A match which deserved more visitors

Hi crossis,

Yesterday we Estonia glitz played our 1st OC 2nd div. game against Europe Envious.

The match was pretty good (only bremen was no chance for us , wp env ) match between these two teams and i just want to tell you guys if you are bored just watch the replay , its deserved for both teams to get the attention.

Player to watch : Estonia Glitz : JyrkZ
Player to watch : Europe envious : crajsor
result : 4 - 2 for Estonia glitz

So if you are bored or dont know what to do , just watch the game which was pretty close , full of teamplay and awesome [multi] kills :-)

Thx 4 attention and gl both teams @ OC 2nd div.

Matchlink http://www.gamestv.org/event/25408-envious-vs-glitz/
child abuser carried all
yeah 10 kills in 15 minutes = cArRy aLL
why you so mad?
i got the tank in goldrush, got the cp and the barrier defuse, truck plant and escorted the docs meanwhile having 2nd overall dmg? mad coz etbot not working with slac?
im not mad but the fact that you're a fullblood 3rd world country bögretard irritates me a bit
the fact that you call me a 3rd world fullblood means you are fucking stupid.
and I would prefer being smart and live in a country that's economic structure might not be as strong as sweden's than be a fucking dumbfuck and be proud only for living in a country that allows gay marriage.

Go buy an ETBot to be better than others in a free game that you can't play for shit even though you have activly played it for over 5 years. pathetic piece of swedish gay shit.
whats wrong with gay marriage?
you just proved my point.
it seemed pretty pointless to me
its just wrong.
let them be together, let them do whatever the fuck they want and whereever the fuck they want but they should not be allowed to marry each other. Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman and wouldn't between any swedish faggots in the way it should be.

now, why don't you comment on the other things i said? obviously no objections, means im right, means you shouldn't be posting here at all.
what other things? i dont see the relevance.

seriously though, at least TRY to get rid of that brain tumor
atleast I provide facts that back up my story, all you do is call me a third world country retard and tell me that i have a brain tumor without any facts/arguments to back up your story.

you are just a stupid cheater who has failed in the only thing he cares about so hard that he needs to buy a bot. PATHETIC
what story? yeah sure i dont deny i cheated several years ago, i just dont understand why you keep on coming back to that since im clearly a much better player than you :)
a much better player wouldn't lose to me, would he?
1. we've bashed you both in offis and pracs (but then you didnt have EC-pLaYeR mErCs, explains a lot) 2. we would have lost it even bigger if your team had another 5th that didnt drag them down (yes, i mean you)

oh and im not the one spraying walls with clan names at work

i have other things to do now, get the fuck off my back please
you beat us luckily at one offi, yeah we lost 1 pracc to you and we had JYRKZ as a merc and we would have played a lot better with 2 mainlineup players, but you decided to be lame.

and about that picture? so what? i used to work as a painter and was bored and the wall was about to get repainted anyway, does that make me pathetic somehow?

glitz 4-2 envious in oc, meaning me>you. that will be all.
u got raped by faggots in the past or something? why do you care if they marry :P
i don't, i just find it wrong :p

(dmx quote in your profile - I SHOW NO LOVE TO HOMO THUGZZZ)
hes a crackhead tho :O
and a dog beater, true.
lol who cares if they like arseholes, aslong they're happy >.<
dont fuck with my Estoniahomeboys or ill find u hipster
yes!!!!! cause the 1st thing you do when you're bored is watch a replay of ET! saved my day :]
there are enough ppl who watch replays .. why they added it @ gtv...???
such an irrelevant reply...

people who want to watch your games, can surely find them on gtv.
he was just saying it was an entertaining match, not that people should watch it because of who play, but if they like entertaining ET then why watch how TLR rapes someone or etc if you can watch a really close and exciting game with some nice kills and teamplay.
i've got nothing against good games, specially if the teams competing are not top-flight teams. but i just can't imagine a person, who's bored, to go and watch a replay of a match, no matter how exciting it might be.
well, check www.gamestv.org
there's this feature "live on gamestv.org" and you see new matches requested on playback with 10-20 minutes apart from each other even now, at this time. People constantly request games to watch and why not watch an exciting game like the one we had yesterday. I think that was the point of this journal, not attentionwhoring. :)
since you ask that kindly i might actually aswell do so later today :)
"2nd div" - enuf said
ok monkeyy
inb4 bust avi's
lol crajsor!
Getting raped in oc div 2 didnt see that comming?
Sorry, but vktr doesn't deserve more than 6 viewers.
Not really, we did very bad, especially my self.
the only reason I would watch this match is because of millan other players suck
you mean the guy who tried to get a forfeit win by lying to us and changing the match to an earlier date when he knows we don't have mainlineup players and ends up getting facerolled? yeah, he's the best.
something is seriously wrong with you.
what is? is something that i said not correct?
I haven't written anything about what you wrote, I wrote something about you.
and why should something be wrong with me if i just tell other people what happened?
ashamed much? you should be.
Again, I didn't write anything about what you wrote, I wrote something about you.
and i asked you a question, why is there something seriously wrong with me? care to explain or are you just randomly flaming because you and your entire team was lame as fuck and still got rolled?
As always you flip into adhd rage mode and start being the rude angry ignorant prick you always act like.

We couldn't play at any other days but Sunday, so why are you insulting us for the forced dates? If you couldn't field players, and didn't want to wildcard, what else was there to do for Millan then?
Last Tuesday me and Millan agreed to play on this upcoming Tuesday. I didn't challenge because he told me he is not sure if you guys can play at 21.30 or 21.00. So I kindly asked him to pm me with an answer so we can set up the challenge. Otherwise it was challenged for Thursday and then you couldn't play just like we couldn't on Sunday, I told him that. Then he didn't contact me, changed the date on Sunday and it got forced on Sunday. Yesterday we asked kindly if we could please move the match over to Tuesday because we don't have 2 players like we told you almost a week ago and when you agreed. Then xcon started flaming me for what a retard I am and that it's not your problem that we don't have players. First Millan even said he hasn't said these things and stuff, when I pasted the logs he said he forgot.
Just stick to one story guys, don't be lame and play fair and everyone is nice. When you try to get easy points, flame me though I'm right, ofcourse it pisses me off.
Don't take it out on me though. You starting on everyone is just ridiculous. I know nothing about this, but it sure looks silly.
No I mean the guy who is cool :)
well it's the same guy.
coz i had a good day :-p
impossible you never have good days!! :D

BTW Bremen is such a shit map.
I rly had,cant believe at myself :D

+111111111111111111111111 bremen :D
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