The Rock !!!

Back to Wrestling after 7 long years..

The Rock vs John Cena

Biggest match of all time? :S
so real !
WWE - World Wrestling Entertainment
If you smeeeeeeelalalalou, what The Rock is cooking
herp derp he talks for 20 mins, didnt watch
David Gardener
Haven't seen any wrestling for 7 years since the Rock left, 7 years later the daddy returns and i couldn't be more excited :DDD IF YA SMELALALALALALALA WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING
4 hours ago · Friends only · LikeUnlike ·
he beast :)
Bored of shit acting already?

Not that wrestling is shit acting eh? ":D"
atleast they got millions of viewers
Because millions of viewers make it good, right? :P
i dont say that it makes it good i just wanted to say that it cant be shit acting when millions of people watchin it
I was more into Stone Cold when I used to follow the WWF but I guess it's still pretty cool.
yea! Stone Cold Steve Austin! he was awesome
he must need money or something :P still he's the best! cooking
He won't wrestle Cena
LOL fanboy detected! :D
Yeah I've been a wrestling fan since I was 10 years old. And he won't wrestle Cena ;)
I was a wrestling fan also when it was good! But when the Rock left it so did i :(. Now he is back....and like the most electrifying team in ET g5 i will be speccing him! :D

Yeah I've stuck with it since the Attitude Era ended and it's not quite been the same since :(
Start to wind me up when midgets rolled out from under the ring and hit people lol that really pissed me off. I was all for the epic Mankind Chokeslam through the hell in a cell and shane Mcman elbow dropping off the entrance sign :p epic stuff
the loudest applause since Michael Jackson. Man this makes me want to be a kid again
Can see him getting involved in something though, Cena really laid into The Rock for leaving the WWE in the past didn't he? Was amazing to see him come back and confront it all though.

Think he'll stay on after WM?
Cena didn't really. Rock has been critisized in public before though, most notably by Stone Cold tbh, for "forgetting his roots" etc. Any Cena/Rock angle would be kayfabe only.

You'd think that they'd want to get him involved somehow, he certainly won't be there just for the microphone but I can't see him getting involved in a full feud program.
True but I bet they'll somehow find a way to use him in a match, perhaps special ref?

I think him saying that he's come home and he's never going away was a mistake, loads of fans will take that the wrong way.
Ref wouldn't surprise me but it always turns out with a ref bump and interference, so it'd be lame
It would but I can't really see them using him any other way, I can see him as ref and then just hitting his signatures on the two or more other guys in the ring.

But the question still remains after his speech, do you think he'll leave again after WM?
isn't he supposed to be a special guest ref at wrestle mania?
He is but I doubt he's back just to hype it all up and be on microphone all the time, they'll put him to some kind of use, surely
How can ya like this fake acting shit rly :p
Entertainment. No more fake than any sitcom?
No real competition ain't entertainment for me!
I get you, but you have to treat it like a sit-com/drama instead of true competition. If you appreciate the wrestling itself then it's a bonus, but the show really is catered for casual viewers who just want to follow kayfabe storylines - pantomime villians getting their comeuppance, and so forth.
Ah I didnt know it was all about that. Thought people actually believed it was real competive wrestling, so that's why they kept watching it.
Well when I was 10 I kinda thought it was real but I don't anyone apart from kids that still believe in Santa Claus think wrestling is real ^^
Do you get goosebumps sometimes? :(
Well when this happened, The Rock returning after 7 years, I got goosebumps, mainly because I grew up watching him :]
I didn't watch this for ages, but this guy and Stone Cold were my favorite wrestlers ;D
ohwye, stone cold steve austin <3

i liked chris jericho, with his "walls of jericho"
i grew up, lived and breathed wrestling for about 5 years when i was a kid. if i saw this youtube video without being told who the host was by Ruud or had it written on the video and i heard 'if you smell what the rock is cooking' i woulda got goosebumps for sure. I felt emotion even though id been told before i watched the video.

spend all lunch and breaktime every single day in primary school and year 7 wrestling with everyone was fucking epic times. Golden times of wrestling for me 1998-2003, everyone loved it up as a young kid.

The memories this has brought back are epic. Man being a kid was the shit.

EDIT: Greatest youtube video ive ever seen
im a triple h fanboi :D well i used to be :D
Been posted no more than 5 hours ago.
best journal in 7 years
closed after he mentioned justin bieber

epic fight :D:D:D:D

mark henry vs big daddy xD
baldie lol
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