Deserved goal

Deserved goal losing time fucking arsenal karate fuck kids

bb noobs
skills by messi ;)
the mad thing: messi did it on propose!

awesome guy!
there are rumours that someone is mad cuz he bet 40 euros on arsenal
skilled, and messi did it on propose so fucking amazing!
it's unbelievable!
when u played football against higher classes u know how fast it could be. now this is champions league, a normal human would know if he's male or female at that moment :>

television makes it slower,especially by slowmotion but even it was very fast!
nice goal
still arsenal supporter
Not really deserved, Barça kids crying over little fouls, I always thought only Sergio did this, but apparently Dani Alves and Iniesta followed his acting classes.

I used to think Barça was a top class team, but Im starting to doubt this.

oh and I hope Abidal is getting suspended for grabbing van Persie's throat, evil black man should die of aids.
Its deserved because Arsenal have not had a shot on goal, but I agree on the cry baby part
Should still be 0-0 imo, Barça also only had what? 2 shots on goal? they have more possesion, ill give you that, but its not like they had good chances of scoring...and this one was merely created by Fabregas fucking up his backheel...
You're right, Barca haven't had many clear cut chances (should have had a penalty though :P) - However Barca deserve it on how much of the ball they've had.
u even watched match lol? barca owned 2nd half and they been attacking all the time, if half of their chances would be scored, it would end with 5-6 goals for barca...
Considering most of the comments you're replying to were made at half time you should probably reconsider your approach
not really, every comment i made was made after the match.

There are no points for amount of chances, this game is all about goals :P
True dat! but amount of goals do not always compute with who deserves it more ;)
after few weeks nobody would remember about that who deserved win more, only score is important :D
Valid arguement! haha
I like your arguements.
If one team has crybabies it'll be Arsenal with their keeper and his booboo finger taking 5 minutes to get off the field.
Fyi I'm a Barca & Arsenal fan. In la liga I cheer for Barca, premier league for Arsenal, Ajax in the eredivisie, Gent in the jupilerleague.

This match features the two most beautifully playing teams in Europe.
QuoteAjax in the eredivisie

All your arguments are void now
I'm not a success-supporter :)
Neither am I, Im a hometown club supporter :)
Same here, AA GENT all the way, we even won from Sporting Lisabon :/XDDXDd:x:D/:x/D//D/x://D:x:x/:/D//X/DD/D/D/D/X/D/:x:D/D/xDD
how can you say that it's not really deserved... Barca is the only team that wanted to score a goal, although Arsenal will have to now.
What do you expect, Barça simply has better players, they're even better when they play at Camp Nou, all Arsenal can do is defend.

But still, Barça didn't really play that well either...
Again wrong. Arsenal played well in defence, what is according to football logic the smartest thing to do. Who won the CL last year? And how did they beat Barca, the best team at that time too? Yes, by defending well. Barca plays as well as they normally do, the opponent is just playing a good game atm.
Arsenal offensive line = fail, therefor you defend.

Inter actually had a good squad overall last year, and chose their timing well on when to attack...dont see Arsenal doing this cause they simply can not get anyone in position.
I think you've seen another game than I have. Arsenal couldn't keep the ball for more than 10 seconds. Full court press in football against Arsenal in the 1/16th final of the CL is quite amazing if you ask me.
Quotealthough Arsenal will have to now

image: hhhhhhh-HERP-DERP
watching the same match? u either think van persie is actually a barça player or else i dont get it
Your view is obviously tainted, being a Barça fan. Dani Alves barely got hit and spent 3 minutes crying on the pitch for no apparent reason, same goes for Iniesta in like the first 5 minutes.
Why the hell would Barca want to waste any time? You just proved your football cluelessness in your last 3 comments.
You're biased, you believe Barça does nothing wrong. Go watch it again.

e: its not wasting time, its screwing your opponents by getting them booked.
Enlighten me please.
They're overreacting like a bunch of pussies, like Sergio did last year. By acting, a lot. Trying to make the ref believe they got hit badly, while nothing really happened. Sportsmanship, I think not :) same goes for van Persie slapping Dani Alves tho!
barça did no do any drama at all, drama was done alot by arsenal on the first half when they had the match on their favour, tho busquets was lame last year i wotn say he wasnt.
I can agree with you to some extent. Yet don't forget that keeper took his time when he hurt his little finger, Arsenal kept playing & attacking when Abidal was down (attacking whilst the opponent's CB is down is not-done), and Iniesta for example got faulted by some Arsenal player but while he could've waited and probably get the yellow card drawn, he wanted to play right away. Also Barca kept attacking and going for goals with the qualification in the bag, while they could've done the retarded full-defence tactic to defend the lead. That's sportmanship tbh.
To be completely fair, the goalie part I can understand, they probably took their sweet time so Almunia could get a bit of warm up...doesn't justify but understandable imo.

e: as for the Abidal part, I think it was xavi (?) who got the ball when Abidal was down and also showed no intention of playing the ball out of the field ;)
This match is such a disappointment. Arsenal are awful, really no ambition to score a goal even on the counter - hope Barca destroy them.

Barca are making the game unenjoyable to watch though, they are a team of Drogba's, go down as quickly as possible a beg for a yellow card.
+1 can you shoutcast this match :DD ?
wat? barça is trying to score 24/7 while there is some van kungfu persie kicking around and losing time making drama.

barça wants to just play
Haha, barça fan telling people their opponents are making drama. Haha! oh golden.
if u think arsenal deserved to win with like 5% ball possesion or smth like that then u a troll bro
I actually never claimed Arsenal deserved the win, putting words in my mouth...or in your own mind.
This match remembers me of the Barca - Man United 0-0 and Barca - Chelsea 0-0 from a couple of years ago. Defensive from the English team and Barca trying but not successful (until the last min in 1st halve).

Not pretty to watch. It's more like chess but I kinda expected it. English teams are always very defensive at camp nou. The best match is mostly at the English ground because barca never defends in their own halve, perfect for a good game.
Should certain remind you of the Chelsea games now, a SHOCKING Ref decision in Barca's favour...
i rather watch barca playing like that, than some random nubs having no clue how to play, whenever u watch barca play, u just cant be bored lol.
man and ur a madrid fan:)

well ye, its just a fact, that i cant deny that barca got good teamplay and honestly never been bored of watching their games.

Barca 100%
Arsenal 0%

arsenal haven't parked the bus at half time, they parked a fucking aeroplane.
barce are playing great football, but they're being 'NANIs' and 'DROGBAs' with all the drama falling over
what the hell, you mention nani and drogba before ronaldo?
haven't seen ronaldo play anymore since he left manu, maybe he has changed!

Quotebarce are playing great football, but they're being 'NANIs' and 'DROGBAs' with all the drama falling over

celebrating Women's Day
deserved but unnecessary
switched to simulcast, saw donezk/roma, turned tv off. good games tonight
Barca rolled them until now.
The ref is having a nightmare, when I seen his name at the start I just thought, here we go, another game thats gonna be spoilt by the ref
It's about time referee's start booking for rolling around for fuck all. It ruins the game for everyone :\
1-1, game opening up now I hope :)
journal is filled with idiots, besides Carlos and gambit and potty
1-1 sry
Nice own goal from barca :)D
oh wow, the ref is fucking up the game so badly now....
lol retarded refree
That own goal is justice for diving last year Sergio.
they got their goal, wont need rvp anyways.
wp arsenal, wp!
wtf is Almunia doing -_-, think he had the same acting classes as some of the Barça players? ;o)
The referee did the right thing, stupid ego-kids who cannot help shooting. Fuck that brain damaged Van Persie
xavi hernandez whoop whoop
i hate teams like barca, which try to get advantages by crying about lil fouls.but nowadays nearly every top team does so :<
the red card of v. persie decided the game. dunno if it was a justifiable one!
wtf you are saying team won,they did so many chances for goal...
could have easily been 5 or 6 for barca
youtube link or it never happened
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