Faggots of xfire

Finally a movie with really nice content was released and it didnt get the rating it deserved. I am obviously talking about Kresti's movie.

You homos wouldnt recognize a good fragmovie if one was put in front of your big jewnoses. My next column will be about ET-fragmovies and how people criticize them.

E: not to mention the awesome size/length-ratio.

Meanwhile, listen to this masterpiece

Kresti's movie was good:-(
Quote50% decent, 50% shit fillers
too much hummeload
too much zZZzzZZzZzZz
you wouldnt have had much trouble to do a little something to cfg
used song
some nice pistol action
Waiting for replies from the big players, not from a small fry like you
Wtf are you babbling about , reindeer?
I love this gif :D
It was aight, agree with Blindi.

good times
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1GUChy6FiQ <-- Never got critisized and is down in history as one of the greatest frag movies of all time.
Intro is awesome :D
if you only removed the whale from the corner it'd be awesome
music couldn't be possibly worse
i thought u liked mine :<
10/10/10/10 by you on kresti's movie, you mad?
You got too much free time :(
just wanted to mention that kresti looked low/+ compared to gr0ss.
homos LOL :D:D:D:d
turmion katilot - pirun nyrkki

this one is good too.
did not watch cuz I expected metalmusic in it

I hate metalmusic
that muzzleflash killed it, the crosshair works without it :P
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