127 Hours :D

Hi friends :) its 11:06pm and like 40 degrees in Australia so I cant sleep and decided to watch 127 hours. Awesome movie, highly recommend, guy cuts his own arm off :( apparently 2 people fainted during the first screening

Neways still cant sleep so gimme aswome movies to download plz

image: wbfilm127hours420x0
How was the cyclone sunshine?
Wouldnt know mate, living no where near that place :D hows joshua?
Joshua isn't too good actually. He has been in intensive care again over the last few days. I have been going back and forward to the hospital pretty much every day. There is a slim chance that he is finally coming back out today! (I really hope he has been through so much over the last week)

pics to follow!
Your kid? Nice name:)
Bet he will be a cheater like u also!!
wow thats not good news mate :( im sure he will push through. send my love to him & the mrs, better be a gentleman and cancel TLR dad! does he look like maus?
haha, I am not going to cancel a visit to one of the best countries in the world! But no, he doesn't look like maus which is a big relief because I thought my misses had been seeing the bastard!
haha good lad, neways hope he gets well soon geeza

Most boring film I have seen in a while, the only exciting part was when he cut his arm off...
I saw the first 25 mins but didnt care enough to watch the rest .. looked pretty boring
Read the book so its actaully kinda interesting :)
One of the best movies of this year, only people that didnt like it is those who willingly watched transformers more than twice
transformers is awesome, you probably just cannot comprehend all the advanced technological methods that were used in that movie, which is why you don't like the movie, so the problem is not in those people that understand it, but in you because you aren't able to understand it. j/k didn't even watch it
indeed, film is awesome
good movie
it's fucking boring
sounds boring.. not gonna watch 2 hours of random cliff shit for 2 mins of cutting arm.
But you will play ET for 3 years doing the exact same thing everysingle day...cute
sense of life then? everyday the same, sleeping, being wake, eating, shitting and so on :)
I saw it got shitloads of rewards so I'll wait and watch it in cinema :)
black swan
death race 2
The Tourist

I recommend. :{D
i heard its a shit film ..
yes good movie.
People fainted watching it? Imagine how Aron Ralston felt when he had to snap his bones and cut through his nerves etc :PPP

Good film though :-)
Just downloaded it in bluray, will have a watch soon.
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