brink live streams

Apparently some people got the game early, there are live streams up (best quality)

game looks awesome
nice one, can't wait for my copy to get delivered.
thanks, cancelled preorder
image: 225571_10150181446784679_722434678_6667311_990647_n

Never before seen on the internet
that game looks so fucking bad
smthn similar to promod and can be pretty sick imo
its looks like a mix of etqw and wolfenstein to me and the gametrailer vids i saw are rather disappointing as well.. time will tell
The gameplay looks too fucking slow and the game itself looks like a mix of several games, not very original
btw question to everyone: what preorder pack did you choose? doom bandana here :]
only 1 preorder pack features stuff which relates to stuff not from the game.
every other preorder pack will just look like the other customizable stuff.
if i was not that disappointed in what ive seen/i see then id obviously take the fallout pack.
I also like pyscho pack with tortured soul tattoo. why are you disappointed? looks pretty good so far imo.
you think that looks good?
wow even homefront had a better gameplay and thats pretty much the only 2011 SP game not worth finishing.
you can do sick moves with that smart system and weapons look nice too. at least it has some modern graphics unlike et - same thing for like 10 years already. dunno, bro
well the gfx are nothing special when compared to recent releases tbh.
i personally dislike the lumpish cartoon look of the weapons and especially their shakyness when running.
I have not once seen a good use of SMART only as a scripted delay/obstancle when entering certain routes.

could it be that you simply havnt tried any games other than ET so that everything new (no matter how bad) looks cool to you?
hmm dunno I played a few new games - black ops and new medal of honour. graphics are kinda on the same level. surely you can tweak things like weapon shaking and strafing with promod. I just think that the concept is pretty nice
lets talk about
- having to accept a mission at a CP first
- reviving yourself after your medic has thrown (thrown not given!) a rez to you
- bad hitreg (even tho)
- no weapon recoil and/or spray (and)
- no knockback

just to name a few
you should get your facts straight.
you should provide useful input or go fuck yourself with ur attitude.
ok lets get started then

Quote- having to accept a mission at a CP first
watching the first minute will suffice to prove you wrong

Quote- reviving yourself after your medic has thrown (thrown not given!) a rez to you

and thats bad how exactly?

Quote- no weapon recoil and/or spray (and)
you can clearly see the crosshair widen from the weaponspread.

Quote- no knockback
- bad hitreg (even tho)

i cant say anything about that, because i havent played the game yet.
you neither.
- thought it would have to be done at a CP. never the less its casual shit. if you know where/what the objectives are you know. No casual 360 menue needed, nothing major id agree but no thx

- just throwing a rez over to ur mate while you are still in cover... so all the "make a good jump onto your mate, cover behind him, shoot toegter with him" ET mechanic completely turned into something remote.
if you cant see how that is bad...

- after seeing this movie how can you argue like that? yeah the crosshair might indicate some stuff but the sheer fact that he gets kills with that aim kinda eliminate this game from the list of shooters where aim matters

- watch the videos you posted yourself. he faces 3 enemies while 1 is shooting in his back. does not matter
throwing a syringe and "reviving yourself" is not exactly SUCH a new thing, how does such a minor change make it a bad game already to you? its just one more step the revivee has to go through, now THATS very bad news...seriously... -.-

have you seen someone having a widespread crosshair and still hitting? i do that quite often, so where's the problem in that? nothing new either... (and saying "look it doesnt have xxxxx" and being proven wrong and thus saying "still its shit" is not very reasonable either -.-)

why does a feature such as the "wheel" bother you at all? you dont have to use it, plus you have the limbo menu in ET too, so you do not exactly have a point there either.
the throwing thing pisses me off cause its possible w/o the medic putting himself into danger. you know how crucial it is for medics in ET to judge "revive or kill".

i dont use a spreading crosshair in ET and i have never killed someone in cod4 on those distances with this kinda spay.

I hope they implement a "scripting support" so we dont need any shitty menues.

I am just expressing concerns afterall, as you have correctly stated I CAN NOT KNOW!
oh why didnt you just say that you were not talking about spread but the VISUAL effect of the crosshair...that can be disabled, just like in any other game too

i know how crucial it is, yes, and i dont think that it is such a big deal, its just a meter you throw it

its your right to express concerns, it truly is, but the amount of whine (yes thats what i take it for, since most of the questions/concerns have been answered/ruled out before already) you post about brink is quite biased already, not constructive anymore
there is a small margin between objective and biased feedback is quite small.
I like to believe that the stuff i say is based on facts and a legit thought.
if you dont think so... well then you dont.

and yes i was talking about the spread not the visual effect. This game does not seem to have enough spread imo for it being an ironsight game. I dont take ET as a reference (lolwut spread) but cod4.
cf years ago:
LOL ironsights, et doesnt have them.
ironsights, are you fucking kidding me?

SD years ago:
okay guise, we made it so using ironsights give only a marginal bonus to accuracy, suited best for long range fights.
after all, you were whining pretty hard about ironsights, right?

you, now:
This game does not seem to have enough spread imo for it being an ironsight game.

in the end, i think brink is, spread-wise, alot closer to ET than to COD or others.
and isnt that what you want? mechanics similar to ET?

plus, i heard alot of maps are indoors so the ironsights may be less important than you think they are.
- being that it is not necessary to have a mission active to actually do it, let the new players have this to help them to get familiar with the game.
it wont matter to competitive playing.

-i even think this change will make the gameplay focus more on action and aim.
reviving yourself will take about 2 seconds, in which you can still be gibbed.
so no "camp boxes and just throw out the syringes".
you have to actually cover your downed teammate.

- console footage, so you say how can a console player (which already implies bad aim) score kills against bots?BOTS?
Well when focusing on the mechanics it is easy to point out the differences to ET and how that might influence the gameplay (make it worse). If that is actually gonna be the case or not.
We will have to wait for the release afterall but I personally prefer to keep myself busy with thinking about whats different and how.
The people who are just like "promote it for the sake of being new" i can honestly not understand.
They are trying to give this a good start. A good community could make the difference between a successful promod and the activity of wolfenstein.
a SKD with competent people aiming for the right (ET alike) gameplay would help the game.
not some random "you cant actually tell that it is shit" newschoolers who simply do it cause they sucked at ET and hope to go big at this one.
we had that for QW and Wolf aswell, didnt help.
Its gonna be about a fast release of an SDK and a good crew working on the promod. Lets hope splashdamage provides us with that (and yes i was/am arguing that it does not look like they care... they care for console fag sales). lets not forget that the number of sold copies decided wether or not splashdamage gets a publisher for their next project, not the number of years their games are actively being played by some community.
Just so you are aware I'm completely on the fence with this. Would be nice to have a good new game, but am somewhat skeptical. Agree, a SDK is needed. But they probably wouldn't provide one if nobody asks for it, hence my comment about the community.
i am actually quite disappointed with their community manager comming here and asking for feedback but then bailing out.
they were on the right track with this but as soon as they realized that the game would be too far off from what we would appreciate he terminated his presence.
that is the worst example of community care right there and lets me "fear for the worst".
-This isn't ET

-This isn't ET

-This isn't ET

Stop acting as if it was. Because it is not.
HIS attitude ? What's wrong with you man ,I mean, why so negative ?
doom bandana + butterfly tatoo here :]
Gonna have a look, coz apparently I have nothing else better to do.
Razor1911 is a fake lolz

e: how exactly is the "having to chose a mission at a "CP" first thingy" gonna work in competetive play?
and if you completed one, do you have to go back?Would not make sense as this would kill good "last second actions".
i think thats just to show it up on your HUD
it wouldnt make sense otherwise

you should be able to choose your mission and class at any point, like the limbo menu in ET/RTCW otherwise its just stupid
hopefully there is "script support" so one does not have to browse through menues...
Atleast it doesn't look as bad as Wolfenstein :)
bad player
I was in doubt, now im sold.

just needs quick promod
we just need ET with better graphics and new maps
every criticism against BRINK will be immediately deleted here anyway...
don't know why people are hating when they didn't even PLAY the game first. :/ from what I can tell from the videos it definitely has a shot to get a good competitive scene
you talk about how the gfx looks nice, the weapons are cool and the smart allows sick moves.
all of those are UNwanted in competetive games so I dont rly know what ur talking about right there.
pwnd hard gg

none give a shit about graphics, smart moves, tons of customizations (for ps3 xbox360 fags) we care about the gameplay thats why we play WET since 10 years moron
lets say: thats why there has not been a single competetive game since cod4.
and thats why we keep playing games such as WET cod4 cs1.6
exactly. cause they simply dont design games for us anymore.
they design customizable console faggotry cause it sells well to causuals.
why so negative? its just the xbox360 version, add some strafing and promod and we have a good game, of course it won't be next ET copy what most retards here want, but you need to accept new things, not cling to old boring games

imagine someone with mAus aim playing here, or sqzz moving around the map, or xylos planting turrents :O
i remember nerds trying ETQW and Wolfenstein coming back to W:ET
But that is true for any game.
One has to look at how it looks/feels at the release and what their focus is.
Ive seen the 12min(???) youtube gameplay clip and the movement, aim, cover basically everything looked aweful (sombody compared it to Wolfstein and that kinda was true).
Also I look at what kind of audience they want to attract and all ive heard/seen for the last months was: super awesome skincolors and super awesome hopping over stuff.

not at all what a competetive game needs...
cod4 sucked big time at the start
if you actually knew anything about it you would argue that pam has always been shit and cod4 got ruined when promod3 was patched to the digusting thing called promod4+/promodlive.
if you actually knew anything youd know there were no promods / pam (i3d eurocup) and then some swedish guy from fnatic did some mod that favoured his team and noone else liked to play and the scene dropped big times untill a decent mod was created (cant recall which one was pam/promod.. too long ago)
well if you are gonna be like that:
ET sucked so hard before etpro.
of course it looks slow on a console... no strafing
cant wait for mine
buffering piece of shit stream, can't see shit.

flarefist: buy a rabadon's
Wait and see guys, it's just the XBOX 360 version. And the player streamed is quite bad actuallly :x
cant wait to play it myself.
E: there just goes the last one
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