remove evilynn admin rights please
18 Mar 2011, 18:20
i agree with the journal under me, it's unacceptable behaviour to our fellow users and just wrong. if you are an admin do ur work right like Frop.
heres a jungle cat for you
heres a jungle cat for you
(c) viceroy
what an awesome ass
did u play brotherhood and da2?
waiting for crysis 2 in 5 days
ac2 is and to me one of the greatest ever adventure games ever created, it's a true master piece and a well done game created and designed to remove every flaw of the first AC
a huge credit to ubisoft
better look for something else
starting pala the jew-slave in gas chamber?
are you seriously suggesting that kids and cheaters only make up 1% of crossfire users :D?
she is just fat and stupid the admin worth removing is Krosan.