barcelona fairplay only

image: madg


I can only see white squares.
They're the biggest fakers in the world. It's disgusting to watch them cheat their way to victory
Pepe played the ball, just the tackle carried through, wasn't worth a red - maybe yellow. Tho madrid deserved a sending off.
1 he didnt play the ball
2 His intention was going for d.alves
He was going for the ball as he was chasing it through a whole lot of barca defenders. (did you even see the phase)? the ball was not out of his reach and in an edgy game, stuff like that happens. He clearly did not hit alves who makes a nice backflip nonetheless. if pepe really really really intended to hit alves, he would not have gotten out of that stretches for the rest of the night
So the ball was at his knee :D:D
you sir, are a blind troll.
Not his knee but devendly not the ball
devendly? watching casillas and the ball as the replay shows. so not his knee, well i guess that was your whole argument that just flew out of the window huh?
Casillias at the ball ????
surely he played the ball, was a 50/50 challenge which carried through as i said above. fucking ridiculous tho that the ref's decision is affected by the players.
if your a messi fan, and messi comes crying and says he'll give you his shirt, what would you do?
Why i wouldn't accept it ?
Stark would, as he allready asked messi shirt at WC
how's that related to what i just wrote?
:D wrong way of pointing out that the 7+ barca players attacking the ref with waving hands may affect his decision slightly!
image: OlbFl

he didnt make contact infi_ mate
dno, when u look at the video above, it seems as the leg hits the ball and then moves through and then hits alves.
Lol, the referee didn't even want to give a card at the first place I think. But a referee from the side line came to him to tell it was a red card.

Anyway if alves didn't do anything and hold his leg there it still would be a red card. He just saved himself? Grats to him!
He must have made contact,how can a player kicking in one direction spin back in the opposite direction?
There some frames missing,vid_restart
he dived and made it look convincing, they even said it on RTE last night that he didnt make contact!
pepe got his tax and mourinho got his tax. Now you see whose is better, face it.
Sounds like some people are a tad butt hurt. People that support a team with C.Ronaldo and Di Maria have nothing to complain about when it comes to diving.
With Adebayor and Marcelo you also have no right to whine about some fouls that were made, speaking of a blurred vision.
I don't even support Madrid, so I have the right to say the following : Barcelona have loads of people in their team who will fake anything to give the other player a card, biggest anti-football I have seen in ages.
retards, one word enough for them...
say all you want, barça fans refuse to see it or believe it. I'm not even joking. Pepe clearly didnt even hit alves and still... Kinda like last week where they said the pedro offside goal should have counted cuz itz barca. they are seriously fucked up in the head
You sir, are a bit cripple. I never said Barça didnt dive or make fouls, Im just saying you have nothing to complain as a Madrid fan cause they're doing the exact same thing.
Quote by complexthere is a great difference in feeling (slight) contact, go down get the foul and get up
feel a rub in your tummy or a pad on the shoulder, grab face, cry as if your face got blown off, see if the referee draws red, If not, repeat infinitely

You're not kidding anyone with that quote. Plenty of Madrid players dive without feeling contact as well.

Which brings me to the conclusion of today.

Barça and Madrid are both teams that like to dive and whine like a bunch of bitches and its completely pointless to argue with you cause you're biased as a fuck and won't ever change your mind regardless of what anyone says.
the fact that im admitting we dive (without or on slight contact) covers my bias ':D' i know we dive, everyone does. Its the facegrabs and dying out there that bothers me. (and ref inconsistency but thats another topic)
Where is the difference in diving and acting? Its both fucking stupid. Enclosing, I dont like spanish football :-)
and that is your right. I know diving in general is gay (happens in EPL too tho :p) but I feel that Barca took it to a whole new level and somehow the referees fall for it time after time after time. It gets frustrating.
I barely see diving when Im watching EPL games :s
nice flag :<
Aye, fits the new name but name change hasnt been approved yet :()
Im not a barça fan either, I'd much rather watch EPL games, less diving, less crying, less cards. :-(
Its not about that, this is neutrals wanting to see a good game not another game where the Ref decides matches
If you want to see a good game, dont watch Real Madrid.

Watch Liverpool instead! :-)
good joke xD
Just pissing off the Chelsea fan :-)
I'm starting to hate barcelona.
yes maybe, but the other teams like real or inter are doing the same, maybe not in that perfect show ^^
there is a great difference in feeling (slight) contact, go down get the foul and get up
feel a rub in your tummy or a pad on the shoulder, grab face, cry as if your face got blown off, see if the referee draws red, If not, repeat infinitely
Parent +18, worse than Eduardo tbh :x
i can't understand why nothing happens after ppl see these videos, the football player in my video was banned for 1 game, even after they saw that vid they didn't refuse it. thats stupid and as long as noone will do anything against faking fouls they will do it again and again and better and better as you can see in barca
as far as I remember, Meier was sacked after this incident :D even better than 1 game ban, hah
welcome to football newby, nothing new for ages
as i said, shit ref and shit cunts diving allover... just to get red for opponent.
Pepe was being a bitch overall anyway even if it wasn't a red card; pretty similar to Busquets. Game needs video refereeing asap. Ronaldo has cut down on being a diving cunt because he realizes it won't work for him anymore.
pepe just plays the "dirty" guy at real, meaning someone need to stop the attacks of barca by playing "hard" on them ,and hes one of the players doing that, and u cant say that he didnt do good job...
barca are a bunch of crying cunts and their supporters are to blind to even see it themselves. they are pathetic. if this is how you want to win CL, go ahead
gratz uefa
not to mention the 7+ card asking players surrounding the ref :> them cules, so agressive. btw who started fighting? was that? yeah it was! barca players!
isn't there a rule that says : if you ask a card, you get one ?
That rule does not apply to barcelona, sorry. otherwise im afraid they would be out of players to finish the season and play the 2nd leg.
also, compare alves and alonso's reactions :)
I didnt actually watch the game, elaborate? ^^

edit : oh you meant from these youtube vids, yeah I know what you mean, quite hilarious
receive contact -> get up and play like the badass xabi is.
receive zero contact -> fall down with a cool flip, die and pretend your leg just fell of like the little rat dani alves is.

now whos the classy team?

barca are fakers.
fair play award 2010-2011 incoming. i wouldn't even be surprised. Classless Cules
Compare Pepe's action that sends him off and the first video in this journal. The exact same action ahah
Barca is without doubt the best team in the world and much better than real madrid. It's just that dani alves & busquets ruin their reputation with acting like that - they should both be replaced from the team, not like they're that good anyways.
not like barca is smth good either, so pliz...
Before the match I wanted barca to win. Half time, I actually had a hate brewing up for them.
messi deliver again,instead of talking of him real fans talking about
oh pliz, deliverd what? he only could score goal after this bs happend, otherwise he couldnt do jack shit.
what did messi do? HE MADE THE MADRID DEFENSE LOOK LIKE LITTLE BOYS. and what did c.ronaldo do? NOTHING.

Hope it's clear now.
ahahah yeh we saw that at 2 last game what he did, NOTHING and he couldnt do a SHIT if that bs wouldnt happend before, it was obviously real wasnt even botherd to play after that tard gave red card.
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD go suck ronaldos dick, homo
Its a red card!!! if pepe hit alves i am sure he would ve been in hospital now......just a stupid action of pepe...

also adebayor had to be sent off with a red my opinion
oh cut it off, check the first vid then talk again, that time real's guy actually got hitted and ref didnt do shit, so dont talk crap.
wtf I am not talking about the 1st vid, talking about the action from pepe yesterday.....

the action from the 1st vid is also a red card....
it could been just yellow, so many cases that was allready and yet the ref didnt do nothing or just yelow..
1. the red card of pepe wasnt a red card, but in addition of everything he did, he deserved red. hes just a fucking maniac

2. busquets,pedro etc are really some fucking sick retards. seriously i hate those guys.every fucking game they get someone red-carded with their fucking acting.
nice comparisaon between real this year and inter last year...barca is just partly cheating themselves trough, eventhough they probably play the best football though
mourinho is fuckin idiot so stfu and gtfo
said some tarded polak, keep ur opinions for urself dumb fk.
said some tarded portuguese... mourinho has fucking high ego and irritates me, people like he can't lose, that's why i dont like him
as i though, ur IQ is even lower to check from where i come from, dumb fk. His ego, fits his talent and he proven that many times.
maybe hes good but i dont like him
if we are already speak about IQ, I must say that yours is not so high too, because you judge people by looking where they come from :(

e: enjoy
all the ppl saying thats not red card are completely dumbs and should learn some football before even talking about it :D

and viewing that you like that much to insert random videos about "fair play" you forgot this one:
It's a difficult situation for the referee. Even if Pepe didn't hit the player, the intent is 100% there. In England it's called going through the ball, getting the ball first but intentionally following through to get the player afterwards. Fact of the matter is, from that angle if Pepe had made contact he would have broken Alves's leg. Unfortunately in the Premier League that most likely would have been a yellow card. Both players should have been sent off.

On a side note, as a neutral it is so disappointing to see Barcelona dive as much as they do. You can say what you like about Ronaldo et al, but even on his worst day he still stays on his feet more than Alves, Busquets, and Pedro. I personally believe that Alves is the worst diver in the world (possibly Lucio), but Busquets runs him very close.
Look how camera angles change the whole situation. There was no way Stark could have seen that D.Alvez did not get hit.

People supporting the loosing team always whine when the other team has some divers. However, R.Madrid was playing rough, making a lot of fouls and every player from their team would have done the same as D.Alvez.

While Barca only has a couple of divers, Real is full of them and is having a hard time overall to play strictly by the rules.
lol real failed once again deal with it :D
I generally dislike both teams, but Busquets is a fuckin disgrace to the sport
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