To: chaplja's SLAC

Dear SLAC,

I would like to ask if it is possible to fix the fps lag you have been giving me since last weeks update. You have made goldrush unplayable for me, so I ask, whatever it is you may have done to make yourself 'better', please, make it go away. Right now, you are almost as bad as punkbuster. I'd like to be able to play properly again.
Thanks for reading this.

Loyal but pissed off user,

your e-wallet just got cleaned
more whine cause aim is low xDDDD
i still rifle better than jere :(
lol stop messin' about ;p.. who are u talking about ?
yeah you're probably a better rifle than tekoa:p you're right
I was doubting this when people where complaining about SLAC last week. Now I share their pain :(
Its massive pain, I normally love playing grush, but now, I cringe a little when it gets voted :(
Ye that's not great, FPS shouldn't have to be an issue when it comes to map enjoyment :/
is it on the entire map ? or just at the axis back spawn ?

cause ive huge fps lags at the back spawn :(
same, the entire area around the bridge, it's horrible :::
the entire map, the axis back spawn is AWFUL though.
dont think the axis back spawn is fully slac related as I heard a lot of people have this issue even without having slac loaded, although with any anti cheat you will get some slight decrease in fps it should only be minor unless you PC is 5-6 years old.
yeah, the back spawn is awful, just saying now that its worse than before, obviously :P
Me too. Like when the tank stops at top and blow the back doors.... is shitty
no lag for me! :{D
kick me while i'm down why don't u
I will pray to the ET gods for you. It worked when I did it for owzo yesterday, maybe it will work for you too!
much appreciated
slac screenshot are back :P
same on adler.
and when you meet players your fps also drops heavily.
teammates dont understand my whine.
fuck slac.:(
luckily... i don't get it on adler... but i do have a small fps drop when i 'meet a player' but i got used to that :D
Time to buy a decent computer.
time to build a decent anti-cheat.
totally agree with you , been whining since the new slac update came out. Before that my fps was fine and its still fine if i play without slac. Its like toxic said , slac is becomming just as shitty as punkbuster was
slac was shitty since the start.
never trust an ex-hack coder to make an anti-cheat...
why not? those are the ones with experience.
Punkbuster has a policy not dealing with any cheat related hackers, look how that ended up.
pb is shit cus they don't have the ability to make it better because they suck cock.
slac sucks because they trying to fuck around like mongoltards.
be thankful u got some kind of ac u ungrateful fucking nerd
i have a laptop thats been working fine for ages, only started last week, cos of this slac update, so i'd like to ask to change it back!
Give me ur config.. I have a laptop too and cant get to work properly the fps and config related thing.

Drops all the time man.
My FPS are fine. What LeFrancis said :)
i'm sucking because of it (more than usual) :((
i play with 200 ping everytime i play. i just whine about the retards i usually play with :)
dont even try to compare playing et with 200 ping and no fps drop and playing et with 50 ping and fps drop

How about me. 200 ping AND fps drops... 45fps-125fps-45fps-125fps, and so on.

Not mentioning the lag sounds that SLAC gives. It freezes the game every time the voice on the game talks.

pb is really bad for me, fps at slac seems fine though ppl seem to warp sometimes :p
Too bad :/

Now jere > you
Haven't noticed SLAC giving me any fps drops. So can't help, SORRY.
Gold ,Adler and Bremen fps drops like hell since slac update -.-
Never had any problems with SLAC..
get proper pc ;D
when the only game you play is et , its pretty pointless to buy a new computer :p
yeah.. use +500 € just because of slac ?
toxic mad cuz low :D:D:D
I heard Chaplja gives lag to cheaters to troll them.
me too, funny coincidence?
who the fuck poured that guinness?
works now nice
i get fps lags after the tank hits the "railing" of the bridge, and after maybe 1 or 2 mins everythings normal again
didn't notice any disadvantage, keep up the good work :-)
The worst part is the start lag that seems to happen when you join the server, the game just freezes twice and i mean freezes for a good second or so. This is also a pain in the ass though (journal content!!)
yeah i get that too. feels like pb again, except it doesn't lag when match starts
Same here ...
works like a charm
chaplja can i get one of your jailbroke account?
You're like a kid writing to santa claus!
He is a kid indeed man so don't tell him that Santa Claus is not real, you could hurt his feelings.
why do idiots complain about slac on crossfire? slac has a website and irc you know...
why do idiots complain about slac at all, like wtf? PB NEVER HAD UPDATES WHICH WHERE LAGGY, every fucking pb update was pure without no mistakes which would cause fps drops/lags RIGHT?

dont get how ppl have the guts to complain about something they aint moving a finger for. How many of you have donated a single penny to chaplja?

I've played this game for over 4 years, and its the only game i've stuck for. Over these 4 years, what have a i paid? nothing at all, over 4 years of enjoyment FOR FREE.

dont u dumb fucks realize that you look like idiots complaining about something you obviously dont deserve?
yeah.. now slac has made that free cool game unplayable.. should pay over 500 € for new pc ? just because of slac ? =X atm pb was working better for me than slac =) maybe i am just dumb fuck looking like idiot and dont deserve to play ET -_-'
you should just wait and see a new slac update, sure making a journal asking if your the only one who laggs, alright thats cool. but whine about it? fuck off, i cant see a statement saying these laggs will be forever.
you lag every game anyway Steve! :P
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