Favorite book

Name one book you will forever remember having the opportunity to read it ( one all time favorite book) may aswell point the genre
(Sinuhe) The Egyptian
Snelle Jelle
Charles Bukowski - Factotum
So overrated
maybe you'll tell me too that James Joyce - Ulysses is overrated too lol

I'm 99% sure that you're watching californication and think it's not overrated ;d
[PL] Nie, Ulysses nie jest. Nie rozumiem fenomenu Bukowskiego, wulgarnosc bez zadnego celu, ani to smieszne ani pouczajace. Wlasnie zastanawia mnie czemu w Californication jest tyle nawiazan do Bukowskiego, bo glownego bohatera z Chinaskim laczy tylko i wylacznie zamilowanie do uzywek. Vonneguta czytales?
[PL] Podobno Hank Moody to kolejne odbicie Bukowskiego. Nawet alter ego Bukowskiego ma ksywke Hank. Z reszta to samo alter ego to babiarz i ochlej. Przeczytam wiecej ksiazek Bukowskiego - dam znac czy sa powiazania z Californication.

Co do Vonneguta, to nie czytalem. Teraz koncze Kosmiczna Odyseje, a pozniej de Sade'a cos tam mam. A polecasz jakies jego konkretne powiesci czy wszystko, co mi wpadnie w rece z jego dziel? [/PL]
[PL] Polecam Ci Rzeznie nr 5 i Zegnaj czarny poniedzialku, czyli sniadanie mistrzow. Swietny styl, smieszny, ale jednoczesnie powazny. Nie sadzilem, ze pogadam z kims o ksiazkach na crossfire :D
William Gibson - Neuromancer (cyberpunk)
Stephen King - The Stand

Haven't read that many books...
its a whole series.. sword of truth ( fantasy)
omg CARA *go crazy*
yeah :) wonder how the new books will be.. have to pick up the first one today.
Ah well, I have a lot to catch up, I'm reading the 4th book of the serie right now. But I've seen the TV show :D
didnt liked the show.. to much differences and stupid changes just to make it easier for the viewers and cheaper to produce.
That's what I've heard, but I thought the actresses were beautiful, and the landscapes were amazing :)
For now I'm a little disappointed by the books, I don't like the way Kahlan talks to Cara, while they had an interesting relation in the TV show. I hope it gets better. Anyway, back to my book :D
it will..also like the father son stuff more then this annoying brother thingy in the show which actually destroys like the half of the story later on :P
Alright, thanks for giving me hope ! See you around :)
Every book, which discriminates yews and makes them look bad.

and Mel Gibson's audiobook is nice too
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
you didnt read that
Dumas - Les Mohicans de Paris
Flaubert - Salammbô
--> cannot decide
Let's be original and say The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger.
My Losing Season - Pat Conroy.
Michael Ende - Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
(Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver)

image: 3dc11840-ab39-43bc-af0c-68e6ab16aa49

Bestest children's book ever!
Wiktor Suworow - Akwarium

Matthew Parker - Monte Cassino

Grisham - The Associate

Stephen King - Doctor Sleep

Stephen King - The Tommyknockers

Andrzej Sapkowski - The Hussite Trilogy

Harlan Coben - Darkest Fear

many many many many many fucking more...

e: Stieg larsson Millenium Trilogy
donald duck winterpret
Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
Henri Charrière - Papillon

Dmitri Gluhovski - Metro 2033

Tolkien - TLOTR
Only 1 book? Oki, the one that had changed my life forever :Ppp...

Charles Darwin - The origin of species (cba typing full name)
lamarck all the way!
Terry Pratchett - Small Gods
having only one favorite book would be stupid.
still too much for some people.
coz prolly 80% of the guys here didnt know there was a book. they only saw the movie

from the series i liked The hobbit the most TBH
Facebook xDxDxD
from the books i've read recently:
Nathan's Run by John Gilstrap was quite goot!
Frank Herbert - Dune
nice to see someone else like it too
Maybe reading it didn't change my life, but at the age of 12 it blew my mind
Ten Little Niggers (Agatha Christie)

Honorable mentions:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams)
The Hobbit, or There and Back Again (J.R.R Tolkien)
The Icewind Dale Trilogy (R.A Salvatore)
Inheritance Cycle (Christopher Paolini)
tonke dragt, brief aan de koning
One of the last books I throughly enjoyed was, 'The Secret of Crickley Hall' by James Herbert. Not necessarily my favorite but very enjoyable.

For my favorite book, I'd go for a short story by Howard Lovecraft from the book, 'Weird Tales' titled, "The Rats in the Walls'. Read this years ago and I loved the fact that I was reading a story that mentioned a cat called, "NIGGERMAN". Also, it was very mysterious and fucked with my young mind. As the years have gone by, I read most of his other work but I'll always love the rats in the motherfucking walls.
American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis (read in nl & en)
The Informers by Breat Easton Ellis (en)
Huid en Haar by Arnon Grunberg (nl)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera (nl)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer (en)
Gangreen series by Jef Geeraerts (nl)

+ some others I don't remember atm
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