Bad server ip (slacproblem)

Getting kicked while joining a server with the slac addon. Some servers I don't, but some I'm getting the whole time.

Any solution?
inb4 use the correct server ip

im not sure if there's a fix tbh :S
try /net_port serverport /net_restart and than connect again
Did that 10 times yesterday, and the last time it worked. But don't want to do that 10 times everytime
contact khalplja .

but sometimes he doesnt respond.
/quit et
seems to happen sometimes.
got it to sometimes then i close et and slac , restart et and slac , connect to server again but sometimes i still get the error ,
same, I hate this error :<
used to get it a lot, not s much anymore
reconnect until u get in (change net_port and do net_restart to get rid of temp ban) until its fixed :l
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