Nani injury vs. Liverpool

image: rvjalc


EDIT: Anyone unaware of what happened.

roflmao zedong
Wow, that should definitely have been a red card :D
I think it was the way he got up after to show the ref his leg. Also Rafael got away with one a few minutes later. Both teams lucky to finish with 11 men really :)
I think Carrager would have seen red if Nani hadn't run at referee and then going floor again it made it look like he was diving. Maybe he was in shock?
Shock? needs to man up.
Any news about the length of the injury time already?
its just a tiny tiny injury mr Ironic the cut that you may have seen somewhere was photoshopped the real picture showed that it was just a tiny cut :p
didnt saw the tackle mr phyzic :x
When you´ve seen injuries like eduardo had then YES this is a tiny little cut
If he wore proper shinpads no mark would have been made at all.
hmm, im getting the feeling Carragher didnt even wanted the ball :p Just wanted to hit Nani ;o) Tackle is stupid tho, straight on the leg, not even near the ball
It is and he was lucky, Rafael did an equally dangerous one just a few minutes after. Both teams were lucky to finish with 11 men.
nice gif ;d
i am uniterd football fan but this movie was fun xD "okay nani you are okay"
pff, yellow for edwin for protesting?

"how did he get up and fall down again if he was injured??????'


Like you are comparing those two, if he was wearing shinpads (proper shinpads) there would have been no issue at all.

Even the United team looked embarrassed. Nani was embarrassed after the second goal so probably fancied coming off :)
i'll go shoot a policeman and tell the judge "if he was wearing a bulletproof vest (proper vest) there would have been no issue at all.

even the police departement would look emberassed. The policeman was emberrassed after forgetting to wear a proper bullet proof vest and probably fancied going to hospital :)
Nice one taking everything out of context lol! I'm not really sure why you are comparing a football tackle to shooting a policeman...

There would have been no mark if he wore proper shinpads, so everyone bitching about that little graze should be quiet really.

The reason it was only a yellow card was because Nani is a known diver/bitch. Cries wolf far too often.

And can you at least spell embarrassed correctly, you replied to a comment that had it spelt correctly twice!
Oh he's just a prick, he does it all the time feigning injurys... who sprints off if there in that much pain seriously.... Actually, who gives a fuck, he's shit anyway.
scouser cunt
A great tackle would love to hear him out for months would be what he deserves for constantly being a drama queen. Look at the fag crying haha

image: 2v333f6
Liverpool is nothing, Caragher is nothing.
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