Gaming ruins studies.

So today my new schoolyear started. I dropped out of lawschool due to motivational problems and I started with international marketing.

During the first class in which I met my fellow students for the first time I overheard some guys talking about Wolfenstein 3D. Some dude had brought his laptop to class ( is allowed) and was playing it. Eventually they started talking about Return To Castle Wolfenstein and about Enemy Territory.

One of them goes like: "Well yeah, but RTCW is dead online, Enemy Territory still has a lot of publics and even a semi-active competitive scene.", right after that he gives me this look:

image: wink-wink-nod-nod-771678

I'm like:

image: stupid-fry

The conversation continues while the guy tries to explain the meaning of "a competitive scene" to his friends", apparently they are people of the WoW-genre and not so much of the FPS one. He starts talking about national teams and about international lanparties, he cassualy mentions that Belgium has won a worldcup of Enemy Territory some years ago. Again :

image: wink-wink-nod-nod-771678

I'm like :

image: Whistling_Boy

And finally he mimics the name "Kevin" with his lips. I was like :

image: wtf-cat

In short: Which one of you fuckfaces was in my class today?

PS : I kinda wish I was making this up, it's quite annoying that people in my class are rapidly going to find out about me playing computergames 24/7.
You are hallucinating random
haha Kevin, wist ge nie da ik da was? :D
lol :)
was me lol
it was rhand
Couldn't be, I work.
don't lie, i see right through you.
i think that is photoshopped, because i've never seen a woman with small squares instead of actual boobs
it was me... i've learned ur shit language just to go and study in belgium, hoping i would meet you
Actaully It really does destroy studies. But it's not addicting, it's just better than learning useless shit. Atleast in hungary, w/e you want to learn, the 3/4 of the lessons and things you have to learn to pass the test is completely USELESS and not related to your future job at all.
its everywhere like that lol

give pic
Thats fucking epic. :DD
lol hahaha :D
Did we win a worldcup in ET? Must have missed that..
Not even that old as I expected.. Must have slipped my mind.. Even though BEL vs POL reminds me about an epic match on adler were, we belgians lost due to sneaky Kot securing docs in the end, can't remember the date though..
that was finland & lepari
I reckon it was definitely Poland Kot who was camping for minutes behind the box closest to the transmitter. Wookas or Sinuss was shoutcasting at that time and everyone forgot about Kot camping there and all of a sudden he jumped in front of the doc runner and secured it and Belgium didn't won.. And Sinuss was shouting that Belgium won even before the match ended.

But I might be mistaken, couldn't have been Belgium but I thought it was definitely Kot who saved the day for Poland..

Enlighten me by providing the link or date of the game you believe it is..
ahhh ok
we lost to finland on adler too tho :p
Sinus saying "congrats Belgium" was in the final between BEL & Fin in which Belgium set a time of aprox. 2-3 minutes at adler.
We want to believe :p
10/10, best troll I have ever seen

:_D busted
haha Kevinm8 :D
I have had nearly the same at local club, "Hi, you are thomm, right?"
Kenen kans? :D
Ei yheksänvuotiaat pääse vielä baariin
Quotehe mimics the name "Kevin" with his lips

and u were stareing all this time ,maybe he thought ur homo,and said something else
elephant juice
I was playing a football match 2 years ago and someone on the midfield I was standing next to called my gaming nick:D
sAntje? Because if they shouted joshua it wouldn't be so abnormal BECAUSE ITS A COMMON NAME.
Ok thats pretty weird ;D
Haha, epic! :D
misschien trapte ie in het zand?
lang geleden dit, maar een dikke pluim voor die droge opmerking man :D
Haha dankje x)
Aha if true need pics! The great xf hunt to out the stalker

Though who the fuck talks about comp gaming in the first conversation they have with someone :X
Well I assume those guys are already friends for quite a while, you're supposed to start with marketing in september, I jumped in now with a personalized timetable and all that.

And I'll try to take a pic of him next week, because I'm not sure in what other classes I'll run into him :(
maybe you know his name/last name
lol, you walking across the room to try to make a picture of some guy ...any bad idea's incoming ?=p
once i was playing et online, and someone mentioned my ingame name :PpppPPp

one of my best friends is a guy i've known for ~9 years now...after around 5-6 years of knowing me he once came into school, saw me, and burst out laughing, i was like "....what's up?"

him "...............hentai?!"

me "..........what?"

him "hahahaha :D:D"

me "'d you know about that?"

him "was joining the team uk clanbase page for urban terror and saw your name on the enemy territory list" ( - used to show names, doesn't anymore)


so yeah, small world!
i was playing ET with lgnd after all the old blokes left and it was like matt, novi, vela etc
in a boring pause one guy typed to me:
"where in london are you from anyway?"
turned out we lived really close to each other and then he says "where do you work?"
told him and he's all "STFU LOL"

worked with him and he was at college with my gf at the time :DDD
baggiez was saying he got the bus to school everyday with someone from the gaming scene, can't remember who it was though
i think it was voo actually
:d he just sat there in silence then
are you sure he didn't want to watch hentai stuff with you? Im feel ya bro :(
i live close to urtier and eujen :D
met them in person? you know, excluding lan?
yep and urtier, parzi and me study in the same university
:D Well.

When Netherlands atemi and Netherlands xfRd still played atemi used to get called by his girlfriend while playing 3v3's. When she saw me irl, she asked him "he's perfo, right?" (we all lived in the same town). Felt good.
hey perfo how are you
I'm alright. How about you hentai?
i miss you:(
Miss you too honey dude.

Not getting an x, seeing as I'm not gay.
you guys still playing et? i'll be back this weekend so maybe see you then:D
You won't see me if you won't start putting a space inbetween words and smileys.
i've gotten lazy :(

see what i did there? for you!
When we had a Finland Lambs -meeting few months ago, some friend of Finland dixonn crashed in. When the whole bunch of us were in the elevator going out, dixonn told us that his friend is a highskill in CS. Then Finland Iowa pointed me and said "he is highskill too, but in ET" blabla. Then the friend of dixonn said "Yeah I have heard about him many times". :D Felt really awkward and ridiculous

E: Not to forgot the time when lots of us were hanging outside in the downtown and Finland loder shouted from the bypassing car "HI SLARTO", in crowded area, making everyone checking who the hell he shouted to. I was of course staring the ground.
dualinity lives in alphen u guys never saw eachother on the street or smth?
ik dacht je een keer gezien te hebben in de herenhof ":D"
alweer een hele tijd geleden, maar toch...
why u alwyas copy me?
Zou zo kunnen!
waar roll je zoal in 0172?
Kom eigenlijk alleen op het station/dorp/herenhof af en toe, want ik woon best afgelegen. :D
ja achter wetering, scarzy liet me een keer op irc google streetview zien, omdat hij zich af vroeg of we elkaar kende. ik woon bij de oude ambacht wat dus echt heel dichtbij is O.o
u guys shud hang and share eachothers mouse and stuff:)
i have nothing to offer :)
cig and whiskey?
i just had a whisky and a smoke :)
wow your so cool...
epic :D just speak to him !
I once got a phone call from a girl asking if she was speaking to loazis. I freaked the fuck out and almost tripped over the doormat :D

Turned out I registered to a university website with loazis as my name while most of the other (normal) people apparently used their real names. Was fucking weird.
She probably had a thing for oddballs.
I can't really blame her since I am pretty epic after all.
ET doesen't have the same status as War- Starcraft in Korea :)
hahahahaha loa <3
epic troll :]

gl finding out ;]
does it matter if people find out u play games :S
Have you tried explaining to mates about comp gaming?! Only to a few but at best I've had bored indifference :(
well luckily one of my best mates introduced me to ET but my girlfriend understands that i enjoy playing competitively and understands the whole team and prac which which is awesome. Most of my friends know I play games although not about LANs and stuff but there again I have found a few competitive players (mainly from CS/CSS) the cs one being high skill.

To be honest if you explain most things to other people they're going to be bored unless they're passionate about it. There is no shame in playing competitive games whatsoever and its 10000000000 times better than talking to your friends about levelling up on WoW or how many guns you've unlocked on CoD because that just sounds much worse.
I always exaggerate it :D If you say you're fucking awesome at the game and play on a high level, they think its 'cool' faster :p
I wear my rockit gaming tshirt during ultimate/tennis all the time. It's actually a fucking _sweet_ athletic shirt and you can sort of get away with it.

Did have a bit of a "ummmmmmmmmm" moment when a girl needed to borrow it and was like "oh this is a nice shirt, where/why did you get it?"
:DDD have fun
seems you are famous in Belgium :P
waar studeert ge da?
spreek die gast tog gwn aan lol ! xD
LOL'D :D Nice journal, kevin, had a laugh. GL with your hunt :D
Wonder if some high skill players get that in real life also :D
heheh funny story is funny
LOL that's awesome :DDDDD



This summer when I came to check out my future university city I went to a mac with a friend.
We ate outside and when we were done we started going away and suddenly someone shouted Estonia Infect and I was wtf. Then I saw that some dude in the back seat of a black car ( the door was opened and he was half way in ) shouted my nick and waved @ me. But he was like 50 or so meters away so didnt see him. And after asking estonia community sites/irc and didnt get an answer. Still dont have any idea who it was.
trolled hard
Hej kevin

funny :D!
I once went to the netherlands by car, when I arrived at this small bar I heard guys all around me talk about ET. Was really weird.
dutch people are weird :(
Wasn't the WZZRD bar, was it? ;)
You were there? A small world!
Been there last year, yea ;)
hahaha :D
even if they find out its you, you still wont be there, playing computer games 24/7
n1 kevin :D
pretty awesome :D
playing computer games is nothing special imo ...

better would be u said u r Kevin ... he think u want to troll him but BÄM! no go^^
thats actually pretty cool haha : D Make that dude make ur homework, guess youre like an idol to him or smtn ;o)
It's a university xD
still a school, school gots homework right?
Homework at university is more like projects in small groups and stuff. At least, it was in my course.
still called homework where Im from!
Yes, but you can't let somebody else do that :-)
ofc you can, if you're able to pick your groupmates ;D

Just make sure he's in your projectgroup, and let him do your work aswell!
i don't have any 'homework'.
a lot of individual exercises @ my uni thank god, i hate groups cause they're always full of freeloaders :(
One of my old classmates also played for team nl but at mohaa :[ even played some 2on2 mohaa with him, I got owned ;(
lololol really? I laughed so hard, really :P
Who was that?
ph0nix of iets in die richting :P
LOL, so funny story
in my class you're a weirdo if you don't play games all day
what kind of class is this? what on earth do you study? XD
computer science :P
ok that explains a lot :p
happened to me on cc6
played in a band with an1mal.. Weird ass dude. Took him 4 months to figure it out..

And I see Ordian every week :D!!!
You still see him every week? :o
haha you played with Dick? :D nice one
ur a wierd ass!
I see kevin about once every 2 weeks when I am in Maastricht again... didn't know u knew him too xD

btw better for me to take 4 months to figure it out then to creep you out like this guy... x))
besides ur not famous by ur facial features, just by ur nick, so how the hell should I know that my keyboard player is Mr. famous ET-player? xP
damn.. jij bent een sukkel
en jij bent een grote hollandse kankernerd

stap gewoon op m af als je wilt weten wie t is.. ?
was hem uit het oog verloren toen de les eindigde, zit in een aula met een paar honderd man he, en dan nog, hij zag er echt gewoon .. irritant uit, zo een ventje dat je echt tegen de muur wilt plakken :(
hmm, snap t..

maar dan nog, waarom ging je er dan niet bij staan als ie t erover had?:o
omdat het midden in de les was :D

het is zo een aula van laag naar hoog, ik zat een paar rijen boven hem, kon moeilijk over de stoelen klimmen om hem zo een domme vraag te stellen ^^
haha, nee idd.. dat zou raar zijn.

zal wel leuk zijn als je weet wie t was, succes ;)
"In short: Which one of you fuckfaces was in my class today?"

Could've also just asked him for his nick? :p
lost track of him when the class ended ( shitloads of people in one room ) + I didn't really want to
You didn't want to but now you want to. Obviously you were just too scared to just ask him. Whats up pussy?
no, he looks like a smug arrogant asshole, acts like one aswell ^^
Then just ignore the asshole. :D I've heard some nerds talking about gaming as well, fucking stupid, isn't it?
en, weet je al wie het is? :D
reminds me of meeting up with wWallie :)
porn king gimme passwords!

EstoniaNight must be national hero of estonia or something then
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