i m back with:we did it our way!

last but not least

stop with the romanian crap, romania sucks mkay?
don t wanna get my d... full of s...
haha, romania.

3rd world country!
no. just a fact.

just 4 u, my comments are not full of:

1. mad
2. hate
3. racism
4.and the other stuff spammed here on cf

its just a fact. there are a lot more 3rd world countrys out there. its not ur fault....
thanks.and i m aware of it.and i accept it as it is.thank u one more time !

but..even so,i want people here,kids mostly to understand history is a complicated and corrupted process.we(romanians),not gypsies,we gave the world good and bad!as everybody did
:D, have a nice weekend.
so you invented shit, but still ur a 3rd world country?

haha romania is even worse than poland then :D
not a 3rd world country but of course we re not on western countries level.get brain ,learn history and u will see why
this is why.it could have been you in my place,if only your geographical position in europe map would be different.Romania was the great victim of WW II. The western allys has abandoned Romania in the criminal hands of Stalin.Now stfu and be gratefoul for your sorry ass

past is past, and why would i care to learn history from a shitty country?

no benefit!
is not history of a shity country is part of world history.u don t know your own country history ,i bet on that.the benefit u would stop being ignorant flamer and start be a smart guy.but smart is not something meant 4 u i guess
u mad m8?

i dont give a fuck about romania. u are the one praising it here, expect some flame.

thankyou, come again!
me mad?u can t know if i m mad or not u don t see me.anyway your flame is not much better than toilet paper.i use it to whipe my ass.good night
There is no escape
and that's for sure
This is the end we won't take any more
Say goodbye to the world you live in
You've always been BITCHING
but now you're KILLING
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