my school
14 Feb 2011, 14:37
Look at teacher.
She asked why are you laughing so hard, did someone make very dirty joke?
She asked why are you laughing so hard, did someone make very dirty joke?
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
epic entrance
nice ass though
on a site note: are those guys mentionally retarded?
video 1 year ago:
this year video:
those are same guys :D
If the faggots performing in this video ar as old as u, then i feel fucking sorry for them. Mentally age of 11 or something?
My uni.
My school.
Note the 'Arsch' and 'Steffen ist scheiße' on the blackboard :P
Nimmste mich mal mit zur Vorlesung? Checkt doch eh keiner wenn ich da bin. :p
Kumpel hat auch mal gemeint sein Vater wäre z.B. immer zu Vorlesungen gegangen, den einzigen Nachteil den er halt hatte ist dass er dann nur nicht an den Prüfungen teilnehmen konnte. :p Aber ist ja logisch.
Mal schauen. :D Wäre bestimmt witzig.
2nd one is not
hated strict teachers , u cant do anything in those lessons. Some people in my school were funnier than comedians. Had u literaly crying with laughter and the teachers laughing aswell. Wed always be in detention after school but it was always worth it.
If I spend whole day with them then my fucking stomach hurts by the end of the day :DD
Art,Religious Studies and language lessons were the best, noone gives a fuck about art, religion and learning french so we never learned anything in like 3 years. Just spend every lesson making jokes and pissing off the teacher.
Higher grade classes had the strict teachers where u just be quiet for 1 hour and do work. People actively tried not to be in these sets to go lower down so they could have fun all day with non strict teachers and be in the same classes as the funny kids.
i think my religious studies text book for year 10 when i was 15 consisted of 5 written pages in 12 months and 1000000000000000000000 handout sheets i never read.
Teacher: Dan have you done your homework
Dan: No my dog ate it
Luke: So your mum ate it
class crying for like 5 minutes :DDD, just shit like that all lesson all day everyday.