Sad songs

What would you class as a sad song?
I feel the need to listen to some whilst I search for a new job :(

Read the journal before you delete it Frop, don't just delete it based on it's name. For example I could have a journal titled FROP IS A MASSIVE DICK but when you click it you could see the content :-) Good job buddy!
Clouseau - Afscheid van een vriend
this journal is now about nc on sunday. which matches are going to be played?
alright...cant figure the nations out though
You don't need a job, playing ET 24/7 is all you need.
du spast! 2 sekunden!!! -___-
guter geschmack, kamerad!
ebenfalls :-)
that is actually one of the EPIC sadnessssssss songs
Loads, but I'm not in the mood to collect them atm : /
Not at all, I just like melancholic music (every now and then)
btw when u r searching a new job u should be in a positive mood eh :)
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