mouse scrolling problem

Basically my mouse is automatically scrolling through everything... websites, word documents, notepads, irc... anything that has a scroll bar. My hand wouldn't even be near the mouse and it starts scrolling furiously... I've already googled this but I don't have much time tonight, what I read on google wasn't conclusive and didn't actually fix the guys problem..

Please leave your replies here and I'll read them later tonight or tomorrow morning.

I haven't changed any settings at all, just started out of the bluel.

Ps. I'm on Windows 7 & I have an mx518.

Thanks! <3
lol lowskilled maltese wannabe uk lololol
lol lowskilled maltese wannabe uk lololol
Ps. I'm on XP & I have an mx518.
Uninstall and reinstall all mouse drivers.
didnt work! :(
Uninstall, run CCleaner to make sure no registry files for Logitech mousedrivers are installed, then reinstall drivers again.

Btw, is this on your laptop? Check your touchpad settings!
How do i check my touchpad settings? :(
Some laptops have a button that disabled the touchpad on the fly. Best thing to do is Google your laptop make and model number and the phrase "how to disable touchpad on" and you should find out.
buy a new mouse
prolly some dust if the scroll is optical or dead scroll if it's not
how u gon read replies if ur mouse is scrollin down:PPP

did u try unpluging ur mouse and going on a long page and c if its goes down?
stop porn
mouse is dead
haha pwned!
Its very random... its awful when I first open anything that has a scroll bar, but then it stops at some point or another... for example, right now its fine. In ET, for example, I change my fov by using the scroll, so scrolling up gives me 1 fov, and scrolling down gives me another fov... My problem doesn't effect this though, as it isnt scrolling when ET is open cos I can tell it isn't.
There is no dust, I cleaned it when it 1st happened :D

Guess I'll reinstall drivers tomorrow :( Hopefully it works!

it's a virus.
check cable for any openings ?
the mouse it self works fine... just it does not let me scroll anymore :((
for a temporary fix I would use Setpoint (which you should use with ur MX518,until ur one of those "I-use-razer-driver-for-my-Logitech-mouse"-Gangsta :D) to "unbind" the scroll function.
After all reinstalling the drivers might help.
i use setpoint... ill reinstall tomorrow
didn't work :(
mAus mad @ u
Sometimes happens to me when I accidently click some random key and/or mouse combinations (I guess), don't know if it's the same for you..
Tried replugging the mouse while it's scrolling?
You be telekenetic
silly question: could it be your keyboard if its not happening in game? :D
i don't think so!
cos when i try to scroll with my mouse when my laptop loads, it doesnt work at 1st, then it goes mental, and works for some points later!
o.O are you using >500Hz? my 518 used to fuck up at 1000 but was fine at 500

try some newer steelseries ones, i loved 518 but ikari optical totally raped it up; you seem like you'd have big enough hands to handle that shit!!
im on 500 hz!
i have literally no idea then
re-installed.... it still happens :((
try the mouse on another computer to see if its a os/software prob or hardware ;p
i tried it before... didnt work either..
[18:07:59] [@toxiccccc] its not broke
[18:08:06] [@toxiccccc] just the scroll doesnt work
[18:08:13] [@toxiccccc] and when i put on my laptop
[18:08:23] [@toxiccccc] and open anything with a scroll bar
[18:08:28] [@toxiccccc] it goes crazy for 30 minutes or so
[18:08:32] [@toxiccccc] but then it calms down
[18:08:33] [@toxiccccc] :D
[18:09:31] [@toxiccccc] but tbh.. my scroll DOES work
[18:09:38] [@toxiccccc] it just doesn't scroll :D
[18:09:52] [@toxiccccc] cos in ET... i have scroll up and down bound
[18:09:54] [@toxiccccc] and it works

basically... wtf :D

must be a hardware fault on the mouse then haha

you could turn off mousewheel in windows i suppose
umm in xp you can turn off mouse wheel detection from the mouse > hardware tab

win 7 im not sure !
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