what up geeks?

So, im trying to beat my old record of the time being drunken nonstop, 2 days behind and 10 to go still. My budget is around 1200€, it's actually quite good for the challenge, since last time (11 days) i only managed to spend 1000€. + that now i've already got 10l of vodka.

Just wanted to say this and hear what do you think of this? Have you ever challenged yourself for this kinda ultimate quest? It's great when you start feeling the borders that your body just cant take it anymore, then you just push the limits until you are completely burned out and the healing can begin :).

Have a nice week crossfire friends :))

And the retards making lots of cool typos typing while drunken are faggots
you cant be serious xD
new challenge: get a life
i actually got a good life. I have a beatiful and smart girlfriend, a loving family + a good job.

My gf understand that sometimes i just need to be a man and face the king alcohol. You know, need to go heads up against him and see who takes the victory. I've had a few conversations with her due to this but she understands :)

Not to mention these awesome friends who are helping me along the way :)
Are you that rich that you can spend €1000+ for that ?
i've saved money for this, it's an "every year" challenge i take. You know, like someone who prepares himself for marathon, some people wanna go mountain hiking etc. This is my thing.
and then you wake up
Good luck, hope you beat the record !
Good luck.

I would buy 10L of Jameson but thats just me :P HF!
Thank you for everyone who's supporting me. Sadly, i gotta go soon, the quest has reached the point where neighbours won't take it long anymore i assume :)
hi2u =) im drinking over the week to get the weeekend rly great! so i dont get drunken very fast cause im traning very hard for it OFC!
i hope you die in the process
wtf does this have to do with mana and drinking
...So drink to forget, and drown all your sorrows!

Go smash that record mein fuhrer! moi to Aino <3
the healing your talking about is questionable

ever considered the damage?

i im not trying to burn you its just something i thought of.

+ gl hf :D
My liver & kidneys have been examinated many times and doctors never had anything bad to say.
cant forget about braindmg :D
Just because it's never happened, it can. The chance of problems later on in life increased. Remember alcohol poisoning can happen even with a small amount of alcohol. Tread careful and have fun I guess :P.

Music + ET or console if you got 1... console is better for relaxing when drunk.
It is because you are only 20 now :O)
10l of vodka, would keep me dead wasted for 40days
For me it goes kinda like this:

The first evening i start: 0,5l + few beers
day 1: 1l + case of beer
day 2: usually change the type, vodka doesnt seem to kick it after a while (so use whiskey or jäger etc at this day)
day 3: 1,5l + mild drinks
day 4: 1,5l + mild drinks
day 5: 2l + mild drinks
and so on
and so on

the tolerance gets bigger
image: aalogo

Don't forgot to put some money away for an upcoming liver transplant :))
sounds pretty stupid to me and it really required some processing to figure out whether this is a troll or not, I concluded it isnt and that left me with puzzled mind and urge to face palm.
obvious troll :D

Was dealing with huge hungover last night and i was chilling at pc, then i started to think back @ HIIHTOLOMAVIIKKO 2008, when we drank 5 days in a row. And from that nostalgic moment i had the idea to do this journal, and it really seems that people took this seriously :D
What do you do while drinking? Just sitting alone in a couch and drink 10 days or what? :DD Or are your friends drinking for 10 days too?? And doesn't that get boring after a few days?
Your fucking ur body-mind up. Dont wonder if u wake up in a hospital knowing u got cancer or some other sick shit

A finnish et player has gone into a deep coma after trying to act cool by getting wasted everyday

Sounds like a very silly challenge to me. If you want to find your limit participate at an extremely exhausting sports event. This does not do as much damage as the alcohol.

Well I'm planning to particpate at the Strongmanrun.
and why are you doing this ?
Ever heard of addictions?
12 days of addiction? :D

This has nothing to do with addictions except launching one could be possible
pff 10days, my dad was drinkin for like 3years everyday, he was an alco tho :D

PS now hes all fucked up...his heart is fucked up,liver blablabla

hes like 180cm and 120kg fatty ":D"

i laugh at retards like you
well I kinda understand you, if you have encountered things like that. that isn't life anymore in my opinion. We (finns) are quite known for our drinking and atleast I'm not proud of that. I guess he's doing this for fun, not because of addiction. I can't decide if it's stupid or funny, it's both maybe.
it's waste of time and money + chance to seriously damage himself
rofl mana, u awesome :)
That has to be the stupidest challenge I ever heard of. Your parents must be proud of you ... not.
have fun
alcohol faggotry
Fucking idiot, never heard of cirrhosis of the liver? just wait till your older.
dunno if thats simmilar but after my last school exam I didnt get sober for 10 days (had a nice trip to spain after 2days). But I see that as a one time thing in my live, that wasnt rly planned but just happend.
BtwI didnt feel shitty or had to puke during the 10 days but my face looked like shit for 3 days after I stopped.
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