
where the fuck is he now? was talkin lot of shit during game and haven't seen a single reply by him after the game
hahahahaha baggiez hahahahahah
image: lady-yawning

This is all getting pretty boring, switch it up please.
the picture just gave me a smile 8)
hahaha i get it ;)
Bet he's still raging on the bed lol
He embarrassed UK and now looks like an idiot because they lost
watched replay and I would say pauses were far more annoying
some comments are not worth to reply so u know why u didn't receive one :)
being cunt as usual
idd hes a fag, tho still low after playing a decade
He's probably finding it amusing that you are squirming in your chair at 1am.

No replies is because he genuinely doesn't give a fuck.
not at my time
it was only 9.17 here
He embarrassed himself and you, him and all the linux nerds know it, hence why he's got nothing to say when normally he's got a lot to say :))
Why would I be embarrassed? I find everyone calling baggiez shit rather amusing to be honest.
What? You implied I had some vested interest in Baggiez, however I don't. I find global chat whine annoying mostly, although I do find it amusing how many nerds are mad as a result of this.
Obviously you didn't read properly. You said that I said he embarrassed you. I said he embarrassed himself and you know it. Which is the truth.
You obviously don't know how to punctuate sentences correctly.
Just pay more attention in school rather than crossfire and you might get somewhere in life.
You are the one who is unable to write coherent English.
Are you sure you're from UK? Can't believe I'm better at the language than you are and I'm a german :x
sending his puppets like always ;p
Just did ctrl + F on gamestv, typed "baggiez"

Nice comments.
fuck all of you haters
big mouth,small actions!typical shit...from a prick
bad trolling. reminded me of taz, with the difference that taz is actually funny.
nothing new though from him, just give it a rest since he enjoys all this attention anyways.
doubt he is "trolling" all the time, just an excuse to feel superior!
what a goon.
Just read through yesterday's global chat.

Really don't see anything worth crying over.
how come my comments got deleted :D
He is really really stupid
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