Problem Barca?

see you CL nerds

love the variety in your game and the amount of chances on goal you had. oh wait. Guess you couldnt dive your way out of this one

image: hala-madrid-rf_9369
Real fan talking about diving. SPOT THE IRONY

wp though, apart from 1st half it was a nice game (too much fouls though)
are you... serious?
Barcelona are by far the worst team out there when it comes to diving/antics/trying to get ppl carded. We played their game the last 15 i agree :P but still. Alves would get knocked off his feet by a friggin fly. Biscuits is the lamest player of this generation and villa is a crybaby like no other.tyvm
I sense anger bic boi
Ronaldo and Messi are on a different level. they go down quick (both of them yes) but theres always some form of contact. Biscuits champion of the world in grabbing his face when no player is in a 2m radius.
messi? are you fucking kidding me? he's never diving, even when there's contact
image: popup_biscuit20fourre

biscuit great player :PP

and just to make things clear- busquets, di maria & ronaldo are the biggest diving cunts. Messi dives much less than ronaldo, he atleast tries to continue his action.

Coming from a neutral supporter.
i hope you do realize biscuits his just his nick in my book and i do actually know his real name. Also, you forgot alves in your list tyvm
on a sidenote, from a logical pov, "neutral supporter" is... no supporter tbh :D Supporting is, by definition, not neutral, I think :).
Having Ronaldo on your team and talking about diving.

I loled
trying to get other team's players booked is barcas game mate, soz.
Haha, yeah go watch last weekend's game, even Mourinho is running around trying to get people booked, guess we cant blame Real players for doing this when they have a bitch like Mourinho as their role model.
mourinho made us use their own game against them :<
Ah thanks for showing you're clueless, Mourinho was doing this shit when he still coached Porto, he did it while coaching Chelsea, Inter and now at Madrid.

He was and always will be a cunt. He's a good coach, dont get me wrong, but he's a cunt.
tbh both teams were fucking ignorant cocky bitchesss
rofl you'll get destroyed on camp nou fags :P good luck defending then :)
cr7 delivered
Like there's any difference in diving for either Barca or Real. Or any other Southern European club that is.
Disgusting mentality.
Your statement just shows how many complexes you have. (EDIT: your nick, oh the irony :DDD)

As of the match, Real were better tonight. Gratz! And it's nice Casillas finally won CdR.
ye, Casillas won CdR
I so jelly Real has that guy, if it wasn't for him Real would be getting pwned in each game :<
I agree he's a saint, but hes having one off his less impressive seasons so far imo. Good tonight to thank god. good saves on the 2-3 barca chances. Same goes for Pinto, impressed on his save on the Di maria shot. Not bad for a 2nd keeper :)
I bet Casillas would have saved Ronaldo's shot :D
The header? don't know man, it was 'against his foot' so its pretty hard for any goal keeper to shift your balance (especially that quickly cuz that ball has some serious speed
You seem to have a problem with expressing your amusement. I meant, I like Casillas and I'm glad that he won CdR, because he had never done that before.
I know what you meant and I'm not amused cuz he's a bloody genius when it comes to goalkeeping and cunts like RM have him :<
ah, sorry I thought you tried to suggest that I think they only won because of him.
because that's true :D he saved them
the most undeserved victory ever (confirmed)

haha and how do you dare talking about diving when you have the biggest cunt on the planet wearing your white jersey
on what level where real better? staying 11 behind the ball and defending?
did you see the game?
and the number one diving cunts would be Alves and Biscuits and oh wait, they're in your team
how much pot have you been smoking? i could cut together about 15 mins from this game alone of diving from your cunty ronaldo if i wanted to
rofl go suck c.ronaldos dick faggot
i agree on busquets, i hate him.. but ronaldo is the biggest crybaby ever
whats wrong with staying 11 behind the ball? is it forbidden? no. is it effective? yes.
Did Mourinho's tac beat the 'unbeatable' farca? yes.
why do you call them farca? their name is barça. b instead of f.
i guess you have some problem then :)
same problem they have when referring to us as LPB
"they"? :D UFO?
Why do you express so much anger towards Barça, you're not even Spanish...talking shit for no reason whats so ever?
Pretty sure i've been to spain & seen spanish football more then you thx mate. following/travelling since i was 3y/o. But i understand, barca has succes so you naturally support them, have fun on the barca bandwagon meight
I've been to spain plenty of times and have seen football games there.
I am not a Barça fan.

Enjoy the retard bandwagon "m8"

but the fact you seem to have some sort of hatred against a football team already shows you're either a cripple or a 10 year old kid.
you cant be the better team when ur defending for 90 minutes you retard
its a tactic, not really beutiful but it is a tactic, obviously barça is better at playing.
idk what game you saw but on my tv madrid seemed pretty dominant in the first half. I dont remember barca having chances/gettin more then 5 passes together.
in the first half madrid was indeed dominant, not on the rest of the match. the rest of the match was like alwyas: barça playing better.
thats why i said First half innit? :) Agreed on barca having possesion second half. Got a little scared their. but all in all we defended quite well. Ramos and Arbs beasting. and saint iker to save their chances, but all in all dominance without continueous danger i'd say (even tho i got scared a lil and didnt realize pedro goal was cancelled untill minutes later )
you mean, "better esthetically"? the only criterium that is relevant when calling playing style "better" is effectiveness.
yeah well, on effectiveness this is the only match where madrid actually got it... it was pretty lucky aswell... we'll see on CL
did you just say barca couldnt give 5 passes in a row??
first half, not counting pasees over and back between the back 4
obviously you can. the score is 1-0 for real, you retard.
you can't win with passing the ball back and lateral for 90 minutes ':D'
thats how they play mate;) but its a not so important trophy is okay, u know madrid really ad their ego hurt, they really needed that. so thats hwy this is going to look as if its som esuper important shit.

league is for barça and we'll see CL.
Real madrid won, so wasnt they better in this game? I suppose so.
The most undeserved victory was Chelsea - Barca :)
Also Real had more chances on goal ^.^
my friend say i am the stupi when i say "ronaldo is best than messi" and now they are owned xD hahah
you still are stupid if you say that
why? they are stupi not me...i say ronaldo
I don't give a crap about what you say about ronaldo, everyone can have an opinion about this cocky cunt but the way you say it is just wrong
you love messi before but now ronaldo show he is the better player ahahah mad?
he shows he's better by winning 1 game? good logic.
yes...if messi better then he win? or u say losing is the winning?
nvm I misread your comment :-)
messi didn't lose. barcelona lost. a team. messi is just 1 of 11 barcelona players on the pitch.
yes and ronaldo is 1 of 11 in madrid and he no get it?
uhm, so what has this match to do with one player being better than the other one? :)
i thought real won and barça lost. still can't see it.
ronaldo do the ronaldo win vs messi...all messi do in 90 mins is run around
ronaldo just scored a goal tonight, while messi didn't. what does it have to do with messi being better than ronaldo? :)
messi+ronaldo wants to score
messi cant cuz of not good enoufh
Ronaldo he better....
if they played alone on the pitch, I would agree. But it seems Real stopped Messi from scoring a goal better than Barcelona stopped Ronaldo from scoring a goal.
that is what i are saying...jesus
not really. try to think about it for a moment. Real was better than Barcelona tonight, so Messi had harder job to do in order to score a goal than Ronaldo.
Parent better then RM, ronaldo better then nonstop attack every day....RM attack 3 time ronaldo boom score gg no re until next week
barcelona were worse today. they lost. and their passing didn't do anything. the only danger they created was when messi xavi or iniesta run with the ball.
lern to accept messi is the number 2

#1 ronaldo
#2 messi
#13 Nani
so, finally your statement lacks any argument to support your thesis :).
#1 Messi
[long space]
#2 Cristiano
#3 Xavi
#4 Iniesta
#78 Fernando Torres
no...long space AFTER ronaldo and messi.....
I was reading your list and thought you had Torres down as number 5!
I'll put him there when he will have scored more goals for Chelsea than I :-).
you are trying to be funny? stop it already fucking retard (its obvious you like dicks)
lol ok see like fish-sticks? xD
Messi has a whole great team in his back when Ronaldo plays with guys who are not as technically good as him, so I'd give him more credit, yea. Messi plays with Iniesta, Xavi, Villa, Pedro, Alves. They ALWAYS give good balls to exploit, hence it's a bit easier for Messi.
yes....check %goals for messi of all barca goals....then with ronaldo do the same....messi is great player in great team, ronaldo makes good team great by being best of all

Also people they say "ohh buhuu ronaldo selfish messi teamplayer"

look now...messi drive away ibra and villa sucks cuza messi...2 worlds best....

Xavi say himself "u gta play messi the ball a lot or he get mad on you"

Ronaldo is ego, messi is ego, ronaldo more important for team=he better

Now even they win against barcelona....even when barcelona much better team but ronaldo much more important then messi
tell me one good ball messi received today (and in fact, in matches this month). it's rather messi giving them good balls.

also, messi is bound by barcelona's tactics, as he has to interfere with other barcelona players in particular fashion, while ronaldo has much more freedom in that aspect.
This match is obviously an exception, but Messi has like 50 goals this year, this means he recieves the balls, right ? Concerning his freedom, of course he is free, there is no such tactics concerning Messi, he plays with the others because the others are blood good, not because he has to, noone blames him when he fails a dribbling
If Messi plays with awesome players, there is less awesomeness left for him. Ronaldo simply shines out having such a poor background (other players) :-). And he scored so many goals because he is so awesome - many of his goals are his own actions. He almost never scores into an empty net.
I second that !
did you just call the real madrid squad 'poor background' ? I agree the don't have xavi nor iniesta (xabi/ozil is what comes closest) but poor? :P
yes, i exaggerated that to make it more clear. without xavi or ineista, real madrid's squad is still world class :)
Minute 29.....

Messi do this not cuz he has to but cuz is his best position....ronaldo having free role cuz is his best position....if messi superfast superstrong superfinisher supercounterattacker then he play free role ....if ronaldo superdribbler n supercontrol then ronaldo try to score by taking ball far up in pitch n then dribble
dude you are awesome :D
yes he is, thats why i talked to him :D
fuck yo guys...yo start argemen for no reason just to fuck me??
dont be mad at me. i like you! do you like me too?
sick of the ronaldo vs messi debate. both are one class above all other players out there. accept it. Enjoy seeing them both play and thank god we get to see both of them play in our generation. that is all.
yes...i think same as you until tonight when ronaldo show he is LITTLE bit better....not so much only 1-0
Oh my god.. you make me LOL so hard xDDD how youre writing thats just.. Ah.. go on please.
wearing catalan flag + nickname "iamretard" + liking ronaldo better than messi

fitting i suppose ;O
rbn ohh you robbing? people?
he prolly says you are stupid, because your grammar is wrong; not because of Messi/Ronaldo
-.- yo always help and tret me nice i like yo :) others are gay many time over
gratz to madrid,both deserved to win but the luck was on their side today

hopefully barca will still take cl and "liga"
Hala Madrid!
Hala Madrid!
Campo de estrellas
Donde crecí
Hala Madrid!
Juegas en verso
Que sepa el universo
Cómo juega en Madrid
Sale el Madrid a luchar
Sale el Madrid a ganar
Hala Madrid!
Hala Madrid!

Hala Madrid!
Hala Madrid!
Campo de estrellas
Donde crecí
Hala Madrid!
Juegas en verso
Que sepa el universo
Cómo juega en Madrid
Sale el Madrid a luchar
Sale el Madrid a ganar
Hala Madrid!
Hala Madrid!

San Iker <333
I missed the game, is it worth downloading to check ?
No. 90% of the match was about faults and/or diving.
nrly the game was pretty exciting until madrid scored, then still was exciting as hell!
I think the barca fans didnt saw the same first half as i did... rest of the game was barca with alot of ball, but with the same amount of danger as madrid with only 3/4 touches in the ball. Madrid was closer from the 2-0 than barca was from the 1-1. Mourinho studied barca tactic well, they couldn't do shit.

(Flame starts below the line)
Spot on meight
i hate both clubs, but when it comes to skill and good football id pick barca anytime.

theyre just overrated.. 9/10 players i play online at fifa/pes pick barca or real.. i love to crush m with the little club i support :)
1-0. Cristiano scored a header.
"a nodder" no header..header is website
not really. "Genoa 0-1 Napoli: Hamsik header decides match", "Manchester United 1-0 Arsenal: Clever Park header sends United back to the top" and type "header football" into google.
HALA MADRID !! come on barca we're waiting for Champions League ! come on
ye, we will fucking see
Haters gonna hate,
Puyol back into lu, and champions league is our !

WP both, was really fucking amazing performance.
Agreed. hoping for a simular stellar performance from both sides in CL! too bad we're missing Carvalho :< See you next week :>
(for the record i dont think mascherano did that bad tbh)
Also big respect for tactics made by Mourinho, it was like the biggest stars from blaugrana were out of game. Im wondering how Pep will change tactics for CL :) 100% it would be even more amazing show that this evening. See you !
yeah mourinho's tacs were spot on this time. we were a little dissapoint after our visit at the Camp Nou :P but he did his homework this time. Eventhough playing with 3 DM seems to be the only effective way (so far) to stop your attack, kinda hard to play when you know you won't get possesion much. impressive display from your side. As for CL I dont know. Its a 2 leg duel so things will be very different. We can't be as defensive at the bernabeu cuz we have to score in order to proceed. I dont know how Pep could/should/would change his tactics much because I believe your squad is lacking some depth (to replace players) maybe in different roles idk. We will see, hoping for a great game ;-)
CR7 owned NOOBSSSSS!!! xD
fuck REAL 95% of second half game was playing in real side barca was doing a practice there or something just lucky and what a shame cristiano didnt even went to shake hands of those idk guys and take his trophy he knew it wasnt a won game for them
. , ! use them
u know im saying the truth!!!why u not talking on vent anymore? :D <3 i aint writing a fucking english text !!! xd
Aresenal : Tottenham 3:3
are we talking about football or soccer
image: capt.03394f92b9834270a403d9661d49d45b-03394f92b9834270a403d9661d49d45b-0

mad barca fans u mad?? :D :D :O)
with comments like yours, i wonder if you like more the fact that real won or that barça lost :).
Real Madrid > Barcelona, haaaaugh?

So many nerds support Barca and they never even been in the Nou Camp :S. Unlike us Donitsi, remember the fun we had in VIP box @ bernabeu with ZZ and Figo???

good times
hihii lowies
most undeserved win ever...
real didnt nothing but defend with 10players in the own half for about 90% of the time
check first half. check the dangerous plays in the second... as much danger as madrid did, but alot more ball. Both could have won, but still in the extra time madrid was closer to the 2-0 than barca to get the equaliser.

ur only want to see what you want... get your facts straight.
dangerous plays by real? are you kidding me? all they were able to pull off was to kick a long ball across the whole field hoping too receive ronaldo somehow.there was not a bit of football. barca had alot more and more dangerous attacks (real maybe had some good actions in the first 15minutes but that was it)
oh and ofcourse real was near to the 2:0 in the extra time as barca had to risk everything..
you sir, are completely blind.

No point keep this conversation with you as i already saw with that comment that you are completely limited, and you have no knowledge of football or what so ever.

good night,
sleep tight
oh great idea to make a point. just stop discussing when you cant get your facts straight :D
however you just showed your foolishness and your gay ronaldo fanboyismn. everyone saw real doing nothing but destroy barcas play. well thats legit, but it has nothing to do with PLAYING football but DESTROYING football, just like inter last year
and because im portuguese i have to be ronaldo fan? what a retard point of view, have i said anything about ronaldo? lol ur ridiculous. just read my comment above, but as u r to retarded to go and search for it i will get it for you:

"I think the barca fans didnt saw the same first half as i did... rest of the game was barca with alot of ball, but with the same amount of danger as madrid with only 3/4 touches in the ball. Madrid was closer from the 2-0 than barca was from the 1-1. Mourinho studied barca tactic well, they couldn't do shit."
That's not 90% of the time, that was in second half. And what do you think teams playing against Barcelona has to do if they want to have a slight chance to win the match, YOU SMARTASS ? Playing 3-2-5 ? Cmon, Mourinho knew he had sufficiently good players to set up a wall of defenders that could actally STOP Barcelona. Playing with a default tactic like against any other team LEADS to failure against Barcelona. Why would he have done that... I'd say : Hurray for Mourinho, like he did last year with Milano. Managing to block Barcelona is the mark of a great coach and a great team...
NOO REALLYYY? explain it again please, i didnt understand it.
OFCOURSE mourinho pulled off this tactic to beat barca and OFCOURSE they dont want to get themselves outplayed by barca by playing very offensive, but how is this football. barca did alot more effort in winning the game by actually playing football, real did nothing but defend with the whole team in the own half and kick away the ball as soon as possible to start the counter-attack.
thats about it, and thats all i have said. the win is undeserved as barca had the football and real had the luck.
"real did nothing but defend with the whole team in the own half and kick away the ball as soon as possible to start the counter-attack."
True, but 99% of the teams playing against Barcelona, forced to play like this FAIL, because they are not good enough. Real did not fail at playing with 10 defenders. This is where the masterplan by Mourinho is admirable. Barca had the ball during 40 on 45 minutes in the second half and COULD NOT EVEN score ? Well too bad, that's their entire fault since they are supposed to be talented enough to win against any other team.
yes i agree. real had the typical mourinho tactic and they played it out pretty well and yes, maybe this was the only chance to win against barca.
still real played "dirty" and boring and barca played their great technically ambitious way of football. and therefore its undeserved imo as the better "football playing" team lost and the better "football destroying" team won
Yea I guess you are right as well, here tactic>beautiful football but I think it can be appreciated as well (but my point may be biased by the fact that I'm a true Madrid fan...)
You know what sucks about madrid winning? the street is full of these: image: Whaaooooooooooo_Cani

singing fascists songs against catalans etc etc.. thats what actually sucks. if ud see madrid supporters here... rofl..

ed: they just destroyed a shop while screaming "Puto barça"
man those nerds need to win more often or else they dont know how to bear it.

makes me wanna grab a gun and start shooting.
Yea, you tell me... Stupid football fan is stupid, eh. That's what I hate in football. Idiocy of the people. Madrid fans boo-ing Messi @ Bernabeu when he is probably the most talented football player out there ? This is plain stupid, and I would not call those nerds football lovers or fans.
I do support Real with all my heart but I fucking despise Ronaldo for being a diving and crying cunt. I hate Ramos for being a defender who only tries to hurt his opponent. I piss on Pepe who is a mad man. Screw X. Alonso who always try to have the opponent being booked. Fuck Di Maria who bears his stupidity on his very face and who is therefore unable to accomplish something good. But I still support them. FML :P
yes anyway ill tell u some story... barça is known as "més que un club" (more than a football club) because years ago each time barça won was really epic because there used to be this dictator who used to be a fascist and kill every catalan moving thing so barça was the only thing left here to strike at their face with a "BAM OWNED" while madrid alwasy been more supported by right winged, and right winged parties are abit fascist (even tho they say they are not, the only right winged party there is here is founded by people that helped out the dictator) and still hate a lot catalans

tho not all of em are some fuckedup fascists, some are just normal and cool, some are left winged too but there is ALOT of fascists in their side.

obviously for the people who lives away from spain (like you) dont know anything about this but seeing what u wrote here about politics and shit if u were born here u wouldnt support madrid at all;D and i know its just a sport but its this old emotion that never leaves from the old times and still exists alot, obviously for a guy like u its just sport, not for most of the people here though.
Yea I agree tho I knew a little about that Mes que un club, I read this morning that Nou Camp was like the last place people could speak Catalan quietly when Franco had decided to make Castillan the official and only language in Spain. And the symbol of Barcelona as the city balancing the power of Madrid (along with the will of independence of Catalunia ) was quite strong... Don't know if it still is...
not as much as before since before u could get killed for speaking catalan. people now kinda cooled down but its still kinda unfair whats going on in spain. its not a real democracy yet.

in bernabeu u can still see such flags:

the spanish one with a black bird is the fascist one, this is basically to a catalan the same as if u show a nazi sing to a jew.

the extremist fans of madrid are knwon as ultra sur and they are skin heads basically, barça also has ones which are fuckedup but they are banned from joining el camp nou, but not the madrid ones. thats why its just not only a sport here when these 2 face.
Pretty sad... Hala Madrid but fuck them... Off now :)
okeeh night
iirc a madrid president (Rafael sanchez guerra if i'm not mistaking) wasn't too happy with franco's reign either and he got arrested and imprisoned by Franco for supporting the (left) republique. At first Aletco was known as the club of Franco but after madrd's succeses under bernabeu, they became known as franco's club (victim of own succes?) Its one of the darkest pages in history of spanish football and spain in genereal for sure :< too bad it still has such an impact today.
yeh there was one president of madrid who was against franco.
it has an impact when somebody tries to bring the 11-1 result as a "counter-argument" against 5-0...
gotta say, respect for Mourinho.. who would have thought at the beginning of the season (5-0 loss) that he would recover this well with real (even though its a bit lame tactic) but he does well! Was hoping Barca would take it though.
gjve him some time to get teamwork and passes into game, and u wont see anymore defending from real, they just need to work more on tax so they can actually make some decent attack without long passes only.
Im surprised nobody has mentioned the fact Real should've ended the game with 10, after that bitch Arbeloa first elbows Villa while he's down and then stands on Villa's foot while he's trying to stand up.

oh and n1 Ramos, dropping your only Cup this season. Deserved ;)
tak jest :D D!!!!!!!! HALA MADRID!!!!!!
Was a good match , both goalies did greate job, n1 saves :-)
So much hate in Football, go play other sports!
Ramos is the biggest faggot on earth.
played like an absolute BEAST yesterday tho
was waiting for that overrated shit team to finally win something after all those years of being dominated
ronaldo diving ? it's really rare nowadays.
Gratz to Real, although they weren't the better team except the first half, they were very efficient.

Mourinho is still a nob though.
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