schnee's lunch time journal v2

Hey peepz,

just wanted to say hello and make maybe an interesting journal. I had dream about it tonite and now I cant remember. had great questions in my miNd to ask. got them!

Questions for the day:
Why did u register (e.?) on cf?
Why are u still here?
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan?

Song of the day:

Pic: image: 2icnun8fbh7h

Shoutout to sexy flo, my buddies, dialer :), hentai cause hes coming to
berlin and all fins + night (6 weeks to go) =) BEST OF ALL M!DAS cause hes special!
Why do u registered on cf? - For RtCW
Why are u still here? - I have no idea
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? - Yes, by going to and hosting Lans.
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan?

fuck yeh, dualinity, iamretarded and krosan we go to trips together and carry krosan when he is too wasted to walk, thats how good frends we are.
Why do u registered on cf? - *To turn pro (hasnt suceeded yet ;D)
Why are u still here? -Nice to know whats happpening
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? - MAde some nice mates on this game , prol gnna see at LAN someday.
Why do u registered on cf? - For RtCW (to say that i released supply-b1 for rtcw)
Why are u still here? - For rtcw news and et news etc
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? Guess so, cause cliffdark went to belgium to see all ezbh members!
Why do u registered on cf? - to meet great ppl like schnee ;)
Why are u still here? - cause i'm easily bored
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? - Nope, i did get some facebook friends though that's almost as good right?? :o
Why do u registered on cf? can't remember, may have been related to et support

Why are u still here? to read journals when i'm bored mostly

Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan?

yes! lan, et, vent combination really....
registered cuz tites said its the et community page to be :D ( i played et for 12 days when i registered)

cant really find a reason why, just for fun, and always on when im bored (nearly 10hrs a day :DDD)

havent been to a big lan (going to attend tlr lan with oxid <3) but yes i found real friends, with my mates from Germanyxlibres and the ones from Germanyteamoxid

and ofc the peops from Germanykg-clan and Germany37th who were at the minilarged 2k10 with me)
i wanna be more than your friend schnee x
Why do u registered on cf?
- Cant remember one big reason, lots of people whom I played with were here maybe?

Why are u still here?
- Why not, easy way to kill time at days like these. And ET-related things too ofc.

Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan?
- Yea, a lot. Just playing & irc. See few other players weekly, play poker & drink beer. Will try to lure few of them to drink today too.
man i totally wanna have a beer with u, well not a beer, more like get wasted.
I have never said "no" to a new accomplice, nor that I have a problem to be hangovered at work if I got a good reason. Fly your ass over here :)
yeh ill save, my parents dont give me money anymore since some ppl from europe came to my place in catalonia and we fucked it up so badly and i didnt clean it because when it was time to leave i got ill just like everybody else there. so parents got real mad.

so this summer im saving to get to the NL and aftwerwards saving for finland, totally comming man.
Is your profile-age correct...?
no way man, im 19

Just thought that if you were 25, depending from parents :D

If you want snow, come Finland between december-april. For extremities, christmas-february. Seriously, chr-feb are the best times, you won't feel or explore those things anywhere else (well, Russia or some other 3rd world countries).
yeh i know the point is going to scandinavia during winter. man mark my words ill do it but takes time to save while u study;/

Questions for the day:
Why do u registered on cf? My friend shane told me about it aages ago.
Why are u still here? I guess cause I still play ET ^^
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? Not people that I regularly commune with, but met really cool people at lans :p
Why do u registered on cf? because i was the last one of our team who wasn't on cf and they forced me to do it
Why are u still here? because of u
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? to my regret i have no friends, even on lan i get pushed around :<

jetzt erstmal schnibbelbohneneintopf mit mettwurst essen ;)
was zur hölle sind schnibbelbohnen? xD

aber klingt geil xDxDxD
google pictures zeigte mir nur sowas hier
image: 4b5e31f024da1113844ef9f947500cc3
aber ist richtig lecker wenns selbstgemacht und frisch ist !
geschnittene bohnen? abgeleitet vom hochdeustchen wort 'Schnittbohnen' :-)
wie? gibt es neben döner, burger, pizza, pasta noch was andere zu bestellen ?
ich seh die verbindung grad nich zu dem was ich geschrieben hab :/
ach muss alles immer sinn machen im leben ?
btw. ketchup zum gemüse ?
ketchup und bohneneintopf lecka!!
naja wenn mans oder frau es mag, ich bleib da lieber bei nem schuss essig ;)
ergibt den gleichen sinn!
hmm stimmt

und ja unbedingt !
zur zuvorgestellten frage es gibt noch die komplette asiatische lieferfraktion :/

ist die suche nach der sinnhaftigkeit von allen nicht als solche sinnlos?
ich spreche selbs tnur beim zocken hochdeutsch, das hab ich schon verstanden, aber trotzdem keine ahnung was das sein soll xD
du hast mich gefunden ! :<
kenn ich nicht
Why do u registered on cf? Because Estonia fred told me to
Why are u still here? Because I play ET and am bored a lot.
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? Yeah, found some really good friends here with whom I meet on a regular basis.
Hey thar schnää,

why registered? makes you c00l and it was the place to be!
why still on here? see above.
found real friends? yes. cf, irc, msn, ts/vent.
It isnt working for me, what am I doing wrong? Being cool I mean.
now that you're asking... I dont know, lol!
kikooo girl :D you coming tlr lan ? hmm hmm
hola ! :) at least it is planned. u there?!
ofc i am :P with my nerd team !
Why do u registered on cf?
Why are u still here?
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan?

I registered because it was needed for gaming and to get clans etc. Crossfire profile age showed some kind of skill or at least what you could expect from a player.

I like the journals, which arent gaming related and I like to flame a lot. Wont do it in irl for obvious reasons but here i can do it without any problems.

I got couple of acquaintances through ET indeed :)
Why do u registered on cf? Cause people told me to look after some pb banned people :D

Why are u still here? Much flame&trolls in here, i like very much+ great ET support <3

Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan?

Yes i met 5 people from nB and with two of them im partying hard once a Month.
Questions for the day:
Why do u registered on cf? friends told me to register here because its the et community
Why are u still here? et=crossfire :D
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? i love stownage and flopjehz :<
thought u r a girl
why im registered here ? KREST SHOWED ME CF ! :D
why im still here ? cuz its fun
did you find real friends ? jup sure...
registered for recruitment posts
still here for journals and random pics
i found a lot of nice ppl who i also met in rl and stuff (bibu,m1r53,dario,veruna,immoo)
Quotewhy do you registered on crossfire?

nice engrish schnee =)
registered to feel as cool as all the others
still here cause of all the random shit
think so yes
Questions for the day:
Why do u registered on cf?Can't remember, it was around the time I registered on xfire too, the same time I started talking to "England_evan"
Why are u still here? Cool troll board, few decent folks still here and random chick
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? All on that list I guess :D, met a bunch at lan, talk to the rest on irc/facebook etc
Why do u registered on cf?
well, i just wanted to join the community, and because snoop was here too i gave it a shot. it was a good opportunity to get latest news about major mgc's, new nc tournaments or even the ec.

Why are u still here?
because most of the people keep their contact here...and for myself, i am not using such things as mIRC anymore.
but tbh, i am something like a silent watcher, who keeps an eye on the development of crossfire :p over the time i was getting bored of spamming around under loekino's love island, so i just came here to have a good laugh/get disappointed of the new spammer style those newschool spammers have today. :D
also crossfire is a very good place to ask gamers about their opinions of new games and to ask them questions about games in general.
the movie section here is a reason for me to stay too, because there was not really any other site providing fragmovies after swertcw was shut down. i am always looking for good new fragmovies, but most of the time everything i find is a random fraps movie or something unfinished. :(

Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan?
actually i found the game through real friends. :O) me and snoop went to the same school until the 7th/8th grade (?) and after school we used to go to his home and play a round of et. i always wanted to play that game, but my pc was too bad (there were actually pc's that were too BAD for this game :D lol!) and my internet connection too (56 kbit/s ftw!).
so like one year later i got a proper pc (back then with intel pentium 4 3 ghz :D and an ati radeon x700 or smth) and started to play et with ACG...some time later i registered on cf.
i didnt find friends through that game (i knew some of them before playing et together with them), but i met some of them there and there and we just had a good laugh as a big group. guys i met were: asmogan, loki, powelcheck and some other guys of the old noTeamplay lineup (people from Dresden).
kein grund uns deine lebensgeschichte zu erzählen :o
1. ist nicht meine lebensgeschichte
2. wollte es doch nur interessanter gestalten :(
danke flöckchen <3
Cause swertcw died! :'(
efter is gone too :(
this was a sad day for the community :(

what's up with hellgoat btw? he still alive?
those questions are really personal
ehehehehe :):)

but i dont really remember why i did register :(
mooooooooar questions than only one stands theeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrre
still here, cause i am bored and this is an active place. eventho it doesnt really statisfy my boredom!

friends. not really only mitwak i know from ET ^_^
i do remember cuz you forced me
1. cause all skilled players are registered here

2. cause it's fun, lots of stupid people and lots of laughter every day

3. no
Hey, download latest Simpsons episode, there were lots of PEACHES.
downloading, it better be good
Didnt say that. I said there were peaches. But it was a decent epi anyway.
it was so boring I had to delete it after 5 min.

those peach trees don't look like that in reality and those peaches buckets are not round they are in a shape of a square. but thanks for letting me know :))
Why did u register (e.?) on cf? - reported a cheater, cheatbusting since 2k6 :)
Why are u still here? - this is fun place to hang at :)
Did u find real friends through the game? How? Cf, irc, msn, lan? - nothing signicant , know some people over 5 years tho ^.^

ahh song. nearly forgot

register: cause after having played ET together for years my squadleader left and i had to take care of stuff myself, soon after i registered i left ET myself. lol cF ET killer

still here: still generally intrested in ET, esport news and youtuke links. also just yet another open tab

friends: yes, none of them play ET anymore.
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