Egypt sup?

Last night in Cairo about 6000 prisoners escaped from the jail! sup?

Guards stopped with their work because of the "fights" in Cairo. Because of this the prisoners were free again!
Aswell it appeared that in a city called Fajum, about 130km south of Cairo aswell an "escape" occured. The amount of escaped prisoners is still not known. And it seems they killed a high-status policeman and took hostage of a guard!

What do u think about this?!:D

Will government start to surrender now? if they do so will other countries do the same?
or will the fights continue?

If u don't care don't reply in this journal!(only pictures allowed in this case)
couldnt care less
not even bothered
government already stepped back
Not exactly.
google translate
Egyptian government led by Prime Minister Ahmed resigned Nazifiga country have seized on the fifth day of mass protests ago.

Nazifi government resigned the day after the longtime President Hosni Mubarak announced today during the night to dissolve the government sends, but does not intend to resign themselves, mediated by CNN.

Egypt's Health Ministry said at least 38 people have died in unrest, but unofficial information may be victims of a half more. This error has been received by hundreds of people and the police have detained about a thousand people.
Yes but he has dissolved his advisers. Not personally resigned. He still calls the shots and the political front and panel will all be very similar people, or maybe even the same people mixed around attending to different departments.
are you talking about the prez or pm?
Prez, he has the power.
yes, i'm talking bout government
Yes so am I, they got dissolved but I can assure you he will appoint the same sort of people if it all settled down. I think he will step down in a few weeks.
6000 horny demons rushing on poor defenseless egyptian ladies... gonna be an awesome gang bang. waiting for the news :D
Braindamaged crossfire users - no point to talk to them about serious things.
i thought averge IQ of a crossfire user is higher then normal, guess i was wrong ":D"
IQ has nothing to do with this
well i was hoping to hear theory's about what might would happen in future due the situation! but i agree the IQ doesn't seem to be relevant to this! "Interests" is maybe a better word for this?
That is all you have to say, sure as hell makes you look smarter than the rest of us.
i think alexl had something to do with it hmzzzzzz
whut is Igipt
any news link to this prison break for a news team like cnn? sounds like rumours to me!

I'm thinking 6000ish is a high number but a lot have escaped.

Btw sup kevlar it's servi :D
6000 in 1 prison, and i just read there are 4 prisons where these escapes occured! But dunno about media and their way of retrieving information about the amount of escaped prisoners :)
its 34 members of the muslim brotherhood that were released? hardly 6000! 150 dead and thousands injured.... the US is playing a major part in the restructure (suprise suprise) its all going to end in tears :(

servi o/
Been to that museum, AND WAT
yeah its nice, lots of prison breaks. government has given permission for soldiers to use real bullets. they are using tear gas, rubber bullets, and real bullets. some people are hurt, some dead.

whoever finds this acceptable way of life.. I mean? wtf :D
about 119 "confirmed" deads by now? And almost 100% is caused by bullets?
where the fuck are you getting these figures from?

150 dead. most from civil unrest.... like 12 from bullets?

will search later, i can't come with facts now due i heard it on radio.
It certainly wasn't a good move coming from the 'protesters'. All in all it depends who rly was in that prison...
world war 3
This video is so moving

image: egypte_23

image: egypte_34

image: egypte_39

image: egypte_35

And the other pictures taken from the protest:
i saw a video of the first guy getting shot,i didn't know he was shot in the head tho :O
Great photos!
rumors saying some part of that looting and even the escapes are staged by the government to make the protesters look bad. and i actually think that could be true though we will probably never rly know ;p
image: egypte_49

looks weird x]
2012 is coming close.
11months and 1 day till 2012
i hope Egyptians get what they are fighting for,i wish Lithuanians did something like that

RIP to all those people that died when fighting for their freedom
The whole country is cutted from international internet or cell phone net:
The decleration of independance sais people have the right to do this.Which is perfectly fair imo, we can argue the way that people are going about doing this but the principle of bringing down a government which is enacting policies which are harmful is perfectly fair. The US will under no circumstances allow Egypt to use widespread live bullets.
Egypt will have to reform a new government if this carries on. Egypt is backed financialy by the US, if that financial backing stops then Egypt falls. Thus if the president of Egypt defies what the US sais and starts slaughtering people by the 100/1000s with live bullets the financial backing stops. Which is not going to happen.

Egypt is now completely offline to the inet. This will get worse before it gets better.
Stopped reading when I noticed you spelt says wrong.
You gota love people like you,Meez,Baggiez etc. Your what like 12? and correct everyones english on the site when 75 % of people on this site are cleverer than you.

Noone looks over their spelling on the inet, i never re-read what i just wrote and check spelling, if its wrong its wrong im not being graded on it and have no intention of being seen as someone whose very clever and has perfect english. Take from my spelling and judge me what you will. But i assure you im far cleverer in certain areas than you will ever be :).

My english outside of the inet is fine because i make sure it is when writing. CARE ABOUT ONLINE.

just reply accordingly to the argument instead of pointing out spelling mistakes maybe?
If you're going to spell words wrong why even bother with capitals, punctuation, or formatting in general?

First off, I love this general bring-in meez and baggiez. I'm not sure if you think it offends us or what, I am not on ventrilo with them, we are all very different people, I just saw this and couldn't deal with reading some badly written information on the subject that you probably got from a 7 minute crammed news update at one of the given times, with an outrageous spelling mistake.

QuoteBut i assure you im far cleverer in certain areas than you will ever be :).

Yes, this is probably true, and me better than yourself in certain areas. That is how it works.

You seem awfully outraged at this, but there have been far too many times where I've seen you tried to blag your way and act like you know everything about any topic, but when pushed your knowledge seems limited and quite simply flawed - and you do this in many things (including ET), and I am not the only one that notices. I'm not interested in getting into a 'flame war', I just don't like the pseudo political/businessman suit front you put on.
why cant i put it on this is my 6th year of studying it :)

I can write entire essays right now on the subject of business and world politics specialising on the areas in Egypt and the east. Why would i ever do that on the inet just to prove a point?.

The reason i bring in you,meez,baggiez etc. Your not the only ones however you obviously see yourselfs as 'clever irl' and you probably are for your age. You are just thouroughly mistaken in thinking that online grammer = your intelligence. When noone checks their grammer online.
The reason that i use some form of grammer online is without any grammer i would get everyone posting saying. GOOD ENGLISH SKILLS etc which would mean i would never get any valid replys from people about my arguments im trying to make. So minimal grammer is required on this website to be taken somewhat seriously. You just seen to only take people 'seriously' when their grammer is perfect. Which is incredibly ignorant.
In a few years il be the most qualified person on this fucking website in the area of business. Making what i say about business more 'credible' than others. However i may be wrong in areas im not in the US government or in the Egyptian government. I cant interview Obama about the issues and whats going on behind the curtain so to speak.
You can only know what u see or have seen and draw conclusions from that. Just my conclusion comes from far more academic and credible experiance and knowledge than

Reason im even doing this now is because im hungover and will be doing nothing all of today :). So ive got time to carry on if you wish. What would you do without google? youd be fucked lol.
I type 'correctly' because I love the English language, and I do not mind working my fingers a little harder to respect it. Google is indeed a great resource to have, and I doubt i'd be as well educated, or the person I am without search engines.

I could write essays about it too, and I don't even academically study it. But I have no interest in going into business, so again we're better at different things; people are all unique.

I'm hungover and very tired too, getting up after sleeping for 3 hours is not what I want to do. I do, however, have next weekend off. Going to pick my sister up, she's returning from being in Thailand for 2 months. Peace
Quote but there have been far too many times where I've seen you tried to blag your way and act like you know everything about any topic, but when pushed your knowledge seems limited and quite simply flawed - and you do this in many things (including ET), and I am not the only one that notices.

As for ET. Welcome to ET lol. You played this game long enough to see how the gaming world turns around. Eveyone thinks they are better than they are and think what they say is the truth. Just like in the real world, the more credible your past experiance is the more credible your current words are about the chosen criteria. The top players give the most valuable information regarding ET as they are the best.
You will be cleverer in other areas but my area is business. Its what i have done and what i will always do. If you dont care about it atleast respect it.

My sister lived in Thailand for a year a while ago :) hf
Tunisia, Egypt, next will be Algeria, Lybia and Marocco

3rd world war is cuming
Hardly, the other countries cannot get involved in such a personally political event. The US gives 'advice' to all countries and speaks out because it is the most influential country in the world, but the UN will not be at all pleased if the US send troops over to 'help things'.
Arabian countries will most likely follow the trend, look in Yemen, they already started to protest, same goes for Algeria... I'm pretty sure this is gonna be dominos, and i'ts agood thing, let's pray is reaches some day Iran..
Haha, that would be interesting but I think there would just be a genocide in Iran.

I understand what you are saying, but most governments are bad for people. We are lucky to have the NHS over here, but that is about it. I'd rather have a government treat the people like shit (not Egypt shit, we're talking standard government) and it to last stably for a long period of time, than for it to treat the people well and grind to a halt, as well as lose all credibility and it to be for a much shorter period of time. It's a hard one, but quite frankly socialist stable governments will not work.
Im hoping Alexl is okay
Im going to a tutankhamun exhibition jealous? I think so.
rly crazy whats goin on there :o
i was there years before. hopefully they have a quick solution dont has to be dirty imo
they mad ?
i hope alexl will die there.
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