North Korea - Hell March

The word EPIC can be finally used in its correct form
Kri would love this journal.
One of the best tracks in the history of game music!
I think they're mad
getting ready to take over the world
mad men will be mad
welcome to 1980
+1 they dont get it
lol so fucking retarded
red alert 2 was a very very good game, u can say it was epic.
Red alert 3 is sick 2
ok. well epic means like "HOLY SHIT. WOW".

For example Lord of the Rings is epic because there is a small group of warriors who are saving the whole world against 297889127398172 orcs and its epic because its like WOAHHH FUCK ME THIS IS INTENSE. and the proportions of reality, possibility, and morals are stretched and enlarged to such a degree that it is awesome, inspiring, and everything's been brought up to a great scale. ie. epic.
Are you saying this isnt?
no, not at all.
but computer-animated orcs are? fool. -.-
you misunderstood me. i agreed with the march being epic
Great copy pasta you did there.
This makes me want to play C&C again.
welcome back in time, in North Korea time stopped between 1970-1980 :P
RA2 Top
most of them are starving to death anyway.
That's why south korea didnt attack them yet :D + the US
Yeah, just do it when they're all walking down Pyongyang.
would be epic 8D body's flying all over the places
you mean pieces of body ? :)
yea sorry XD
v2 rockets :d
Seen it before and I am not impressed, knowing that this military exposition exceeded their annual expenses for food supplies significantly.
nuke them ffs
their equipment is rather outdated, and they're not a very strong army, just Kim Jong-il's personal toys.
Sick. I can't imagine living in such a country.
Looks fun there!

Nothing is as 'epic' as the likes of the Nuremberg rally etc

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image: nazi_rally_buckeberg
I prefer this

Why don't we just throw bombs. Everyone would be happy :D
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