Your hobbies?!

What are your hobbies, what do you like to do?

My hobbies:

1. Gardening , started about half year ago when I planted 5 lemon trees, 1 didn't survive the winter, but the other 4 is growing very nice. I'll plant 20-50 new lemon trees at spring, and about 10-20 orange trees. I'll also plant some nice flowers etc. It's kind of a relaxing hobby. I recommand it to everyone.

2. Cooking, started about 2 years ago when I was on holiday with some friends. It's one of the best long-term hobbies. I can cook about 15-20 meals and I cook ~3times a week. I like to eat, so it's fantastic!

3. Playing boardgames. It's so fun, I've met a lot of good boardgames since I use to play them (~5 years). Ofc this 5 years is when I started it to play more often. I am planning to buy Doom and Arkham Horror.

4. I don't know if It has a correct name or something, but if I had to desctribe it I'd say I boy noname and cheap stuff like beer, chips everything that food or drink and write about product, is it good/bad, what's it taste like and etc. Saw it some kind of blog like it would be and I really feel like it's a great hobby.

So what is your hobby?
bodybuilding and first muai thai training at friday.. cant't wait :)
muay thai is awesome ;)
doing it for over an year now
1. Spielen
2. Bier
3. Bier und spielen
gaming, nothing else, I'm a nerd
clubbing hard

and its everything about and with music. couldnt live w/o
lemon and orange trees in hungary? :D
Yes, I was surprised about that too when I first heard, but a 2-3 years old lemon/orange tree gives you around 10+ fruit each season / tree.
- Playing ET with my friends
- Listenning to music
- Shoutcasting
- Enjoying life with friends

But I unfortunaly have less time to do that D}:
- backstabing by papi???
It's his hobby not mine :{S
Its ur hobby to be backstabed :p
1. huntig (i have the hunting licenses)
2. natur/wildlife photography
3. party
4. gaming
Surfing on shit sites
Listening to music? I listen to it at least 3 hours a day. :P

Would really like to start some martial art in the future.
stroking my hard cock
Would like to do some gardening, but with shit weather there isn't anything good to grow :<
I think Poland has the same weather as Hungary, start collecting seeds, my friends does it too @ winter. He has around 500 lemon seeds. You can plant the seeds @ spring. I planted my lemon seeds @ august, they are about 15cm tall by now.
How long untill you get the fruits? Would be cool eating the things that you grow yourself.
If you don't do inoculation on the trees then it would take 5-10years to grow fruit, if you do inoculation (which is possible after 2years) you'll get fruit a year after that. My mate has an 5 years old lemon tree and it grows 15+ lemons each season.
1. Bodybuilding all the way
2. Gaming
3. Running/aerobic excersises
4. Movies
nailing ur mum...
browsing xfire and occasionally posting
1. Gaming
2. Music
3. Guitar
4. Nutrition
5. Fitness
6. Kickboxing
7. Work (retail)

The hobby's that I've put alot of time in until about 6 months ago, will continue to do so when things get better. Would also like to do some singing besides the guitar to see if I still got it and perhaps trade some gaming time for moviemaking.
no hobbies just have fun

adze your hobbies lead to only one conclusion.
Hes a homosexual?
bullseye. but i would prefer if u wrote fag or faggot

1 million bucks is yours, spend it well
I think most of the chefs are male, so Cooking is not gay, either gardening I do it because it's relaxing and eating your own growth fruit/vegetables is so cool.
I also don't see why playing boardgames and the last thing I wrote is gay.
Why do you even say that?
cause i'm a bad person and hate fags
Playing tennis everyday during 3/4h straight

Going out with friends

Profit on computer the evening :)
Act cool on the interwebz.
Photography ofc...

Biking (DH/DJ)

Rock climbing


Cars (classic/jap/rwd in general)

I also do biking, well it's winter that's why I didn't mention it. I really would like to buy a good camera but I am not really into photography so I don't know what is good and they are quite expensive.
Great hobbies mate.
Have done a lot of winter riding this year, both in snow and well, our typical Welsh weather just rain/mud so :D
Depends how much you want to spend on a camera, and if you want a full on DSLR or a compact type camera :> Might be able to help ya out.
I never liked to bike at winter/in snow don't know why. It's just feels better at summer evenings/nights.
About the camera, I don't have money for decent camera I am sure, so it would be useless do talk about it yet. I'll contact you if I get the money I think.
Summer rides = best.
We usually set off early in the day, head to the countryside have a meal/few beers along the way and head back when it gets dark, best feeling <3

1. programming (its main content of my studies and it pays the bills :P)
2. bowling (hell yea, awesome sport)
3. trumpet (back in days of elementary/grammar school, this was my main hobby)
(well, last 4 years I spent a lot of time by playing ET and making movies, but when its time to quit, its time to quit...)
- gaming ofc, but doesnt give me so much fun like it used to in the past :(
- music, mainly dnb releases
- meeting with friends - doesnt matter if its going to be party hard night or just chillin together, i like to spend anytime with few of them
- formula 1 (gp bahrain cancelled ;_;, eventually delayed to the end of the season)
- i can draw comics, sometimes i do it in freetime but ssshshsh its a secret 8D

in the future i want to travel a lot, but that depends on the money ofc, finishing my school this year so we'll see.
- music, mainly dnb releases

music, festivals, friends, beer and too much cigarettes is pretty much da story of mah life
music, mainly searching for old releases and putting the name to the track (finding ID's)
1. Music (both listening and playing)
2. Gaming
3. Ain't hardly a hobby, as it is what I'm studying, but I've always had a lot of fun programming
refreshing crossfire 24/7 .....
1. Travelling.
2. Ordering a gin tonic. It makes me feel everything is aight.
3. Ordering a gin tonic in a foreign country.
Travelling? By what? Car? I like it too, and I don't have problems with public transportation as long as It's a bus.
Plane, mostly. I need to see every country!
aba berlin warste auch noch nicht mmit den RICHTIGEN leuten ...
Wow, okay I don't have words since you are from Switzerland :D. I like traveling by car, it's a great hobby idd. If I use public transportain I prefer bus or train, you can get such a good view on the country/town whatever.
muay thai
music producing
My Girlfriend
Gaming with friends
& L'OM
reading books, reading stuff on the internet (including bullshit), playing some games, watching series and movies, listening to music 50% of the day, doing drugs, watching football, playing football every now and then,...
Playing the piano, reading, watching movies/series and playing games.
Also taking care of my cats.
Playing the piano, reading, watching movies/series and playing games.
Also taking care of my cats.

<not joking>

+ I really like to daydream / watch football / listen to music / spend time with friends doing absolutely nothing ( that includes going out)
- a lot of sports
- treeing
- dating
- gaming

"du kriegst bestimmt am tag 20 freundschaftsanfragen und die weiber nerven dich weil sie sich mit dir treffen wollen.. wetten?" - quote random sexy
Dungeon and dragon
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