concerning the "hb adolf" journal

Who ever removed it, couldn't you just have edited the "i love hitler" crap and have left the parts, which were actually interesting and which were totally morally and by crossfire rules complying, where they were?
A statement from Frop

i bet that it wasnt frop. All of the admins has the option to "Delete this as Frop" button.
I let you in on a little secret, Frop in CF is not really one person, it's co-account of all the admins, a scapegoat, Frop is really just a random stoner to show up help at lans and whatnot.
for example I heard recently Krosan and TosspoT have been very actively 'Fropping'.
ye kinda bs...
Or you could just stop trying to make distasteful offensive jokes about one of the most ruthless dictators ever to walk the planet?
we werent the ones making the jokes, we were actually having a conversation, which is quite rare in CF, but there are simple reasons for that...
where did I make any jokes about this? We were merely having a discussion, nothing more, no jokes were told by anyone who was writing something serious :o
Yeah, some retards were flaming, but me , decem and ssap were agruing in normal basis.
u can delete all the jokes/nazi comments/pics and still let the journal itself up.
Quotewhich were actually interesting and which were totally morally and by crossfire rules complying, where they were?

and what was moral and interesting there?
you could have read through it, then you'd know, about it being interesting; suit yourself
go fuck yourself .fuckin moron
ok, i don't really expect a proper answer from you - but - why are you insulting everyone, who is actually taking this serious? there is no reason to, and its not going to change anything, except it gives you comfort. and in that case i'd ask you to find another non-egoistic way of dealing with your problems
oo ok ,i m sorry,i did not realised i m talking with a high level hypocrite person here.u seem to be fine to what was commented in the previous post,u seem to have some joy over it,and my oh my u wanna teach us,or at least me,who of course can t give a proper answer to your awsome basically ,what u doing is,after a lot of flame and crap u posted,u expect me,who never saw in any comunity so much shit ,like i saw here ,to give u a nice answer to proove myself to u? stick to my previous answer.
but thats the point, we didnt want flame not to be removed, it was an OBJECTIVE discussion, nothing more. there was no flame involved and no hatred, no trolling,raging joking or denying.
thats what this was about.
and i didn't mean to give you the impression that i think you were not able to form a correct sentence, i couldn't care less about that, as long as i get what you mean. i meant that i didn't expect you to do so.
I really don't think i am a hypocrite. i never said that wwII "was good", or that "it wasn't that bad at all" while telling others it was not. it simply wasn't anything good, it was cruelsome, something that should have never happened, but since we can not turn back time, (if we're interested in it, otherwise...obviously not) we can at least analyse how wwII was in every way we see fit, or if we are open minded, even, WHAT happened. not just never speak of it again, because that just leads to people forgetting about it, which makes it more likely to happen than to learn from it.
u know even if i can accept,although very hard,that the original topic and the 1 who made it had kinda humour in it,even if some fuckin creepy 1,i still can t admit what i read after it...even if u wanna be a bad ass flamer ,reading stuff which wants to symbolise some worship for hitler,i found it anything but not objective.idk what da hell u saw objective in this,but let me tell u something which probably nobody told u yet:there are subjects in this world that is better not to be discussed it or remembered it.there are wounds who are not healed yet.u put gas on fire ,u might get burned.try to find another objective subject to talk about.crossfire is not and will never be the place to talk about some things.
i know that the topic itself was intended to be a troll topic and what not, and 'we' didnt agree with it. we simply picked it up as an incentive for a discussion. and we didn't praise hitler to be a genious or what not, we DID point out that he was evil, but not everything was evil in its own, he did some good things for SOME people. as much as you may not like it, there were some positive things for mankind in wwII itself, I am not refering to genocide. there is nothing good in that, at least not if you're not refering to some lifes as being inferior or what not. I am talking about the war itself. not the killing but the anticipation of each country. some inventions would have never existed or probably not have been invented that soon. and knowledge is without a doubt mankinds highest good. if you chose not to speak about it suit yourself, but you can not expect others not to talk about something bad that happened. we're not trying to lure you into a discussion about something you do not wish to talk about, i only want you to grant us as much right as to speak from our mind and not redicule us for that, as the intention itself is a positive one, in which can be seen no harm what so ever for obviously the majority of users here, so i once more just ask you to not 'flame' or 'call us names' for something that is not to be convictable. thats all i ask for, nothing more...
man how old are u?i mean where do u come with this ideeas?u just tell me some things u read on a book?where do u see me flaming,when i m so quite against this shit called flaming.u want to talk about ww 2 pls talk.but not in this manier.this is not the right way for fuck sake ,u really are so blind u can t see it?u praise the war itself for forcing the man to invent new weapons?don t tell me u call this progress cause it ain t.the more sofisticated weapons man does,the more close to fuckin end of the world he is wrong with u man?u want to give impression u are smart,pls use your neurons and try look at the problem in much deeper way than u did it until now
wasn't refering to weapons at all, more to the likes such as radar or plastic or some basic mechanism or meassurements which do save lifes these days or make life all so convinient, but noone thought of before.
and no, I can call myself one of the lucky persons which do not just recite what they read in books, but to at least be able to a somewhat free thinking. and no, not as you try to point out, to appear smart... having a discussion different from "what shoes do you like" or "whats your favorite set of boobs" doesn't mean you have to be genious. but apparently quite some think that its some obscure magic and not everyone can do it or something.
Quotego fuck yourself .fuckin moron
Quotefuckin prick
etc.Thats what i meant with flaming
Quote unforgiven on 20/04/11, 07:36:48 Del | Edit | Reply

which were actually interesting and which were totally morally and by crossfire rules complying, where they were?

and what was moral and interesting there?

SsAP on 20/04/11, 07:39:00 PM | Report | Reply

you could have read through it, then you'd know, about it being interesting; suit yourself

unforgiven on 20/04/11, 08:07:46 Del | Edit | Reply

go fuck yourself .fuckin moron

why dont u start with the begining?u made a new topic asking yourself very surprised why that shit was deleted.yea i called it shit.was shit.S H I T!

u said i did not read it.i read it.and i m still missing the point and asking myself why u so surprised it was deleted?it s maybe first time when i see admin here actually doing a good thing and deleting smt that had to be deleted.i m asking u again:what exactly u saw an interesting,inteligent,objective u call it what ever u want,discussion on that topic?was it meant to be a joke?a bad one than.

now i will ask u smt else,since u claim u are a person open mind who thinks for himself.have u ever heard saw ppl shooting each other?do u know the sound of a bullet going through air?have u been ever involved in a real combat situations,with gun power and stuff?if u dont know how it is like,than don t talk.i lived a so called revolution 23 years ago and is not quite fun to see how ppl gets progress here,is just stupid war.after prostitution,war is second bad invention of man that will probably will lead to auto destruction.u wanna do some research about it or u think the war brings something good ,no problem.but come talk after u live it,and u might have a different oppinion
as we pointed out in the beginning - we didn't agree with the original topic (which was about hitlers birthday, and nothing more than a macabre joke). that THAT got deleted is nothing we are sorry for. we just would have liked to keep our discussion about merely to wwII related topics and see the content that was inappropriate deleted or edited instead.

for your information, no, i never ever got in a gun fight, which i am very grateful for. even though i can not see how having expirienced war is connected to having the right to discuss the effects of it.

to just tell you for a last time - the war inself is overall no good thing, i never meant to say that, all i said was that the war didn't only have bad effects. there was definitely more suffering etc. in wwII than any invention could even out, but still there were good inventions, which we only wanted to have mentioned, which is no offence to anyone at all, merely a tribute to mankind.

and what you quoted of me only meant to tell you, that i can not tell what you find interesting or not, but I found it to be interesting. to be more precise: the economic effects of war, what others think in general(NOT if they think if it was good or bad, before you start that again) or what they know about it
u r going deeper and deeper into the problem,but u are going in a different one than u i m gonna let u stick at your oppinion,and i ll keep mine,which basically was:first topic was shit,and u asking why shit was deleted,is also some...?
why would CF nerds want to read interesting shit bout hitler.

theyre racist e-thugs anyways

As i replied. Hitler went to ww2 because Germany had to pay lots of reparations to the Allied forces for losing WW1.

And ambition meant human ambition. He wanted to achieve something.
i share your point about that he wanted to achieve something - or at least wanted to show others that "germany" as a united germany could

about the reparations, i'm not sure about it, could it really have been that vast sums? paying them back is certainly easier than going to war, and costs alot less i guess, or do you think, that he was searching vengance?
Germany payed those reparations till 80s I believe. Those sums were vast.

And Allied didnt allow Germany to have an army as well.

And yeah, Germany lost his coal mines to France. And everything was fucked for Germany cause of that.
we've had and still ahve quite some coal mines in the west, but indeed, coal became a rare good after war.

i suppose they managed to pay back earlier, but i can imagine it being vast indeed, but childplay considering the preparation after wwII imo
Germany's ego got hurt hard after WW 1.

And they lost the "Rhein-land" or that place were Saarbrücken and Freiburg are to French. And Germany got almost all his coal from there.
ah, yea, true that, dunno about the ego though, can imagine some being upset at the time because of it, but can't imagine what a burdon it must have been for them to have lost the war tbh

the irony being - a big part of germany doesn't want that area anymore these days ;)
:D:d The one reason people cant live in utopia world where everyone is equal, is that everybody or most of the people want to be more than others.

Every neighbour wants his neighbour's car when it's better etc :D

That's just human nature and nothing more. That's why socialism doesnt work :D
neither does capitalism as proven by our current state in economy^^

it doesn't work, because its about productivity, if you produce the same good to the same extend for the same price and sell it for the same price your company loses in value. you have to either produce to cheaper prices (which you can only do to some extend since you can't produce for nothing) or you can sell it for a higher price (which you mostly can't because someone else doesnt play along or someone doesnt pay that much for it), so you have to sell more, which at some extend you also can not do, who needs a new car every month or can afford it anyway? :)
And that's why some people want to conquer the whole world, just to be great. You never know what mad men think :D
It was a world wide crisis tbh, germany got the worst of it due to those payments they still had to make. Thing is, things were already starting to improve before Hitler fully rose to power. The biggest problem were those countless unemployed young germans. He helped those out by providing with jobs needed for all the public works he did and eventually also for the war preparations, but the first stage would have been near sufficient. Germany didn't need a warmachine to get back on it's feet. Allthough it's true that the loss of territory to France and the heavy sums they had to pay made the crisis so much more felt in Germany, those were not the sole explanation for the second World War. You also have to take into considerations other factors, like e.g historical studies about things like the Sonderweg etc.
can't you just shut the fuck up. It's not even funny but finns are fucked up anyway and can't understand anything.
QuoteIt's not even funny
I never said it was, and thats not the reason we wanted it to stay
You even read the comments?

We had more than 30 pages of A4 text you schmuck
and yet another retard :P
Why am I a retard?

Because I like to discuss World War 2, which was the biggest event in 20th century?

The only naive and a retard is you for being quite unintelligent. Go buy some more clothes and start your day with excessive consumption, you ignorant European.
sorry that I'm not as smart as you. But the fact that you're a retard is still right. Would you think it's funny if you were from poland? No. Now go back to your books and just leave this community, since you're such a retarded spammer.
Did you even read the comments?

We werent talking about loving Hitler or anything else. We were talking about why Germany was prone to war and so on.

Nothing there was about Poland etc.

Although Poland got ran over in 1 day. So yeah, epic Poland :D
germany was not into war u fuckin prick.hitler was.he forced ppl with his crazy ambitions.germans realised is wrong what he does and tried to assasinate him.the assasination failed.u read some history u fuckin cunt before opening mouth on such a subject.fuckin prick
People try to assassinate USA-s president. Doesnt mean Oswald stood for the entire people.

I know my history very well. And it seems I can interpertate it way over your. Which you cant
u know shit.u interpretate in your own fuckin way.that s the wrong way.get your facts right.and do something usefoul in the mean time,like shut da fuck up
MY facts are right.

Keep going to your 9th class and when you come back and have finished high school at least, then we can talk.
i finished high school when u was playing with your mama titties.and i also have school life.i listen to old people stories,like my grandfather who fought on both nazi and soviet fronts.made bucharest-stalingrad and back on foot u mother fucker.u can t tell me shit about this u got it?he went on war as young 24 year old man just graduated from university of economics,and came back as 28 year old man fucked up his brain and soul with what he lived there.and i was blessed enough to grow listening to his story.story that no fuckin teacher on your school will tell u.again...shut da fuck up!
Regular soldier's opinion doesnt reflect on the leadership dude :D:D

You are quite stupid
and u are lucky we both don t sit next to each other...
You proved my point even further. Stupid neanderthal
keep eating that shit but watchout might get stuck in your neck and u would die asfixied.little prick
Haha, you are a stupid nerd :D
yea clearly we can see who is the nerd here...btw fuckface ,in case u did not knew nerds are the ones who rule the world.your country leader,microsoft leader,facebook leader...want more examples piss drinker?difference between them and those nerds u are reffering is that first type of nerds are the silent type.u belong to the second type called "amazing fuckin idiot nerds".welcome to pro generation
Sure nerd. Go hit a wall are something. Or play more videogames, nerd.

Btw, did your momma ever tell you she's a ho and you are a nerd? :):)

Byee now, nerd. Dont reply to me anymore.
sad words from a sad least maybe i still talk to my mom,i doubt u ever do.grow up,go up see the world and again pray u never meet me.pathetic fuck
yes, you are pathetic, nerd.

And on a side note, you are stupid as well.
stfu skinny bitch.stop using your pc to act cool,go out and try be cool there fuckin hoe
You are fat. Who cares. Dont REPLY do me anymore, you nerd.
lmfao ,u still breathing bitch?
What part of do not reply is unclear?

You are stupid and you cant even read :O :D:D:D
u copy my style is something for u to chill the fuck up:
You seem not to understand the meaning of DO NOT REPLY TO ME
u seem to be an idiot.wait...u actually are.i told u first to stop replying and u didn fuck off pls.enjoy the song
QuoteByee now, nerd. Dont reply to me anymore.

Read your comments again nerd
i don t have to nerd.i have memory.and don t call me nerd.u know very well guys like me beat the shit out of you at any moment in any happends every day.u lucky u have crossfire ,otherwise u would be beaten up non stop
1 day? Thats interesting
ok he probably could have spared the last sentence, even though you were really asking for it...

but not even polish citizens had any reason to be upset by our comments. it was all from an objective point of view and since the polish members of this site can hardly be traumatised by the events of wwII i don't see any reason to delete it. there was no plain denying of holocaust either or attempts to make wwII appear more harmless
since you're not from poland yourself, you don't really know what we, poles, feel about it
i didn't mean to entitle myself to know what others feel or not feel. but from my expirience and opinion i'd say it's not reasonable to be offended by objective views. expecting someone to feel one owns grieve all along is pure egoistic and wrong imo.
and at least you in person didn't live through wwII, so i do not expect you to be traumatised by talk about it, that was what i tried to say
the more you get mad the more hitler-shit will occur. thought you should realise it since you have been nerding around some time already... internet is full of "trolls" who want you to get mad and guess what, they succeeded :D
I know that, but I just think it isn't right to "troll" with hitler and such stuff
if u find this trolling amusing ,i would have much pleasure in sending u after hitler.perhaps u can play some et with him down there u fuckin prick
see, you seem to be really mad person even tought i havent done a thing :( something is wrong with you
mad?u dont know the meaning of the word.u need to go back to your room,find a mirror and slap yourself 50 times until u feel your face burning.only than u will feel 1% of the pain millions of ppl felt troll about this cunt!
okey so you dont understand english, that was the problem

let me ask once more... WHY ARE YOU MAD @ ME EVEN TOUGH I HAVENT DONE A THING?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

use google translator or something
u are the 1 who dont understand shit.even if i put it in finnish,u still not gonna understand shit.i m just saying one simple thing idiot:trolling on this subject,is for retards.u agree with the trolls.u are a retard in this case!
right :D...
sinne meni palvelin kiitti vaa sami
Finally, that shit got removed, allready wondered why it took so long!

doubt this is the place to talk bout such stuff tbh

if u really wanna talk bout this, guess there r enough sites / forums to talk crap bout it, google them

gl hf!
it was deleted for the journal, not the comments. And we are mad about admins deleting the comments not editing the journal
What an unfortunate thing :( Knew the journal would end up getting deleted was only a matter of time though oh here :PPpp

Only the Polish and French seemed mad in there :_(
Replying and arguing, in an emotive way sometimes indeed, about a sensitive topic means being mad ? Serious troubles here...
Just look at most of the replies in the other journal before it got deleted, most of them seemed to be zyklon b Estonia infected Poles, image: trollface-3078_preview???
no, the channel was spammed by fins. And fins are the mother of all evil combined with an austrian fascist around the year 1940.
thx thx, it's my birthday ;D
happy bday e-dick :PPP
thank you Zed-dickus ;-)
:D have a good day dude!
no randomgirl in this journal, here you go: image: 36186047_l
Nowadays if you talk about hitler way in a non-negative way you are a Nazi, deal with it. By this I mean that when you have an objective discussion about him, people will frown upon you, because when looking at him in objective way you will have to admit he had some talents.
GTFO Nazi sympathiser

image: spray_trollface_copy
He was indeed a great leader. He created millions of jobs etc and helped Germany out of the Great Depression.

But everything he stood for was wrong. In his racial views etc.
he was a great manipulator, he failed hard as a leader, killing out his own personal army the SA and persisting in berlin while being overrun by allied forces only to pussy out by poisoning himself. He didn't even die as a marter as any great leader should.

in other words he was a megalomaniac.
i reckon you have to grant him that much credit, he was the most successful at his field and times, even though he did some major mistakes from a tactical point of view (no way you can argue about the moral harshness behind all this)
wouldn't call him a 'great' leader, as infect did, as the intentions were bad ones to germany, but he was charismatic and relieving to his followers, giving them hope and jobs and so on yes

and you're right, i just don't get why people want wwII to be teached in schools but forbid to talk about it from a not doomed point of view. (sure, about playing it down - thats jsut wrong, it was a terrible event without a doubt, but why not be objective at times?!)
I am talking about leadership. It means that he can lead people. And that he did.
ah sry nvm then, just a misunderstanding there then. thought with "great leader" you tried to express, that he was overall a formidable person, doing well in generell as head of a country, being social and stuff, not as in leading troops, got that now :)
he did lots of great things up till a point, we should follow his lead on these great things but learn from his mistakes, not condemn him as evil person, a voldemort who we should not speak of LoL.
sup Germanyehamonazim8
wazaaaaaaa lucky luc
People posting that Hitler stuff are not serious. That's just my guess, you never know.

Subjects concerning nazis and their ideologies are great to troll with because when you post them it brings many emotion, mostly anger, and the shitstorm is ready. People taking that serious bringing up answers which are full of anger just feeds those trolls.

I'd like to highlight that this is my supposition on this subject and I may be wrong but I doubt that.
The journal for sure was intended like that. But the comments werent trolling or anything.
I really didn't read comments due lack of time. I have no idea if there was confrontation and who were writing and what. But that journal was created to create spirited conversations which would lead to strong emotions such as anger and hate, at least it was hidden agenda of it. I had little time to read comments that were posted at that time on that journal and comment seemed to be written with lots of anger and seriousness and therefore the point of that journal was filled.
lets make a joke about someone who killed millions of people and see the reaction of a gaming community. if the admins are getting mad, then we will ask why they deleted it, eventho we know that they are right, but maybe people will laugh at this even more ":D"
excuse me, i hope the "":D"" was meant as in "why oh why do people not get the intention behind this journal" rather than "how fucking studpid can one be and say that wwII was funny"
i think it he wanted to say you guys are fucking dumb
objective discussion aint allowed in crossfire, just stick to youtube journals and news about non-interesting LAN-events and gaywad-games not related to ET-community at all
if u wanna be objective stop putting hitler in your topics....
yermans mad
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