Friday Morning!

hell yeah finally friday woke up 30 mins ago making breakfast and coffe, wondering about your plans for today? I need to go to military committee at 10;30 after it school until 18;00 and then at 20;00 going to the stadium to watch how my Poland Wisla Krakow is rolling :P have a nice day everyone, cheers!

"I want to change, I want a better life then go ahead and do something.. You will make it!"
work 09:30-18:00
going to school at 8:10, back from school at 17:45 or 18:00 then eat, do some schoolwork and sleep
the fuck is military committee?
i just got back from the army, i was guarding the base last wednesday while cohen had his ceremony :D!
when you finish 18 in poland you need to go there, they will pick category for me and send me back to the reserves since im still studying
so u dont want to be hardkorem and join the army?
nope I've got another plan for my life
I'm going to Lodz today to reunite with my friends who play volleyball there. Some don't. I'm going to get wasted 'n' shizzle which is quite an epic plan for this weekend. Warsaw is boring today. ;D
arrived at work. drinking my first coffee. work till 4, shopping after that. get petrol in poland! after this picking up my cat to drive home and party hard
party hard with cat? :P invite me for this!
inb4 rebecca
Had an awesome night. Huge headache and super weird dreams. I was an owl or some fat falcon for the most of the night, had to battle against insects and other birds while trying fly. I was so supriced that I hadnt eaten my pillow or anything when I woked up. My hands hurt though, guess I have been flapping them furiously while flying around my room.

Hangovers rock <3

EDIT: Oh, work today 9-17 and 9:30-14:30 tomorrow. Nerding today, not sure what tomorrow, I am open for ideas.
work 11:30 - 21:00 : (
o_O. poor frederik : <. what about fridayparti:o?
Go Pareiko!!!
he was great! we won 3:1!
get all my clothes into a bag tomorrow ciao to turkey for 2 weeks ;)
school until 13, then going to babysit my nephew for 3hours, after going to city @ friend, gonna drink with many friendz ;XD at ~24 we go to de club and get all teh chickz
friday friday fridayyyyy

Here's me last weekend :DDD
Hope to have as fun as i did a week ago :DDD
image: JOHoC
Today I'm gonna watch some tv shows, go for lunch with friends, come back, game, watch a movie, workout (cardio, no weights today), sleep

Uneventful really :( gotta pack for uni too actually, I'm going back tomorrow!
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