baserace cup repost!

Hey, since pretty long time, i was thinking to create another Baserace cup, cause i assume there was one in the past(?). Well the idea grown up between me and GermanytiM quite long time ago, after we enjoyed a baserace match. Tho, i never took the time and never really had the opportunity to make it. I'm constating that many players are avi to play a baserace match, too many to be included in 2 teams only. ( inb4 flamers MarseilleFrancis, GermanyGemb )

I really wish this could happen, cause it really can be awesome. That's just an idea tho, no idea if it'll work.

Would love to see which players will be interested by playing this cup.

Already thought about format, time, numbers of teams etc..

Had the idea to play this cup with 8 teams, numbers of players in each team have to discussed ( 8v8 or 10v10 ). Would depend of the numbers of the players. Also this cup would be play in 4 weeks, of course, can be discussed and modified, cause a baserace match takes 1h, i'm not seeing anyone playing 3 baserace match the same night :)

If it'll happen, i'll need some support. Some admins managing this cup with me and preferably got some cups experience, server providers with ETTV on if possible..

Will answer to any questions :)

Cu, thx for reading :)

comment tu m'as casséééééééééééééééééééé
Reported for bad idea
servers with a fucking baserace config
1 sniper
avi - & could get players easy ..
Should be like that anyway :)
Reported for bad idea
Reported for being a backstabber.
this journal is relevant to our interests
sounds fun, guess it's time to start playing et again
No you can't!
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