New PC etc

Right, I don't know how much I'm willing to spend on a new one or anything like that, the main point of this journal is to ask:

What's the best way to buy a new PC? Parts seperatley etc etc.

Bare in mind I'm pretty lazy and therefore can't be arsed to put anything into a PC myself especially build one from scratch unless it's as easy as plugging my keyboard in :P

and yes, my PC has just blown up and my room stinks of smoke and burnt out clutch so plans to shoutcast the rest of this NC have quite possible been chucked out the window. Bad times :(
come pick my spare one up till you get a new one
As long as u can assemble it by yourself buy it by parts, u'll be able to find some priceless offers :D
gl owzo m8
AMD Phenom II X2 555 Black Edit /3.2GHz, L3 6MB, 80W, BOX, AM3/

AsRock 880GMH/USB3 /AMD 880G/

Samsung 500GB 7200rpm 16MB cache SATA-II F3

GoodRam 2GB 1333MHz CL9

Tacens Prior Limited (92mm Fan)

Tacens RADIX IV 450W

all ~ €270

and secondhand hd5770 and u hv good pc
go with the time and get quad-core

image: sys


quad = nonsense now, maybe in 2 years but not now

btw on phenom 555 u can unlock 2 cores if u hv luck
even some games use 4 cores now, it's not pointless anymore
bf:bc2 is using 4cores, bf3 will use it, crysis 2 will use it and the upcoming games will use it as well.
add to it gta IV
ok but gta 4 is no game it's bullshit.
maybe, but its fun to play it :)
"Go with the time" and get the new Intel 2xxx series instead.
i'm not able to pay thounds of euros only for a cpu ....
I don't know which sites you're checking out, but most of the 2xxx series are cheaper or just as expensive as the previous series.
be intelligent and dont buy intel!

gogo phenom II x6 1090gt <3<3
well i got an other system with amd cpu but i don't know ...
but then get the 1100 ..... it's only 10€ more to pay ...

image: asys
boxed or tray?
boxed, see links now, i edited!
as long as i need to buy a cpu then i don't buy boxed :)
no difference!

u can easily add another one, so boxed or try, no difference!

[ger]Sie haben einen Prozessor mit Boxed-Lüfter ausgewählt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass natürlich trotzdem weiterhin die Möglichkeit besteht, einen leistungsfähigeren bzw. leiseren Prozessorlüfter zu wählen.
Der von Ihnen gewählte Prozessor besitzt eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit. Damit einher geht eine erhöhte Wärmeabgabe. Bitte statten Sie das System mit einem zusätzlichen Gehäuselüfter aus. Nur so ist eine zuverlässige Kühlung des Prozessors gewährleistet.[/ger]

price: € 5,99
[ger]hab schon 3x120mm im gehäuse die aber nur auf halber leistung laufen ^^
xDxD only single core 2,19ghz cpu :<<<
well i have an amd xp 2500+ which is running with 2,2ghz, radeon 9700pro and 1gb ram epic computer cpu, gpu with passiv cooling and 1x120mm fan in the tower, epic quiet computer.
mine is quiet aswell, but slow like shit :D

3500+ amd :D!
it's piss easy to put a pc together tbh :p
I usually just buy the pieces seperatly and buy the cheap stuff which is being outclassed by the new really expensive items and thus dropped alot in price!
Today, two guys broke into my apartment to rob me at gunpoint. While I was wanking. FML
If you're not up for building it yourself try and see if you can find ex-demo/refurbs.
i got a refurbed gaming laptop and tbh if you don't care about whats in the PC and can cool it then I find thats the thing to do. You just have to be prepared to get a new one every 2/3 years as you can't upgrade anything.

Build it yourself, or give me the money .. I'll build it & meet u somewhere NERD FASHION !

Also, if u need an operating system .. just ask & i'll post one (like i done for jinosta)

I'll be on vent or w/e if u need any advice :)
Have one of the British people here pick you a pre-assembled PC for around 800-1000 pounds and you should be set (unless you want to start shoutcasting a Crysis 2 stream on ultrahigh settings).

Also available to shoutcast NC. :XD
I got my desktop from PC Specialist and they're pretty good
You can get your machine pretty much custom made at a good price and with good components. Mine was well built and I've had it for 2 years with no problems to do with them (battery died in the mobo but I can't blame them for that). The other day they emailed to ask if it was still going ok which is pretty decent of them consider its now over 2 years old.

I know other people who have got laptops from them and been impressed.

The other way to do it is to buy an entry-level gaming laptop and just replace it every couple of years. Unless you're a NERD and might want specialist hardware then it makes sense. I got my ACER for £570 from PC world and i've been very impressed by it (played LAN at the weekend with it, CSS at 125fps+ :D).

p.s. i paid £700 for my desktop
good job you been working owzo, how much is your budget lad - give me a shout on irc =)
buy parts.
also i would not invest money in anything less than i5/i7 setups.
that will leave you the option to upgrade w/o having to buy everything all new.
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