I forgot the movie names

Hey guys!

A while ago I saw two movies of which the names I can't remember.

The first was a romantic one in which the main character falls in love with a girl who later becomes upset over something the main character didn't actually do but was in fact tricked into believing by the main guy's rival. She then starts to date the rival while knowing that deeply in her heart the main character is the one she is actually in love with. The main character then shows up with some grand romantic gesture at a crucial moment to win her back and so they both end up together happily ever after.

The second one is an action flick in which humanity is encountering a seemingly unstoppable menace. In the course of the movie the hero, who has a past in the military and now works as a plumber in a major city, encounters a brilliant and also very attractive scientist with whom he falls in love with but at that point has no means of saying it due to the oncoming threat. Then they two cooperatively find the solution to the problem and can announce their love each other right before the hero has to ship out to a deadly mission on which he is sure to die. In the end, everyone thinks the hero is dead right until he rises from the ashes and kisses his future scientist bride in the destroyed ruins of said big city.

Can you help me?

tl;dr: The last 50 years of movie history in a nutshell.
i dont quite get the intention of the pic but all i get is: somebody is dumb enough to mistake will smith with the wrong man and the wrong name??

and no its not funny
the pic = Eddie Murphy, Will smith and Dave Chapelle are black aswell.
i think the pic says: THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE
ah on that bike
The joke is that another nigger is dead.
who's the dead nigger
The black man that lived from 1973 to 2010.
in the first few seconds i wanted to write: "HAHA LOL THIS IS LIKE WHAT EVERY MOVIE CONTAINS"

but then i realised that was ur intention

1. Blind Date
tl;dr: The last 50 years of movie history in a nutshell.

With movie history you mean mainstream hollywood movies?
Of course. These are the only movies worth watching. James Cameron is the best director in the world.
Titanic isn't bad : /
Jackass 3D
Fight Club
No idea.
1) Every other movie with Hugh Grant.
2) Every other movie with Steven Seagal.
there are femals older than 14 in a steven seagal movie?!?
Erika Eleniak in Under Siege.
guess i missed this movie!!
lolz isnt the first plot the same for almost every "romantic" movie?!?
Im not quite sure what the use is of this journal
welcome to my world
second one: Mega Piranha
hay mon what did u replied to me coz my comment got Froped :<
I don't remember.
lol rly :XD?
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