Friday morning!!

yeah last week was full of shit i planned to pracc hard in et and then i ended in hospital for 2 days (nephritis), It's great feeling to have completely nothing to do at all for next 9 days im just gonna focus on gymming at trainings :P your plans for today/tonight guys? how was your week? :) cheers!
you can't be serious
icehockey from 16cet till 23 cet. then again from 1 cet till 7 am
failing bodybuilder took to much protein cause if he did not ate this he didnt became muscular?
im not on any cycle since 5 months so what the hell you talking about
you stack or testo only?
whatcha mean?
nvm then noob
isnt nephritis something you get after taking to much protein?
I have problems with my kidneys since i was about 10 years old
Couldnt know that :P

Dont take those supplements if your gonna train then!
why not? there's nothing bad in supplements if you know how to take them :)
Way to concentrated to be good for your liver/kidney imo.
but thats just my weird theory about how we evolved around nature and i doubt it can be healthy for you to take those supplements in higher concentrations for your organs.

and if you already have kidney problems :C you know what function it has right?
maaaan i don't have to take supplements which are burdening kidneys, things like gainers, carbo, protein shakes are just delivering same sustenance as in normal food, but way faster. I'm not taking hard stuff ;d
mhew i dont like that shiznit
stoner making his own theory and believing it :D
nahhh i always thought like that, keepin it real!
i'm gonna get wasted today

simple and effective plan
Working on a national holiday :(
Kinda...Royal Wedding! We are streaming it, been up since 5.45 :`(
damn, english people and their royal house love.

Cant beat the dutchies on queensday tho!

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Are you saying you are shoutcasting the royal wedding?
Gonna get wasted today and tomorrow
hehe, the apple is a nigger:)
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