Girls And Alcohol...

nice one
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Dieses Video enthält Content von UMG. Es ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.
Dieses Video enthält Content von UMG. Es ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.
Dieses Video enthält Content von UMG. Es ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.
Dieses Video enthält Content von UMG. Es ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.
Dieses Video enthält Content von UMG. Es ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.
yh... its pretty common @ ur country, innit? XD
nein nein nein nein nein
Wusste garnicht, dass 'content' schon eingedeutscht ist..
schlimm oder?
hahahahahahha fucking epic
That's how fast luck turns
i would destroy her fucking face if she slap me
yeah u'd strangle her with ur pink muay thai belt
i would destroy her anus with my fist :)
Related vid,

EDIT: Is that a girl or a boy whom is getting slapped?
Doesn't matter I think.
now that's why i hate that our parents tell us to never hit girls :<
if that wud of been the guy hitting the girl he would be in jail, on the other hand the girl doesnt get punished. gg justice.
i would anal rape that bitch
I agree, sir
bad troll 0/10
im serious

Finland u barely get any jail time if u rape, and it is half time for firts timer anyway, worth of a try + she started it all.

At this poinjt once the bitch goes crazy, u hit her HARD with ur fist, then shes like bohoo mimimim;'(, then u hit her again, once she falls down u kick her straight into pussy and then u grab her throat, u choke until shes almost passed out, then u hit her with ur fist again BIG TIME and now she is ready to take it all, u take her clothes off and put ur penis into anal, if shes screaming u choke&hit that bitch so she'll stfu and then u continue, once ur finished with anal u fist some fucking hard and then u choke&smack her face some more, now the bitch should respect u some you are ready to go, before u leave u kick her into pussy + stomach and spit her into face and say THINK ABOUT IT BEFORE U HIT A GUY NEXT TIME.

The bitch will learn to behave now and most likely never wants a dick again and turns out to be lesbian or commits a suicide

image: snooki

After all this is done u go smoke a join and be like this:
interesting, would read again 5/10

but on a serious note, I would cut off your cock ;P
How the fuck can you say it's an interesting read, that you would read it again and only grade him 5/10. You bitches make no sense at all.
not my fault if your sarcasm detector is broken. Some of you bastards just not smart enough ;P
Meez has been screaming for a few minutes on vent about this comment.

He tried to reply, but was at a loss for words. From this I think it's fair to say that he finds you implying that other users are not smart, massively ironic and so much so that he actually can not put his disgust into words.
thank you, point proven

edit: thanks Baggiez
you've crossed the thin line between sarcasm and stupidity, guess which side you're on.
thx I know which side I am on
ye, you would..


and the vid.. foreigners smoking pot.. no, just no!
You've really thought this through! I think this plan can't fail. GL with it
even if u are trolling...

writing something like this is just wrong
u this anon guy from 4chan?
snooki! :D
Where can I see that full .avi from the punch!
Justin Bieber trying to protect his virginity?
Justin has gotten more pussy alredy than u ever will, how about thAT
Sure sloppy seconds from Usher.
i love justin bieber !
Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez :DDDD
which one is justin?
It's a fake Danish "viral ad" against youth violence, some info about it in English:
he is religious for sure so he can't have sex before marriage.

just my 50 cents
Did she try to pick pocket him?

Am i seeing this right?
yes, or unpants, but the way he reacts, looks like pickpocketing
hahaha what a crazy bitch
could be as Matias said, doesn't believe in sex with strangers or even sex outside of marriage
what a pussy, how can a chick like that hurt him physically
I mean, i can break that bitch with my fucking dick
old :P
At all the people going like "how can he get his ass kicked by a girl", its quite simple really. To begin with you are really surprised that happens and you dont know what to do, after that, if you are a real man, you would only hit her back if it's as last resort, hence him not doing anything.
:D looks like someone has had the same experience
Ofcourse not, I'm not a real man, I'm an internet-man, I slapped the living hell out of her.

ps : stalk mij nie, nerd! :D
Wow, this turns me on SO MUCH. If there are pretty girls here who I have insulted in the past and wanna slap the hell out of me, please, PM me. We can work something out :-)
Would've taken the first 2 hits. 3rd one was coming from me.
thats why maus removed his gf pic in his profile ?
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