Caught my dad with my GF What the fuck should I do?!

I dont know if I should tell this but I really want to clear my thoughts

I've had my GF for 2 years now (practically lives with me) - small white, petite thing, cooks for me, always been good to me.

I go away on holiday for a week, come back and something just doesn't seem right. I asked my dad if he had seen anything happen with my GF and he acts clueless.

So fast forward to 3 weeks later... I'm coming home from work when BAM clear as day, right in my Kitchen I catch my father red handed with his meat in my GF.

I was PISSED, told him to get his meat out of GF and GTFO, needless to say my GF got turned off. I just couldn't get over it and that night kicked my GF to the curb.

Now it's been 2 weeks since the incident and that I've been without my GF and about 10 minutes ago my dad had the audacity to ask my how my GF has been, when he's the damn reason we ain't together no more.

Should I get off the computer and start swinging at him?


Pack my stuff and be on my way.
you should stop inventing stuff to get attention.
you should stop inventing stuff to get attention.
you should stop inventing stuff to get attention.
you should stop inventing stuff to get attention.
Cool verhaal broer!

E: Just kill both and immigrate to North Korea!
what haven't you ever shared meat duties with your dad?
too serious journal to post on cf
obviously he doesnt really seem to respect Kri and his "property"
J.K. Rowling the 2nd.
obvius, fucking stupid troll. or if it's not troll you are fucking dumb idiot to ask help in cf, gg
i would have sex with the mother of you're ex gf to make it even
rofl made me laugh ^^
is niet zo netjes van je pa, maar miss kan je je moeder neuken om terug te pakken.
just find a new dad imo
nice troll.

if not, get a new gf and get wasted with your dad.
lol bad "troll" but if i would catch my dad and my gf together i'd probably beat my dad senseless
kill your gf, rape your dad & go on a buildings roof and jump from it
I think ur gf is a slut, but in anyway u should get back to ur gf and ur father ... so fuck his wife aka ur mother.
thats what WakaFlockaFlame said :P
no it wasnt
he wrote in retardish most people couldnt understand
i think you should be OK with your dad using your meat grill.
u're worse than britney spears and lindsay fucking blowhan
Tomorrow it's 1 april, not today
Typical copied from an American post.
you should kill yourself and gtfo of crossfire lowass
bad troll but if that would be true:

First, smack the woman around, just a little bit. They are kinda fragile.

Then, call your dad and say that u will kick his ass when you see him, he will prolly act like any father: "IM YOUR FATHER FFS, HAVE LITTLE RESPECT ETC." Stop the bullshit and drive to his place and seriously kick his ass. Break some bones, i suggest a rib or two.

After that all you have to do is wait that both of them will crawl back to you asking for forgivness. At that point it's up to you wether you forgive them or not. What i personally would do: Dumb the bitch + make her life a living hell (pmme for more info) but forgive your father.

Sorry for my english
i really lol'd at 'pm me for info'
you're a bad man
you should stop inventing stuff to get attention.

wadup lol
trolled :FD
Not only is this old as fuck, but you forgot to link the image as well. Well done.
Trolling has so lost its meaning...
this is so old
can't believe you got so many responses
change ur cfg
kill yourself
Go to brazzers/pornstar's punishment
Kill yourself
crossfires have no chicks..
you should stop inventing stuff to get attention.
die shit moet je niet in zon ding doen, werkt echt niet en het smaakt nasty dan
Ja, maar dit is wel de GF waar het over gaat :-)
lean mean grilling machine :D
old as fuck, bad effort
image: 953516_f260
bad troll 0/5
wauwie this one failed pretty bad
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