study help

I have exams chemistry monday... and i started a bit late...

How do you study 350pages in 2days?

Any options?
just do the important things.
Move to North Korea
dont browse cf and learn :p
Just try to remember the most important facts of each chapter :p
350 pages ?

not too much for 48 hours.

Take energy drinks / cofee and try to read everything. Important is that you read with mind and some more important things write down or try to remember harder.

Don't know any other solution.

Good luck
me studying 48 hours in a row??? maybe i should go to fukushima to get some radioactive superpowers than =D
Important is that you read with mind
why the fuck is FinlandmiNd everywhere?
350 pages in 48 hours, that's easy. Day one, read 200 pages, day 2 read the last 150 pages, and read the summaries again.
day 1 is almost over
it's 12:30, it's barely started
more then half, u do the math
So his test starts at 00:00 ?
u dont have 350 pages, but around 130
i will fuck u in ur ass so ur eyeballs would fucing fly out off ur head
that sounds so sick, i bet u stole that from some1
yeah some random faggot told me that
why do you chat with faggots anyway'
go get drunk man xD
Why did u start so late?
because i'm lazy =)
insert everything into calculator

==> pass your exam
don't drink coffee/cola or whatever has been posted above. cafeine affects your concentration. just eat/drink healthy, get some fresh air if you want to have a break. heared some of those pills (relatine, ...) work great as well but I don't have any experience with those.
relatine = speed for people who are not used to it =D
play on bio
Bribe the local chemistry nerd and profit?
browse on cf more :]
Read the whole thing today with thought, relax (don't get wasted), sleep on it and read it again (or atleast the most important points) tomorrow.
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