Happy St George's Day

These days you are more likely to see St Patrick parades in England celebrating Ireland's National Day or even the Welsh drum up enough daffodils and choirs to bring a tear to the eye of a prop forward.

England is a fine country why else would others nations have colonised it in droves for hundreds of years? We are a tolerant country, a country steeped in tradition and robustly egalitarian values. An Englishman was always proud to be English. But no more, it seems which is truly lamentable.

So for all you few proud Englishmen out there Happy St George's Day! England

image: i19qfb
why the fuck is he killing that dragon? dragons are AWESOME
Happy St. George's day Jon
Happy St. George's day Jasper

Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!

Happy St. George's Day. :)
Happy St George's Day
I find it odd to take pride in the arbitrary bit of landmass of which I was born onto (and I'm not a fan of our monarchy/current government) but I do wish you a good day.

People celebrate St Paddys for the same reason non-religious people celebrate Easter/Christmas. It's an excuse... not really much more.
How very beige of you.
No offense but you're not English/British anyway.
i dont celebrate Easter, Im just happy with the day off and the shitload of food :)
geschilderde eieren?
vroeger wel, maar hader n hekel aan
oké. ik heb morgen paasparty, eerste tentfeest van het jaar wat eigenlijk inhoudt vol zuipen :D:D:D:D:D:D:D 4 a 5000 man in een tent met kutmuziek, yeah
ik morgen met n bende vrienden ergens Feyenoord-PSV kijken en dan BBQ'en, wordt ook goeie (:
Kan alleen vnavond niet uit, ze hebben me paar keer lelijk op mn bovenbeen geschopt vandaag, kan amper lopen :<

Veel plezier!
being proud of being English has become related ith racism etc - suxxxxx
dragons are fake
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