et history

as i was bored as fuck cause i got home from work and my new motherboard wasnt deliverd yet... i decided to lookup my own et-history

quite surprised by how much stuff i could still find like exteams, didnt even realise i played for so many teams! brings back loads of memories :P anyone from my really old teams on here?

checkprofile for teams

share ur ethistory

lolol fraps crap clip xD
yeh, i am!
haha check die clipje gek xDDDDD
check die andere op die channel van etbugs xD ga je heelmaal stuk
haha k heb ook voor team zuid-holland gespeeld xD wist ik nieteens meer
Finland immortalstorm 2004---->
Finland duck n cover 2006--->

Still on both, few summer projects besides them and one community-clan that's it.

Clanhoppers, pff...

Music for those who have see the other side,
haha well if a team dies cause of lack of leadership then there is no choice but getting new team :P i somehow always ended up in teams with max lifespan of a month or so....
Or maybe you are a teamkiller ;)

Well, I kinda cheated because of IRL friends since kiddies in older clan. But still active though.
ye, but mostly that ur own fault. Cuz u always go inactive or just disapear for 2weeks or smtn :p
voor k met jullie ging spelen was dat nooit hoor. k was altijd kankeractive enzo. ik was alleen altijd de slechtste toen ik met skippy(die zat later in FiF/yellow) enzo speelde xD dus ik werd ook vrij vaak vervangen door betere :<
pas toen k wat ouder was 16/17 begon het switchen omdat ik toen die depressie kreeg... dus stond strak van de medicijnen enzo en wist nie wat k wilde :P
nee klopt want nu speel ik gewoon echt bijna nooit xD
altijd toffe gozer om mee te spelen ! :D
alleen ik heb je bijna nooit meer gezien :<
haha hoi kev :D laaaang geleden gek :P hows life? ja met jou walter en wieb enzo altijd lachen xD en temix enzo. k ben toen met break gegaan voor school enzo en sEiha werd 2x gebust toen sprak ik niemand meer :P
ja das lang geleden ja :p
gaat zn gangetje he vanavond ff party party=)
ja nadat seiha was gebust stopte ook iedereen waar mee we speelden :P
aja klopt toen seiha kapte viel iedereen weg echt raar :P jij ging naar fify enzo ik gging low zijn :P jou kwam k nog wel is tegen op bio, zaten we te pwnen :P
haha goeie oude tijd =) xD
1st clan was [BoN] "Brotherhood of Noobs" back in 2005 - still im sticking to this :)
rofl @ 00:30 aimbot!!
{DEM} and HOTD| ftw!
1st clan =DFC= on Kopfnuss, then 1st Slovenian clan <<plaY.
Duckfighters Clan?? :DD
our Train Partner 2003 ^^
AsTrA @ 2007 :P
I started playing in 2006 where I joined a pub-clan called (THC) (The High Command). Later on I joined another clan called .pdp. (Play Dead People), Eirik was also in that clan at that time ;)
Then I stopped playing for around 2-3 years and then I started in late 2009 with some of my mates. And now I'm kinda inactive because of school.
pdp still existing :)
Yeah, I just figured out :)

Kinda surprising.
1st clan [*WOD*] (etpub on [1337] Server, BEST ET TIME EVER)
* Played a year and a half on The Lost Legion Servers ( 2ND BEST ET TIME EVER )*
2nd clan law/ ( first ETPro team, esSe as awardwinnning teamleader, whined the crap
out of me, but it made me some reviving whore back then )
3rd clan #Retired ( kaiyun, joey, ian <3 )
4th clan Critical ( some players that left retired : me, kaiyun, joey, ian )
5th clan 6thSENSE ( BEST ET MATES EVER : aRac0n, A1R, Rody )
6th clan 666 ( Slovenian m8's <3 Pechek )
7th clan Congo by s'Agapo ( Congo doesn't approve *** )

Current Team : Brothercode ( Best team I ever played in )
& random 3o3's with aRac0n, A1R, Rody !

I started around beginning of 2007 with my first clan & playing on -L|L- taking around 2.5 years
sometimes I see ppl playing with WOD and law tag :P
Started playing in 2007, joined a jaymod clan called [SAVO]. After a few months I started playing on a NQ server called FearZone where my rl friend and I made a clan called AK. We bought a server and changed our name to $@$ or something like that. Later we moved to 2.55 etpro as rtf(ready to fight), then I 'backstabbed' them and moved to 2.60b. After a year I started to play with them again, and we're now playing cod4.
Started ET when released with my rtcw clan spOOks!!!With Vio, ozzy, omon, casper.. etc !
Get ozzy back for us, he has disappeared into the wilderness with his new girlfriend! I miss him already :O(
rNr 4 life! :PpPpPpP
oohjaa die had je ook nog xD heb k er nieteens bij staan gek
wtf hoe durf je das de beste clan ooit!
ja als er iemand voor feis merct op frostbite dan was dat t geweest :XD
hahahaha hij had maar 100 dmg ofzo :P was wel vette tijd toen
Started ET the first week ET has been released :)

got introduced by a friend into this addictive game, played on a server called EXTREME BIG BLITZ XP SAVE, lead by jaymod creators, *fu*.
Played there during 2 or 3 years, without having any clans, and then the server died. I joined a clan called Ice- then, but died after a week. Got recruited by a clan called Core&, who played for SplatterLadder, and been 2nd of this sytem ":D". Then changed quite often from jaymod clans, been in several rating clan. atm, beeing in Pro* since 2008, and still rolling jaymod from time to time.
haha i didnt play et competively till 2007 k9 was the last team iwas pubbing in :P before that i played for some clans but yawn doesnt show them and i cant remember them either...

u might know nC from rtcw1.0 with playa mivas daarkje marc lucky etc i played with them before i went to et they played 1.4 aswell but under iAm name :P my nick was blizz/blindJe(i also played for eZbh's later lineups

still newskool etplayer almost 5 years cf account almost 4 :P
I started playing et after i asked somebody what was a good free game to test my new PC.
After it was just released, first couple weeks i was Rambo covertops with fg42 on public.

My first team was team oxygen end 2003 or begin 2004 i can't remember exactly, with tekoa,ted/xo,abort, kboon, siphox and several others.
After that i was leader from 2 teams no comment and uniemelk, and after that i joined w@co. And that's where i had my best time. After that i played several years with my own team hyperion gaming. Than there was my etqw time for 2-3 years. And i played last summer with imposito.

Between those teams some 2 weeks teams, but nothing significant.

Now nothing.
started in 2005
Sunny servers 2
clan ]XxX[
I really cant remember much about my ET carreer. 6 years is a lot.

But first clan was German Germany u|B|z :D
[T2D] server
Playground Walbrzych (fuck yeah)
Sunny Servers
*E-F* (<3)

such a great servers with fantastic atmosphere
Started around beginning of 2007, random 2.55 etmain server
After 3 months moved to ETpub on 2.60, played SunnyServers for a year or so
Joined a NQ clan EEF around 2008
Started wars early 2009.

Some Pubclans include Sunny Server Regulars (SSR), European Elite Force (EEF) and Silver Bullet (SB)

ETPro clans:
sC' Star Crushers (late 2008, pub etpro 1month clan) (december 2008 till now, m8clan)
zeroE Wings (played couple of games 2009 summer)
In7olerance.d&b (played backup summer 2009, until I busted the leader)
hax Byjam (played first half of 2010)
INK (end of 2010 and some time in 2011)
nerdRage (played as backup end of 2010 since lordi begged me to)

Any other teams are basicly mixes of INK / haxbyjam

and my PUB_FRAG_MOVIE from first months of 2009
first clan ever was a jaymod clan called [NMA*] nma stood for no mans army i guess :D
2nd sAs special assault squad this is where i started playin etpro
3rd clan was an etpub clan called DAF hmm i think it stood for Deadly Armed Fighters or dumbassfighers :D
4th DoE i think
5th i was in some survive squad , think it was called 711 or drive
6th fagalag
7th royality
8th e-wave??
9th invictus / in your mind
10th current clan verSatile
Been playing for too long to remember shit
omg need time too remember all clans since 2003 ....... there a lot shit and good clans

pre 2003

essential (EF)
[VoDW] Veterans of the Dominion War (EF,RTCW,ET)

2005 - 2011

=)IC(= Insidious Campers (RTCW,ET all BF Series)
-=NoW=- Noobs of Wolfenstein (ET)
eraZed. eraZed (ET)
my_ my_essential (ET)
eVolution. eVolution (ET)
minuS! minuS gaming (ET)
|TRC| The Revolution Clan (ET)
dieplx| dieplxkkthxbye (ET)
cdap|v.22 Club der Anonymen Psyhopathen (ET)
eLemenT' Element Clan (ET)
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