
oK this is the deal:

I feel like my skill is going back not forrward! Is that posible?

I mean WTF is going on?

If Europe YOU have any tips 4 Norway ME plz tell me...

It can couse that Im going to quit ET, and I really dont want that!


plz dont flame to mutch ;=)

Anonymous Anonymous
just go on
needs time
turn your monitor on
thx 4 the tipp :P..will try that :>
put little bit higher sens, that helps :)
yeah i sometimes use twice my sens when i am bored on public and even if the acc goes down the hs goes up :p
Turning up your sens is fun, but if you turn it up too much I always get aches in my wrist because I'm not used to wristaiming. :<
You're right:P Increasing sensitivity by +-15% helps.

Once we played some random 3v3 vs low- skill so to make it even we increased our sensitivities 6 times... it was quite fun, but next day, with normal sensitivity... bleh I couldn't even turn.
well all "real pro's" are using "highsens". like 270°-360° @ 20-40cm
I use 15-40cm for 180 turn!!! Teh pro mouseaccel:D
omfg put it little bit bigger!
So you say I'm not pr0? :(
Yep, a bit high sens is good, I have ~360° 25cm, only bad thing is that it's harder to shoot acuurate very far.
not for me :p. I have like ~~300° @ 40cm D:
i have 180 over 40cm :(
omfg. I used that sens like 1 year ago, but when I changed it to bigger I wtfpwned :d
change something in your cfg, thats what i do if i suck :D
omg its lokini!!!!!!!!11111111111111111!!!!!!onesneonsoeneosnesexxx
Turn off your hitsounds, you won't notice you're the suck and will get confident you can aim again!
is that your style :D?
Ye used to do that, but noticed it didnt matter if I turned them on or off I was still the suck :<!
sad story :<. I have use hitsounds now like 2,5 years in a row or smth :p
Hmm I still enjoy playing without hitsounds though.. I dont know it's quite fun... I tend to stop being concentrated when having hit someone really bad and he's like 2 hp.. I get killed a lot because of my lack of concentration after giving 2 headshots, when I'm not using hitsounds I don't know how much hp the opponent has and therefore will be concentrated all the time.

My best kills were my kills without hitsounds, but I've got them turned on because I have no idea if I'm hitting someone from far distance or not (for example radar).
ye, it is hard to kill somebody without hitsounds :p
Far distance yes (120 fov :P), close combat? Nah.
are you playing with 120fov :p? c00l!
Ye, but I've got a toggler to 90 fov but I don't use it too much.
i heard u are pro now?
I heard you did remove dickheadmix-channel from your perform?
play on proper publics
if you have a clan, dont play on public at all
1) Join a clan that:
- has an active and stable lineup
- has players and atmosphere u and the others like and u really enjoy playing together
- has intentions similar to yours

2) play actively with your clan, pay attention to tacs & teamplay and discuss about them

3) prac vs decent opponents

U can only evolve as a player by playing clanwars with a decent clan vs decent opponents, pubbing doesn't help a shit, neither does playing with a bad clan (and I don't mean clans skill, I mean atmosphere, the entirety)
Like you know any of that shit...
suck dick imo

I did that last spring but then 1 guy from my clan became an yerman automatic ircbot =(
Too bad :((((
fov 90 low sens
i wanted to ask exactly the same question, why sometimes i wtfpwn, and sometimes suck? its shity in et
Endure. In enduring, grow strong.
malakaaasssss <BIG_VIRTUAL_DICK_HERE>
take a long brake from gaming, it realy helps.. like a day or two
thx 4 the greate tipps ;)
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