busted ?

vid_restart bug
rofl :DDD seriously, i understand what SLAC does but still, fucking retarded that hackers can own servers with old hacks coolface np on :DDD

And yes, THEY WILL BE BANT CUZ SILENT DETECTONN. But how easy it is to make a new slac account?
in most cases not as easy as you think.. many people can't login regardless whether their new accounts are banned or not
well now the idea of silent detection is:

first detection of the hack

log any detected users of the hack but don't ban them for x time

ban all the people who got caught in period x, from now on ban for this hack as soon as its detected

not: detect cheater never ban
"Anti-cheat status: OK"

but...but...hack cannot into slac?
I dont see anything exceptional?
first hacking screenshot ive seen from slac !
epic :D
wonder why he still sux
nothink obviously
amazing photoshop skilz i see....
Anti-cheat status: OK so he' s clean gtfo
just high sens, dont worry
lol why is he not banned yet?
slac id above 10.000 = hax
fortunately mine is around 9000 :{D
Phase 1: Report this user
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Profit!

is this green helmet a joke ?? or really so shit this wh
69ers Hook :)
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