta fix that, but not hard.

Useless, but it's for me really, but will release here.

release date?!?!?!?!?!?!
lol, a day?
nice launcher
i enjoy copying IPs
Looks like a handy launcher. As long as you keep it simple.

PS: Add button that automatically connects to the server you have on your clipboard (i.e. the IP you copied from IRC) plz. Saves pasting and stuff.
Simples.... like connect IP; password 202010... has to be like that tho... can't be ip alalal; pw dkdjkdjk etc... needs to be correct format/command.
Well, you could make it scan for strings of numbers that look like IPs and connect to that, and then try to scan for a password (by looking for the word "password" and then using the word after that as a pass, for example). If a PW is not found but a IP is, it could connect to the IP and ET would prompt for password as normal.
tbh, a bit too much work for what I want. I may do it later on but, for now it will have to be from clipboard in correct format... searching for strings is quite advanced for a launcher like this.

correct format will be fine though.
get it to save servers you've been on (like a history) or have u already got that?
Could always get it to save the IP's that are entered into the app. BUT these would only be displayed as IP and not server name. Not got any server querying, don't aim for that.
could maybe save favourites then with your own id like ventrilo does

NORM SERVER -- xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx etc..
Just it will be saved as a text string in for example .txt... then those IP's be listed in order into the listbox as items. So if you renamed them, it would try to connect to for example normality -, which is incorrect. Without doing string searching and such, could always just replace letters with nothing "" so it would appear as just an IP... but that's a bit too much for now :p
cant beat gamescanner im my holy oppinion, still :::: well done
+1, gamescanner is like all seeing eye
Quoteno more copying IP and such

but to add the server u have to copy and past the ips in the lines or? :o so u can use every server browser :p
Why dont you just use HLSW as a SLAC-Launcher? Oo
create a cfg file named bio.cfg
open it
type : connect xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx

In game :
open console
exec bio

use hlsw/gamescanner, set the et-path on slac.exe connect to server

Show me path and parameters please...
for what?

go on properties and then change x:\xxxxx\wolfenstein - enemy territory\et.exe to x:\xxxx\slac\slac.exe
that will just load up SLAC, how is it even parsing the IP and such?
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