X Men First Class Trailer

Personally I think every X- Men film has been really crap, the first one was just about bearable but since then they just went from bad to worse. The one with Vinny Jones was extra crap. Suddenly though, this trailer looks amazing and I'm suddenly really interested! However as Spiderman 3 teaches us, Good trailers rarely mean good films!
looks ok
all spiderman were awesome.. and this trailer looks awesome. :)
I think I've seen one of them and it sucked
E: when cc8?
another youtube journal

keep em pumping admin!
not my cup of tea
I've actually enjoyed this Wolverine movie, but i fully agree that the rest was crap. The trailer itself doesn't look very appealing, just another Hollywood production. I wouldn't have my hopes high.
I liked the Wolverine one aswell!
xmen origins: wolverine was GREAT, i'm sure the rest are going to be just as good
cmon toss....

theres so many other good superhero movies coming out! this looks AWFUL.

Captain america
The green latern

even cowboys and aliens looks better than this ! :(
what about the new spiderman reboot? and nolan's new superman series?
nolans superman will be superb...
SMALLVILLE > any superman series:<
Even Thor looks ok!
fuck, forgot that....no trailer yet though?
Not even started filming it afaik, 2012 planned release, the script was leaked a while back and the draft i read was immense! Might have a copy on my other computer but Acksaw is fixing it for me :( will upload it for you when I get it back. Robert Rodriquez is directing, supposedly!

Deadpool = best comic book character ever made

image: deadpool-shoryuken
they have that awesome guy from centurion, 300 and inglorious bastards lol =-D and james mcavoy of course
yeh I wondered where that dude was from, he's the guy with long hair in 300 that starts the laughing over the fighting in the shade, right? :p
that's what butchji is doing lately, filming at mainstream films
5/10 for the resemblance
lol butchji lol
male on male leatherbiker bdsm is german main films so...
gonna be shit... will watch it anyway, cause i like stupid action movies...
again russians are bad, america saves the day

but shit looks awesome tho
russia is good, sent us ak's and t-55
now isnt it just great xD
It's during Cold War times what do you want ?
Director of Kick-ass. Me like.

Haven't seen any x-men movies except for wolverine which wasn't that bad.
QuoteGood trailers rarely mean good films!

x-men 1 and 2 were quite good movies, x-men 3 was was a rather bad one, x-men origins: wolverine was above mediocre, but nothing more..
xmen without hugh jackman?
agreed, no xmen without hugh :(
Second X-men-movie in the trilogy was really good, others were kind of dull. :p

Also waiting for X-men origins -movies for Deadpool and Wolverine's sequel.

E: Trailer indeed looked awesome, I hope it will be filled with action.
xmen without hugh jackman is blasphemy

on a more positive note though, just woke up and i'm still half asleep, but did I recognize the guy from wanted?
yes, u did : )
I like m all, this one is going to be great aswell
I thought the previous X-Men movies were good :o
Let's all comment because Tosspot created this journal. Fags.

Enjoyed the 3rd one (final stand or final fight or smth like that) and Origins wolverine alot :)

looking forward to see this one aswell :P
James McAvoy best actor ever
Same principle applies for games http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=37992
And the x-men series wasn't that bad at all thats just bs. The wolverine movie was the coolest tho.

And spiderman 1+2 were more emo crap. 3 was as it should be, more action and less drama.
Hoping its good, expecting it too be bad. Same with Captain America, only Marvel/DCUniverse films im looking forward too are Thor and Deadpool!

The Deadpool script was leaked online and tis awesome.

Deadpool rox
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