What's going on in France

The online french newpapers Mediapart revealed that the French Football Federation (FFF), along with French team manager Laurent Blanc (secretly) decided to establish a system of quota in the training centers : only 30% of the potential new talents had to be Black or Arab, stating that we had to favour small, quick and intelligent players (aka the White people) and to brake the rising of big, muscled guys (aka Blacks and Arabs).

They implied that the pathetic events that occured during the world cup were for instance due to the fact that Evra was black and Ribery a muslim.

What Mediapart revealed (and they don't throw bullshit just to sell paper, they are known to represent the last investigative journalism in France) came as a bombshell : the people from the FFF are defending themselves with difficulty, all the other medias are relaying the information and the same people from the FFF decided to conduct an investigation, as well as the Ministry of Sports about what seems to be appear as one of the biggest scandal that hit the French football in years.

Discuss. I won't deal with usual racist comments that flourish over here.

Since when a national team has to be representative of its population ? They have to pick the best players, period.
Sounds fantastic, if only more clubs would follow this!
fucking hell, thats horrendous
zidane aurait du ne jamais jouer pour la france !!
Ben les Black-Blanc-Beur gagnent la Coupe du Monde en 1998 et l'Euro en 2000, résultats sont là, la Fédé dit rien. En 2010, échec en Coupe du Monde, révolte des joueurs pendant l'entraînement, et tout, il faut des boucs émissaires, donc qui est visé ? Ben tiens...
c la faute de l'ancien entraineur , je me rappel plus de son nom
Domenech. Evidemment que c'est de sa faute, tout est de sa faute dans cette histoire. Des types millionnaires aussi peu éduqués, faut les tenir...
putain comment j'ai aimé entendre smirzz whiner sur lui sur ts pendant la coupe du monde :D
Ahah, y avait de quoi, en effet, c'était pas le seul :p
NICE! Was waiting this for years :xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
Maybe the niggers and terrorists should start behaving properly
the lulz. french nationsteam in any sports without any black or other no christian religiois people would get lost in the great field of meaninglessness success.

u got some weird politicians in ur country... if in germany sth like this would happen u would insta invade.
I wish the England squad was full of white people. I have a dream. :DD
since playing with stupid, big & slow people (black people, arabs) doesnt apparently work they try to play with smart, small & fast people (milkfaces)
Good decision!
yes good kill all the muslims and blacks :D
i dont like black ppl anymore
France national football team before:
image: 2436701631_4d4d6907c9_o

France national football team now:
image: France%20Football%20Team%202008
einstein? :D
didnt read everything but ye,

french team isnt full of real french, not a news 8)

like here, not a lot of real french :o
France don't need to restrict the immigrants at their national sports team, they need to restrict/cut their immigration in the whole country.
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