I want to believe

Oke so they "dumped" mr Osama's dead body in the sea (orly?)... and CNN just announced that Obama officialy isnt going to release the pictures.

I want to believe, seriously.. but this is just too easy.
Cant wait for the conspiracy docu ^^

image: x3w9p5
she might have huuuuge vagina.
your disgusting
Imagine her having periods.
It's like when Moses parted the seas.
Fuckin' hilarious.
use hide function for those pictures !
oyeh sorry, fixed it. thx
its weird i agree, but why would they say they killed Osama if he aint dead? Cuz Im pretty sure Osama will drop a movie of himself asying he aint dead and theres gnna be some revenge shit going on in less than a week
good point. I hope the conspiracy geeks will find some explanations for that.
Osama is a puppet of the U.S. government.
ofcourse he's dead but the thing is that he might already be dead since 2006 or whatever.. dunno why they'd tell it now but the thing that they aren't releasing any pics etc to prove is ridicilious
Quote by ETNiESThey are going to release the pictures but they don't want to now in case of retaliation attacks

Meh, dnno bout that, I guess that those crazy sandniggers will try to attack anyways. We'll see what happens :p
"those crazy sandniggers"

^.^ Dont tell me u dont think the same hehe
They are going to release the pictures but they don't want to now in case of retaliation attacks.. sounds reasonable?
It is what you call an exit strategy. Obama on his way to reelection.
Would be dumb to release them.
that green picture is funny because americunts wear their flag backwards
And when you wear a tee-shirt with some inscription on it, you wear it backwards as well !
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