Black women beat white woman in McDonalds

2 black women beating a white woman inside the burger-restaurant, employees - who are also black - are showing no attempts to stop it.

Can you imagine what kind of scandal this would be if the roles were inverted? Whites beating a black woman and white employees not doing a thing to stop it, but instead having a laugh. Racism is so funny thing.
lol nice u think of me this way :)
if whites would beat blacks up, it wouldnt even become news and u know it ;)
yeh, even if ur proud on your own country people think ur a racist
being proud of your own country is nonsense
the only reason someone is proud of his own country is because he was born in it, and you can't choose what country you're born into, so basically that pride is forced upon you
This. Being personally proud of "your country" (the area of land you happen to reside in) only makes sense if you actually participated in creating that country. Otherwise it's just taking pride in something that you've actually done nothing for. Would people, who are "proud of their country" be proud of the same country if they were born & living somewhere else?
Gosh what a bunch of pseudo intellectuals. Try applying that logic to your parents (you cant choose who you born to)

Of course you can be proud of your country, especially after you have lived there for decades.
Do you mean being proud of your parents?

Why would I be proud of some other person's actions?
be proud or love, I think both should apply.

And if you don't know why you should be proud f someone else, then there's much more to life than what you see my friend of misery ( tried to insert metallica-lyrics in a somehow witty way)
tell me all the secrets of life please
If I told them you would lose your mind
probably not, the mind is one of my strongest virtues, it could still be weak enough to get lost upon hearing these secrets though
tell this for any amerofag ... u probably wont leave w/o a fight
people dying in africa

come to think of it, you can use that excuse for every little thing someone's whining about. im gonna use that alot from now on :D
someone detected my troll
Donate all your property immediately.
QuoteRacism is so funny thing.

So is English grammar.

image: 9ac9e753_img4da43d0e70a3f
English *

And why would you start bitching about it as long as its understandable?

E: Ah well I already know the reason...
i can not. i think i am attracted to you
where is the pimp of those big ass ghetto bitches when u need him...
kill these fucking black apes ffs
Quote by guest
Black females: do they even serve any real purpose?
I think this white woman just stole some watermelon and kfc chicken and niggers wanted it back. Easy
fake seizure
QuoteCan you imagine what kind of scandal this would be if the roles were inverted? Whites beating a black woman and white employees not doing a thing to stop it, but instead having a laugh. Racism is so funny thing.

First of all,all 3 girls are teenagers.Probably very reduced brain activity.Could be a fight cause of some boy,could be just an old issue on school,or it could be maybe related to racism,probably the white girl insulted or did something.But even if the roles were inverted,and the employes were white would have been same.Meaning ,i dont think they would have been involved.Even more ,in fact not the coulour of the skin stopped them to get involved,cause if u watch carefoully the guy came couple of times between them.But he was obviously kinda overrated by the situation itself.It is a scandal anyway no matter if is black or white.And pls dont try to say that the white girl is really a victim.Cause if i would have posted something similar but involving blacks,99 procent here would have said:Death to the black,or stuff like that.So u can say is a sad incident ,but not that if the roles would have been inversed....bla bla bla...
than why bother reply?
so you know we dont give a fuck
u dont know what a fuck means so stop talking about things which are beyond your understanding
mad?what u mean mad?i m sorry i dont understand u.what mad means?
lol, i would shoved my penis in those black girls' mouths if i saw that
being blacks or arabs is a blessing now. U'r untouchable since u just have to say "racist" and u win any judgement in courts.
i dont see this being about racism.
Lol, that is fucked up :o!
I'd smack their fucking face with a chair!
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