petrol prizes?

What's the current prize for 1 litre Super in your country?
Is there any other country expect Germany Germany where you can buy E10?

Germany Germany
1L = around 1,45 EUR up to 1,51 EUR atm

inspired by flR: :D
I use leafjuice
telekom broke?
We have E10 aswell if I remember and prices are quite similar (not sure tho :D)
yesterday i payed 1.529 for old/normal super ^^
for me as a worker in the automotiveindustry i'm waiting for the first issues with E10.
Today i payed 1.55 for Super
~1,5 for 95E10, little bit more for 98.
at my city:

Gasoil: 1.293€ +-
Gasoline 95: 1.442€ +-
Gasoline 98: 1.512€ +-
mais barato q em lisboa
Tomei como base um preço médio. Há ainda mais barato na minha cidade :P E esta semana parecem mais baixos que a semana passada..
What is E10 btw? Just noticed it 2 weeks ago..
Atm 1,47€ is cheap where I live and fortunately petrol station stop at 1,51€ for now..
10% ethanol instead of 5% (E5)
What are the pro's and con's and can I even use that without killing the engine?
You need to check it from the web.

pros: more eco?
cons: You won't drive as far with E10
Ahh, yer find some forumdiscussion, but they also hv all different results & opinions
well the government definitely just wants E10 because its more ecologically than E5...90% of the cars here on german streets are able to use it without any troubles , remaining 10% wont kill their engine but there will be some troubles from time to time like rusting canisters etc. I'm working for BMW , they say noone of our cars will have problems with E10...noone of those who were build in the last 20 years. Ford discourages for their cars. For me (driving a BMW and a Citroen) i'm still using E5 as long as possible and if there wont be any E5 available i'll switch to 98 Gasoline...
ich bin keiner...sry
1.25 € 99
prize != price
i dunno lol
Its good that the petrol prices are going to rise because it means people will use their cars less and there will be less pollution and congestion.

Haters Gonna Hate!
there is the log out button,get the fuck out now
there is the log out button,get the fuck out now
Yep, I'm moving closer to university now, because I can't afford using the car so often anymore.
1.149€ diesel A at Alcampo
uk is about £1.29 for normal petrol it sucks its almost 80% tax or something stupid
Around 12 NOK here =O
1,44 here my family got a oil station :>

and i currently work there :PpP
here it's the same: 1,5 € / L
fuck shit thoiugt i will use e10... -.- not good for my car so i had to pay a lot of money to fulfill my tank^^ now sstill joinig our polish friends
don't care, i'm just paying cause you have to anyway. can't change anything so why getting mad?
dunno what my neighbour has to pay, but he has to pay a lot.
I payed 1.539 last week for Euro95
E10 is bullshit propaganda by now... most of the gas stations still offer normal super as E10 to catch customers with apperantly lower prices.
here 1L= 0.5 euro!
~1.50 per litre
around 200 krónur
1,22 sth
1,27 (canadian dollar) ~ 1euro
Ojala te mueras
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