Finnish Elections + jytky (.fi)
17 Apr 2011, 20:04
True Finns are raping face (from 4% support to almost 20%) and Halla-aho, who is known for his anti-nigger policy, has harvested the most voices in Helsinki so far. Final results are up in an hour. These elections are said to be really phenomenal in Finland's history.
also lol @ getting into parliament cause of being nigger + gay
at least we shuffled the deck a bit.
it is time for a european centralistic movement.
fucking sandniggas feel free to kill people cause of their religious beliefs.
now tis time for us europeans to kill anyone else cause they are poor.
start with poland as they are not worth their prime geographical position just east to the bosses.
best example of this is world vs world champion in chess game over the internet. everyone went to vote for a best move, there were the best pros figuring out the perfect move, but also some regular chess players, good and bad and even some who never quite really even played chess. They all voted for their next move and the most voted would be performed. Always the votes ended up in bell curve where the most mediocre move would be chosen, one that isnt bad or good, pointless move, hassle.
+ ärsyttää vitusti että puhutaan historiallisista vaaleista kun mitään ei oo edes tapahtunu vielä, sama kun Obama oli vaaleissa historiallinen ja nyt lähinnä lame