Yo soy bored

I just finished Kane & Lynch 2 (which took longer to download than it did to finish it, I'm glad I didn't pay money for that), so now I'm looking for some new entertainment.

Games I've finished most recently are Mass Effect I&II, Mafia II and CoD:MW I&II and now I'm looking for some more enjoyable games. Any advice on games with a nice singleplayer storyline which is preferrably not a middle ages fantasy game (although I might want to try them if you convince me they're really good)?
playing bulletstorm atm

pretty good :)

never go to bed without learning something new
Yeah makes sense. That's why I want to take spanish classes next semester.
never translate it literally from a germanic language into a latin one because it will not make sense at all, thats why in countries where ppl speaks latin languages have such low english level.
It's all about the education.
i can understand lots more of dutch just because i know english, so its waaaaay easier for them than rather a spanish guy, and yes education does play a big part but i do belive its both, anyway i hate spanish ppl and actually i make fun of them.
Have all your TV programs in English like the Dutches. Profit.
I dont watch TV plus i dont have the same problem as most of spaniards when it comes to english.
It's just like a guy who fixes cars all his life has an easier time fixing a motorcycle than someone who fixes computers. These two languages are just more similar to each other than they are to Spanish.
Just played my first l4d2-clanwars

3,5 hours of hc owning
yea bulletstorm is quite a good game.You could also try out Assasin's Creed 2,Crysis 1(crysis 2 is coming out soon),Splinter Cell:Conviction,Bioshock 2,Fallout New Vegas
and Dragon Age 2 (releasing tomorrow)
I'm downloading Risen right now, seemed pretty decent to me.
Currently downloading "Star Wars: Republic Commando", already 6 years old but it seems like it's a good game!
kane and lynch 2 was SHITE!
True, the level design made no sense whatsoever most of the time, most of the weapons felt oddly alike, even the well executed grudgy look didn't help the fact that the story was nothing but film noir-cliche.
dead space 2? :P
Have it on my HDD, and I agreed to play it with a friend, but right now it's way too dark and I'm scared way too easily !
haha, bless! Dead Space is good, although I think Dead Space 2 may have taken it a bit far :P
In terms of what exactly?
Splinter Cell: Conviction. Really entertaining for me atleast
draaaaaaaaaaagooooooon aaaaaaaageeeeeee 2 today :~D
snes emulator + FF 4-6, CT etc.

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