Argentina vs Portugal

oh wait ...

The clash of two of the world's best players!!

image: cr7tq
messi is better than ronaldo
Is it coincidental that he's plays pretty poorly with a team thats isn't as high class as
At least Messi isn't a fag compared to CR7
ronaldo? this selfish gay who's crying in every single match and simulating like a fucking slut? How the fuck can you even compare him with a genius like Leo?
It's cute how you call him "Leo", like you know him.
im not polish Cules for 8 years already and saw leo 2 times in real life so yeah somehow i know him
I'm sure seeing him on the field or even asking for an autograph or a picture with him is grounds enough to feel buddied up and call him "Leo".
haha so in your way of talking you can't call any star by his name. full of bullshit
Do you call President Barrack Obama "Bar", "Barry" or "Oby"?


His wife or friends? Maybe, who knows

So yah, you can call him by his name, but his fucking name is Lionel, not Leo.
so why people called ronaldinho - ronni, andres iniesta - Andre.. isn't that fucking normal?
Sure it is, if you know him personally.
for me you don't need to know him
Good to know you live in your own world where it's apparently normal to call people that do not know each other on a personal level by a shortened name, which in any other world would imply a certain form of intimacy.
Mind if I call you Ron or Ronny? :)
Nope, cuz it's my actual name.
they see me trollin,
they jizzin'
eeeeh gross, and no :P
Figuratively speaking, the name Ronni is opinionated to be a goofy named to call one who uses the name Ron, Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, or anything in relation.
On that note, it wouldn't be so methodical for anyone, friend or foe, to label him that
he is stupid, you can ignore him
no, youre fucking stupid jew
take it easy, accepting what you are is another step for happiness
stupid cunt for you i'm stupid because im callin messi by his name? someone needs a doctor i c
various actions made by you
as i said, take it easy, it's not like it's your fault (thought you should aknowledge your damages)
haha playing intelligent sarcastic person, dear god why your fucking family survived
they weren't in the holocaust if that is what you're implying you freaking retarded kid, fuck sakes and you're wondering why i'm calling you stupid
2 bad they werent would be great to see your family members dying
H O W F U C K I N G R E T A R D E D C A N Y O U B E????????????????????????

Dear god just shut up and stop making yourself a total jackass ;x
like calling him Leo, means you pretend to know him. what a bullshit, please stop :).
genius aka i take growth hormons since i was 12? fuckin steroid player
nigga please, how many articles you even read about this?
how many articles about growth hormons have u read?
read them again so ull get some clue about ur genius messi
ah so steroids gave him his technique, movement, self-control, using brain during the game, valour great to know it, thanks.
VALOUR :dddd

by valour u mean acting like ronaldo, lying on ground every time someone touches him?

pls, get ur facts straight mr barca fanboi...
So stupid :').
How about saying Lio?
I prefer Leeoh
ronaldo is overrated
thought for a second that Argentinia won 20:0 vs Portugal :/

germany vs italy tonight much more interesting =)
france vs bresil > *
france will loose 3:1 np
i think they will tighten! (spot the joke)
more interesting... in what exactly? :)
well, i understand, but in what terms? like in terms of tactics, dynamic play or dribbles, etc?
U didnt watched the world cup?

the german team is playing very well and its allways fun/nice to watch..imo
Alright, I agree that the current first German line-up is awesome, but:

1) you can't say the same about Italy.
2) I heard Germany won't play in their strongest line-up. And Italy, too.
3) so is Argentina and Portugal - they are famous of their technical abilities and dynamic, attacking-minded football (especially in friendlies, where they do not risk anything).
yes but i think that argentina isnt that strong atm and Portugal will do it easy with there technic&youngstars ;)

maybe we both can agree that the 2 games are interesting tonight :-D
obviously we can agree on that, but i can't agree on germany-italy being more interesting than argentina-portugal :).
watching team whos playing defensive, counting on counter attacks is not fun... at least in not nazi countries
watching Team Poland loosing every match is more fun huh?
aggro, compare lose and loose :)
no, thats why i dont watch Poland national team... prefer to watch some nice and open matches...
Portugal is awesome in friendlies. I'd bet 2X.
i know it might be old already, but still:

Please, find Cristiano Ronaldo at the picture below.
hahaha nice
messi does the same atm
It's funny cos the last Barca game i watched, this weekend, Messi was just walking around doing nothing ;)
this weekend, messi scored a hat-trick against atletico.
This weekend he scored 3 goals, and he walked around for the rest of the game.
he also came back to his own penalty area, took a ball from an opponent and ran forward with it.
I dont expect that from the "best" player in the world tbh ;)
also, if you score 3 goals, you have done your job, no need to do anything else.
the picture above shows cristiano in the match that was lost by his team 0-5 :).
ronaldo not even top 20 best players
u right
he is top 3
as far as i know
3. Iniesta (FC BARCELONA)
yeah, right... 2010, 2018 and 2022 worldcups are the proof fifa are dumbasses, so I don't trust that top3
And Sneijder being better than all 3 of em together ;)
Well, sneijder carried Inter and NL to their respective finals and won one, which Messi obviously did not. Inter beat barca in the semifinal aswell with all the 3 "best" players in the world atm ;)
Well it seems then that Inter is lighter than Barcelona.
In case you dont understand the joke, I'll state it in other words. Sneijder carried Inter, while Messi (and Xavi and Iniesta) carried Barcelona - two different teams. If Inter beat Barcelona, then Messi had tougher job to do (carrying his team) than Sneijder, because Barcelona was weaker. Also, having so many awesome players next to you makes it tougher to carry your team alone.

Btw, the prize is for a player, not for a team. The prize is for the best player, not for the most successful in terms of trophies won by his club. Especially when a team beats another one thanks to an off-side goal :).
Sneijder had the best season in his life, he played awesomely, much better than Messi and Iniesta(injured for how long??), only Xavi could compare to him tbh.
Award not for a team? I see barca players only, while robben would have deserved being one of the top players aswell. Not to mention the coach away going to del bosque or w/e his name is for winning the WC with a poor game, while mourinho was much better.
QuoteSneijder had the best season in his life.

Still not enough for Messi and Xavi. Lewandowski had the best season in his life, too, yet he also didn't get the prize :(.

Iniesta's rank is of course questionable as he was injured in the first part of the year, so I agree he shouldn't be there.

You just underestimate how well Messi played last year. It is not that he didn't win anything. CL top scorer, La Liga top scorer, more goals than games he played, and perhaps something else, but I cba to remember. Add that to his gameplay throughout the whole year. That's something you simply can't measure.

Xavi... yes, I thought the prize was going to him. He probably lacked a goal in the WC final - Iniesta stole his prize :).

Sneijder should be top3 at least, in place of Iniesta, but which one of these three should get the first spot. We are not able to say which one was the best with 100% certainty, though. If you think you can, you are wrong. This competition is most often very subjective. Deal with it. I would deal with it, if Sneijder won it.

QuoteAward not for a team? I see barca players only, while robben would have deserved being one of the top players aswell. Not to mention the coach away going to del bosque or w/e his name is for winning the WC with a poor game, while mourinho was much better.

So if you see "barca players only" it means barca has many awesome players. Robben is one the top players as well. Top23 :). Btw, they didn't include Milito in top23, and I think that was very very wrong.

Btw, Mourinho WON the prize for coaches.
Too lazy to argue some more now.
Agree on Milito, he had a great season, my bad on Del Bosque, read it a while ago and i was pretty much sure it was awarded to him.

Anyway have a good day. ;)
....manners please
i love all this hate towards ronaldo, just because hes skilled, handsome and successfull :DDD
agree with skilled and successfull with chicks
but this Rolando guy isnt even that good.
Get over it you .pt people.
nothing, not event his guy, about your country is important or best at anything.
I love these haters.
Liga BBVA Best Goalgetters:

Messi 24

C.Ronaldo 24

-.- ye Ronaldo is so bad ...
at least messi is a team player
and ronaldo isnt? xD

i love how people compare ronaldo to messi they both are great players in excelent shape with a completely different gameplay.

but has i sayed earlier i will only accept messi as the no.1 when he plays in a different club and league.
why should he play in a different club? Barcelona fits him perfectly and they've got a great teamplay
u just sayed everything barcelona fits him perfectly.
so what? still makes him a better player, even with Argentine he's better
ronaldo has 25 goals m8...
ok then my internetpage wasnt actual :P

+1 too your stament above senseless too compare messi & ronaldo just dont like the way some people here try too rate players by their personality/outer appearance .
just reveals that they dont have any clue about soccer :P
well just bcause ronaldo is similar to mourinho in his behaviour about being one of the best, some people can call him arrogant but i call him a guy with ambition. and messi i call him childish (just to be a hater 2) when he received the best football player of the year trophy he went all the way with his tongue out!
And about the "dives", well 80% of it are real dives ronaldo always get touched, but i admit 20% of them r pure dives, but we can see that every smart player, messi included, dive to get a dangerous free kick.... you can see in the video at least 1 dive of messi.
Correct, Sir!
cristiano scored 24 goals, but Marca (Madrid's gazette; giving pichichi title) counts 25.
haters gonna hate.
I hope its going to be a great match. Maybe Portugal can pull something off like against Spain. Will be fucking exciting to see the two best players playing each other. Both are in great shape at the moment, just wondering how Messi is gonna play knowing that he hasn't his best middlefielders with him.
it will be a gr8 match... but unfortunaly we dont have our main central defenders due to injurys.

messi is not that good when playing for argentina, wonder why.
C.Ronaldo is a physically stronger player, but that doesn't mean he's better or worse. I like both of them and enjoy watching them, so won't take sides. But yeah Messi hasn't played as good for Argentina as he does in Barca yet. But on the other side When they played each other it was mostly Messi shining.
Messi team will bash Ronaldos team like every single time. And like in every single match between thier teams CR will suck Messis balls.

3-1 for Argentina
Messi never did anything special with Argentina. Can't do much without Xavi and Iniesta funneh <3
oh no
not me
i never sold a goal
your face
to face
with a man who sold a goal
David Bowie > Nirvana :>
Ronaldo > Messi
most judges say that ronaldo is the most annoying player they have ever had to judge

how can u say most if only 1 tard referee sayed that?

btw ronaldo suffered 87 faults and messi 48 sup?

most of them was rly harsh tackles.
only 1 referee? :DDDDD
it was on some sport channel that the judges mostly just talk about ronaldo's "i want a free kick omg" during the breaks and think how they should have reacted to that
get me facts from it... never saw that anywere, just saw 1 referee blaming him.
ill try to find it
cant find the link, but really, how often does ronaldo fake per match.

"The Danish ref, 45, who took charge of his final Champions League game on Wednesday (Milan vs Ajax), claims officials are more than aware of Ronaldo’s weasel ways."
The CL final of the 1995?
thats the referee im talking about he dont like ronaldo and state it public.
and i ask the question how many times messi dives per match?
Italia still plays more faggot than c.ronaldo^^
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