FC Barcelona !

Woke up today, saw the match again (yes football nerd) and i'm still relieved we've managed to win.

Arsenal disappointed me by playing ultradefensive (even after they were behind). Eventhough France Wenger said they were going to play out of their own strength which is to play attacking and attractive football...

The red card might be controversial but that was compensated by not giving a second yellow to Koscielny in my opinion.

Still the only team that wanted to play football won.

22 shots vs 0 shots in 90 minutes .. That's pretty sad !

Vamos cules !!!


image: Infor-FC-BarcelonaArsenal-CL
Why did the Polish man cross the road?

Because he'd stolen the chicken's job !
OMG !! xD so funny !
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and the one where Abidal is on RVP's throat how those were unpunished? Shots before red cards were 7-0 so in last 30min Barca managed to make 15shots.

Still better team won but hopefully Mussacca ain't refereeing in this year UCL anymore (or that french guy at Milan - Spurs)

TBH I was really disappointed to Cesc's contribution

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theres some1 at nasris throat at this pic
what was wrong with the ref in the milan spurs game?
He got all decision wrong? Or big decisions
Such as?

Edit, thinking back you're right, Milan should have had two sent off at least. The Flamini tackle was a disgrace.
Who would have got Milan's second? Gattuso's tackle wasn't worth of yellow and Crouch used his elbows everytime he jumped. Joe Jordan shouldn't have been on the field during the game( if he had been "sent off" Gattusocase would have never happened)

Flamini should have had red.
ref is infront of nasri sees an hand around his throat *not even bothered*
Gtfo, we don't give a shit anymore.
arsenal should be happy with szceszny/almunia, if they didn't play that well it could easily end 8-1
sup with penalty ?
The ref was terrible he gaves cards when he shoudn't have, then when ever there was a blatent time to give a card he did nothing :D.

- alves two footed from behind
- abidal throat grab
- penalty as you said

but if you nudged someone a bit, he whipped out the card straight away.
Penalty on Messi as well , Alves' tackle was on the ball :) , Koscielny yellow cards anyone?
if its 2feet, doesnt matter if its on the ball
So that nasty fault on messi is red as well? :))))
I have no idea, but 2 feet challenges are yellow/red if they get the ball or not, pretty much a known rule for anyone who watches football :)
Hm I thought I saw those things exactly 2 - 3 times in Liverpool - Man utd, yet no one got a red card
I doubt they were 2 feet sliding tackles, they are instant sending off - I think Steven Gerrard did one in the FA Cup game against Man Utd. Also there as one in the premiership at the weekend that didnt even get anywhere near the player, but its just a rule in the game.

But if you are saying that someone did one to messi, and its said one was done by alves, seems ref was indeed a bit shit - especially looking at some of the images posted :) hand above chest and touching an opposition player is a bookable offense too.
The fact they weren't given in this game doesn't mean they shouldn't have been given in the Barca game.
Just saying Alves' fault isn't red , it's even a fair tackle
2 feet tackle = red. no matter what happend in previous games, no matter if its on the ball, no matter what, 2 feet tackle = red
Well then I have good news for you , it wasn't a 2 feet tackle :) . One feet on the ball (which flew 500 km away) and when he landed he caught Nasri
Hebben we het nu over die tackle waar hij aan het einde nog even een schaar maakt? Dat was in principe geen rood, als hij niet daarna nog die schaar maakt. Dat was puur en alleen om de speler te raken/blesseren.
He's actually right, both Carragher and Rafael should have been sent off in the game over the weekend, both dangerous two footed challenges.

But yeah on topic the ref last night was absolutely shocking, van persies second yellow was a disgrace and Alves should have been off for the series of challenges throughout, not even including the hand round Nasri's throat. Same goes to abidal...

End of the day though the best team won, but still doesn't change the fact that this guy shouldn't not be allowed to ref lol.
stop whining evrybody as if arsenal deserved to win.
How does deserving or lack there of have anything to do with how terrible the ref was? 2 completely differnent things :)
he was not terrible, if u cant understand that it was a valid reason then just shut it? if someone shud be whining it shud be barça for not gettign their penalty.

arsenal were lucky with the penalty and barça with the send off, even tho it was a valid send off.
Interesting opinion. Would Messi have get red card if he had shoot at same positions as RVP? No :) how about those throat bashings?
comparing the messi situation with the one from van persie. rofl.
Think if Messi had had shot at same position/situation when RVP got the second yellow. Imagine
why wud i imagine such thing if it didnt happend

if u want to see the lame shit team winning with bitching around and no actual football go see the 16yo from your town.
Cause you didn't get my point
cause you are making a point out of where theres noone. im off
do bother arguing with a mongol from catalonia :D
Then you would have had 22 red cards 2 weeks ago in Milan - Tottenham , such scrimages are part of football
Arsenal scored a goal without having a single shot on goal, how many teams do you know can do that??!?!?!?!
Own Goal?
wow, really? :O
cant be...
Arsenal worst club ever :D

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Barca should be thanking the refs. Again.
I really don't see what the reff did wrong...
idk, bookings?
RvP red is a joke. No ref would give another yellow for this kind of action, and he kicked the ball 1 second after the whistle of the offside.
well its a valid decission to give a yellow u know?
If it was the 1st one, definitely not a red you know. Crouch didnt get one today for doing the same thing today and didnt recieve a booking.
yes it was, u saw all the crap he did on 1st half in order to lose time? ref wudnt let him go with anything he was damn warned, and he did hear the ref but he just threw it to lose more time. serves him right.
He shot it 1 sec after the fucking offside was signalised, the defender was running behind him it's fucking instict to shot it like that. Also strange that there were no replays of that offside since it wasnt on screen. Also alves tackle on nasri and then attacking him, same with abidal attacking van persie and no booking. Why not? Cos they're freakin barca.
if he wudnt have heard the ref then he wudnt have shoot like that, he wud of 1on1 the goal keeper
He had the defender right behind him.
stop being lame tbh. as if he would of shot from taht distance etc.. cmon get real.

and as if barça didnt realise to get thru, say thank u arsenal didnt get scored 4 goals more
Say thanks to the ref for sending him off. That saved your "godlike" club
when he was on the pitch they had like 10% ball possesion bro
He would have scored that goal if he was there instead of bendtner, possesion aint needed that much to score.
u cant never know that, and while there was a penalty for barça which was not seen. while your arsenal didnt even make 3 passes

superior team won cut the whine
They played better, wont say anything about that, but i dont think they would have scored if they were in the same numbers. And ref was totally on barca side you cant say anything about that.
ur one funny mother fucker
For sure, cant say anything else ;)
Anyway it took barca 48 minutes to score against arsenal, and they scored only because of a defensive error but ofcourse barca crap fans arent able to see that. They stood a chance in 11, actually they would have won in 11 because they defended amazingly and almunia had a great performance.
But yeah barca fans cant notice anything.
:DDDDDDDD ur fucking dumb:DD they scoredonce with full LU while arsenal didnt even get close to our goal for once, and then saying the ref is with barça while we didnt even get our penalty:DDD pls just fuck off.
Yeah alves grabbing nasri infront of the ref and he didnt do nothing PLEASE.
And arsenal didnt need to score to win scumbag. You're freaking dumb.
Oh yeah, they scored due to a defensive error, did you miss that?
yeh they didnt need to score, with 1-0, they get thru with it:DD u can assume goals from arsenal but u cant assume any errors from the arsenal defence. ur plain dumb, as if arsenal wud go pro all of sudden in 2nd half and get to touch the ball

ill just stop replying, ur dumb.
actually they were in 11 when it was 1-1, missed that too?
You just fail hard at anything you try to explain.
I win, barca couldnt win without the ref, case closed.
if the ref did its job more properly this wud been a 4-1 cut the crap, no team with such low ball possesion can win. unless barça scores an own goal again.
4-1? Without alves on the field? It would have been 1-1.
keep making pressumptions bro. alves wud get a yellow for that
Sorry my bad, if RvP = out alves = out aswell, cos he grabbed nasri in that occasion = 2nd yellow for him, 1st was his tackle on nasri ofc(if the ref would have done his job properly).
yep that tackle worthy yellow. keep on pressumpting its all u can do when ur defending a team with 5% possesion ball
Barca was not able to score without them doing a mistake, that's not a presumption.
so? doesnt mean shit? they could make more mistakes or simply barça just out play them since barça is just better.

plus that mistake shit is the most dumb thing ive ever heard, most of the goals are made when a team incists and gives a real high level of playing like barça, arsenal would get tired while barça is fresher, mistakes come by themself. now leave me alone ur retarded anyhow.
Yeah, i'm retarded cos i'm not a barca fan you're right. You're plain dumb and cant understand shit bout football.
says a guy whinign about a valid card

Not for a second yellow. Btw you said you'd stop replying me a few times already.
any replay avi?
let me join ur fanclub
Barça was the better team and deserved to proceed to the next round.
I can understand the frustration on Arsenal's side, they didn't give away much and they were very close to getting into the next round. Also the referee was clearly in favor of Barcelona. Although van Persie shouldn't act like a child. He behaved very unprofessional with both his yellow cards.
oh shut up would you, talk about something you have knowledge about.
Inter > Barca :*
I think the ref-luck was pretty much even for both teams. Yet the obviously better team won so everything went better than expected.
arsenal not being able to give 3 passes in a row, CL material right there.
Not saying Arsenal is a shit team, it's just barca was like a million times better and they were the obvious winners.

Gerechtigheid is geschied..
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