aim training?!


Lately I feel like every single player outaiming me in 1on1 situations and I am wondering if you guys use any kind of little training to develope your aim. Sometimes I make the corner aim stuff which was shown by raziel and ganon in their videos, but I get bored of that after 5 minutes. And I think playing on public is not helping to improve my aiming skills anymore(?). Also I tried the program called "reflex" from aiming by raziel pack, but it's bugged with my ATI card.
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

See you around.
Aiming on corner but allready stopped with ti really boring to do :)
you have aim , or you dont have .

Skip to 1:55 and start watching. Basically its training your mousecontrolling by swapping from A to B.

P.S. You were using some acceleration if I remember correctly. Maybe there is your problem ;) Also try not to move your mouse much when 1on1, keep it steady and "go into flow", dunno how to say it otherwise.
No I don't use accel, actually I never did. I think u are mixing me with Nonix.
Thanks for the video, I used to do this, but not as much as I did the corner aiming, I dropped some madpacks and I swapped my mouse the mouse from one to the other. Gonna try it the way u did.
Thanks once again!
Play QL, go shaft, go pro.
I'd say just think more about your positioning & timing, doesn't matter how good your aim is if you're off-balance every 1on1 & pushing into crossfires at predictable times. That or play loads of 3on3s. :P
Yes I know how much timing and positioning are important, but you can get into situations where u can only fall back on your pure aim, that's what I want to improve.
but you aim amazing >:
play with Panzerfaust
Yes, he will gets 40-50% ACC :D
just camp and backrape...

its normal ur aim is getting a bit worse after some time... ppl have better and worse moments... just dont care and do like nuggan... when hes aim is totally OFF he just does the teamplay part
Dueling is mostly about positioning and timing.

Positioning and timing requires gamesense and brains.

Hungarians don't have gamesense or brains. Just deal with it.
I know that timing and positioning are really needed in a duel, but it's not MOSTLY about it. Maybe in a close-range fight, but in mid-range and long-range fights your aim is what u can fall back on. It's a lot easier to aim on close range targets with both low and high sens than aiming on high range moving or not moving targets.
Nonix is better than drago
Just learn when to preshoot. Imo duels are a lot about getting the first 1-2 hits. Besides that why does your aim suck atm?, I recall you to be a rather good aimer. :)
pubs in ET prolly still the best aimtrain there is, cybergames if possible! plus quakelive and lg = profit
Go out of spawn knowing where enemies are is a good chance. That means u need to know the spawntimes which give a global idea of their position, then just aim steady to the points they should appear. e.g. second spawn axis on Supply Depot, u should get ready to shoot to east when walls already breached and u have good coverage of walls and stuff there.

Also, while ur 1on1 someone and u think u just can beat him, take a look or take in count ur health level, that would make u realise if u can win the battle or just need to stop shooting and hide and heal.
Theres obvious points as... aim to the head and try not to aim by hearing hitsounds of following the enemy body, concentrate to keep ur eyes focused on the crosshair in order to hit others.
Rape only. Works for the tMoe guys so should work for everyone else, even if it is boring and lame.
Imo, movement is key. Even in long range fights. Been playing with really low sens for some time, but I changed back to high sens and standard mpitch for more versatility and faster gameplay. Been switching over last few games to test it out, and eventhough my mouse is abit busted, I noticed how the more irratic strafing with higher sens lets me overcome impossible odds while with the low sens I can just cling on, nothing more. Ofcourse it's all about being comfortable with your settings, but perhaps you have been lowering your sens up to a point where you stopped playing comfortably with it?
Low sense > *

Tbh, my movement is based on my keyboard, not on my mouse, maybe I'm misunderstanding you here, didn't really read focussed (exams and shit)
With low sens you adapt to the strafing pattern of your enemy, making it easier for him to hit you. I would agree that low sens makes your aim seem more stable at times, but I think medium sensitivity (which I wrongly called high in my previous comment) has more advantages for 1on1's. I guess this also depends on your playing style, if you like to rape 24/7, I recon a low sens would suit you better. But for faster gameplay I prefer higher. I'm just sharing my experience since he seems to have trouble winning 1on1's, the one thing that hasn't been an issue for me when I play with medium sens.
Maybe thats the problem with my feeling that "I am too hittable for this game", I tend to get assraped by opponents shooting headshots on me and me only, my mates just wait untill the opponents have shot their 30 bullets and then start raping them, while I die after about 5-6 bullets

Could be my amazing internet aswell though, a stable and good internet connection, an advantage or not?
Yeah, with medium sens, I can turn around and shoot or find out where to take cover more swiftly than with low sens. Usually with low sens I was dead before I could make a 90° turn. Perhaps some people have adapted to this, but I don't think I ever will.
Well I don't have troubles turning around :)
Me neither. Just turning around in time or turning around and instantly start strafing+shooting :)
just shout really loud on vent you need backup and run away and go back in when help arrives
With low sens aiming is easy mode
When you start with your opponent being on or near your crosshair, if not, I find it hard to outstrafe the enemy. I guess it just depends on your gamestyle, but I prefer a faster playing style and getting a few hits/hs in before I die when I get backraped so my teammates have it easier. The fact that im using earplugs (broken headset) might be an issue with my previous low sens though, causing me to misjudge it. Since soundqueues are even more important with low sens.
I always felt comfortable playing with my sens (180-200 degrees on 45cm), used it for 3+ years. Now I use 4x higher sens because I have stolen office mousepad serving as underlay (which is only 15cm wide). It indeed feels good in extreme closerange-duels but thats about it.
I was talking more about medium sens though, because that's pretty high :D
But I agree, for a low sens you need atleast a pad of 40cm in width (which I dont have either atm)
i have a 40 cm pad, and i do like a 720° turn over the whole pad

buy a new mouse and a new mousepad. it will make you pr0-h4xx0r-4im3r!
Get hacks
doubt that many players in ET scene do practice that, however i know few TOP et aimers who do/did for sure like reload, perfo, etc
-prolly best trainer is @ based on java
video of starix from NaVi playing it, sick stuff:
-reflex.exe is fucked up unless u use vsync which sucks is based on flash which is weird concerning response times and smoothness in modern browsers
-also some random soft like Clickmer or that kick-ups stuff which drago posted recently but those arent that popular

except for timing and positioning that ppl already mentioned a lot also depends on strafing(dodging), but that's easier to practice in games like QL i believe
ClickMeR is pretty fun, but indeed not popular. is what Netherlands teKoa used back when he was playing for idle. Reflex.exe is indeed borked unless you use vsync like you said.

Playing Quake 3 a lot has definitely helped me with aiming and movement. I never really 'practised' reflex games in the sense of the word but played them more as a distraction/time sink (+ some of them were good fun).

Anyway, here's my journal from 2 years ago about some games. United States of America PatrickBateman (Scriabinist?) also posted a fun game which I haven't mentioned. The drago recommendations are also good, I especially like osu. People recommend it for SC2 micro as well (although Baggiez really sucked at it).
i actually typed your nick coz i somehow remember that journal you posted and i was having fun with these games at that time :D
cool memory, already 2 years passed ;o
2 years and no improvement
Time flies. :D
lol'd @ starix oO
stop acohol, drugs and girls.
or with other words: you cant live a nice life and still pwn peoples aiming.
outsmart em, simple as that
practice aim? just play.
ah, your secret tactics?=D
play osu!
play 1on1, u'll find it quite hard if you face quite enemys, and u'll find it easier in others wars format, worked for me at least
Play ET on public, but don't camp. It's really that easy. Sock had the best philosophy when you put yourself in uncomfortable positions and force yourself to react and aim. I use to love tc_base as allies because I'd just try to get from spawn to the axis spawn killing anyone camping/obviously in a superior position only by moving forward and shooting.
i usually consult with KRP's psychologist dr. Van Omen. It really helps.
4- ???
usually id say confidence is important aswell ;-)
just think you are better than everyone else and you will be. or in this case better than everyone else but me.
I see all these ppl giving these reflex and aiming games but i have a little problem with those:
They don't work on inverted mouse :'(
SO GIEF ME ONE WHERE I CAN PALY WITH INVERTED MOUZ (Y-axis only ofc, X-axis would be weird)
dont play to much, take a break and only play on prac´s and offi´s. do some rl stuff and dont put your mind 24-7 on ET
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