NEVO gaming club out from EC

super gaming club dont even get into playoffs? trololol


image: chryownoldclub

Ps. Im sure they deserve the lansupport they are getting
Chry delivers against the team that kicked him. How ironic.
i can play 5on5 better than snoop, no offense.
What is the anti-5on5-snoop thing about? He's not winghaven :x
"lol im snoop and i push solo 2 seconds after our spawn"
Of all the retards that do that in ET these days you single out snoop? Snoop is a bona fide ass-kicking, nerd-stomping, clunge-punching, name-taking, cunt-punting, ass-pounding BAD ASS
Yet the past few 5on5 teams he has played in they have underachieved. MASSIVELY. He is still an amazing player (individually) no doubt.
So have chrys, yet people claim he's one of the best players?
So you are saying 3rd in last EC and beating us (the 1st team in 6months) in ESL EMS is a team that underachieved?
He also got knocked out of EC groupstage last year
I would hardly blame him for that but you are right nonetheless! He still finished 3rd in EC though :P. However, snoop is yet to reach the heights which he did in 6on6 and he has had a few attempts now. Whatever the decision and whatever reason you hate chry for, bringing in another medic (although abort being the best in that team atm) and replacing an engi is not a good decision.
isnt this discussion pretty unnecessary, since he didnt get kicked because of perfoming bad or anything but for bad team chemistry!
Well i would probably feel the same if my team went from top 3 to losing EC groupstages. Plus, when you play engi smg there is nothing worse than not being revived. Nothing worse than being pushed out of ur team by new players.
i agree with you on that and i only got second hand information about it, but if theres no constructive thinking what so ever and its influencing the chemistry on the team really bad its not the worst solution to change the lineup.

btw i play objeng aswell, also on lower lvl, but i can feel with them xD, still theres no point in being destructive only
A teams pretty much only as good as it's medics (just takes one good one though) imo. And to add to your point, if chry really wasn't getting revives then getting the boot is probably for the best, it would only drive him mad anyway.
Hey, it takes at least two.
I realised after writing this I'm not qualified. And I'm speaking to Ross, who knows more about ET than me. But then I clicked 'Submit' and didn't care.

2 you reckon? I thought one good one and two that knew what reviving was!
Agreed with perfo, 2 atleast who go for those revives despite bad odds. And a third one who knows what teamplay is. Loose canons don't add to a team in 5on5.
Just one Shuki.
You know what is bad chemistery on Teamspeak? those annoying ping's all the time

comeon im almost never doin it, btw you can turn it off!
im just fooling around a bit man :P
the decicion wasnt based on skill issues as hes ofc a very good eng. we were just unable to keep on playing with him as every prac we played was pain in the ass at that time and nobody was motivated anymore (matches vs raab and kick show that the best i think)

and from reading this journal you could think we lost the match but infact we won 4:2 and got lucked on adler which can happen to pretty much any team imo x)
well not my fault you dont know where your needle is to revive and fullybullys or how to play in a team and not solo.... got great aim but thats all
and to be honest they and me only cared about winning one map to knock you out :D 3rd map couldnt care less they are through and you out
you still did not get the point. you think you got kicked because you complained about my and others game. but in fact we had to remove you because you acted like an insane kid and seeing your reaction now only proved our point in kicking you.

saying you lost grush on purpose is also too funny you hypocrite ^^ you landed one lucky punch on adler, wow, you can be really proud now. and to be honest, i rather be out of ec than keep on playing with you and going far. atleast we do have some fun playing again now and we will cope with being out of ec (which we are because you fucked us up the previous offis), dont worry ;)

enjoy this "victory", will be the greatest you ll ever have in et tough guy.
sure thing german boy
I agree with what you did if it was based on the decision and the whole team agreed. Also you were unlucky to go out after losing adlernest but to be honest, you guys didnt look so comfortable on SD attack or GR attack for that matter. You now lack that top smg engi rather than a top medic. Eventhough adler is a "lotto" map, if you are the better team you should win 9 times out of 10. Good luck with the team though, u have some amazing individuals and if you get the teamplay right, there is no reason why u cant get at least a podium finish at future lans.
baggiez hating on me :D everywhere i look i see baggiez going hard
I'm just comparing you to snoop for the example ross gave. I don't think you're to blame for Nevo playing bad but I don't think you're as good as some people think. If that's hating then meh, guilty.
He's right, you are pretty hateful.
numeric is a nice guy acutally. we played panza/medic on a pub and we did well; teamplay wa perfect, revives were there. just the perfect combi. he and I > pwr/nevo together.
you will see them perform well at lan.. ah well watch them on ettv coverage.
Why would it be any different on lan? :-D
PWR obv hax
All I can see is WinFakt top. image: hrhf6s
cu in playoffs
you did well switching the club during the season :D gl in play-offs!
what can I say, pro manager read community well. Thanks Blindim8, I hope I won't dissapoint you in playoffs!
Im sure you wont
Kinda glad chry knocked them out :)
great fun I guess.
GG chry !

Good job guys.
this is quite embarassing
what about all the flame??

nevo is out of EC because of the 4-0 lose to RAAB with chry...
1. Cause your team to lose a groupstage match
2. Get kicked
3. Join another clan in the same group
4. Eliminate the previous clan by round points thanks to step 1.

image: 348-just-as-planned
seriously just chillax all of u guys, true we are very disappointed that nevo didnt make it into the playoffs but doesnt matter, they will pracc hard to kick ass at lan, snoop or who ever will improve too as they have to be very keen on what they have to do now.. as some songs say.. when u get knocked "out" u get back "in"? :o

e: im drunk again! baggiez come to my house
cup of tea and cake, oh wait he dont drink tea
manager drinking away the pain..
LOL BUT TOP3 :D brb digging through logs
im happy about chry ;)

wp Belgium chry <3
at least they were man enough to play against a non-drunk opponent, credits to them <3
die ins moet even stoppen met dit spel.
Wierd that chry was allowed to play since he already played for nevo, GG to CB
Whats the problem when both teams are ok with it? I seriously dont get the ppl who whine about this, aint it between the two teams after all?
Doesnt a competition has rules? I could agree with my manager to go home early and report 8 hours today, but if my boss knows he will decide to only pay me for 7 hours for example.

IMO Clanbase admins are dickheads, if u ask them if it's fine to use another player and say the other team agreed they wont allow it, but if you just do it they will allow it because the other team had to complain before starting the match. Kinda weird isn't it?
And it aint just between the two teams, there are more than just two teams in EC.
Get a clue, really.
it's just ET, bitch.
show me rule that says it's forbidden for player to play in 2 clans :)
QuoteA clan can use players during a match who are shown on their Allowed Players List and have not played in the same cup for another clan. Using a player who is on your APL, but is not allowed to play (f.e they played for another clan in the same week) will result in a Red Card and match forfeit.

QuoteIf a player is on the Allowed Players List of more than 1 clan in the cup, they are only eligible to play for 1 clan of their choice. To play for another clan during the cup they must meet the following criteria.
he didn't play for them in same week :)
but he played for another clan in the same cup, that would mean he cant play for another team, even if he waits a week.
You are only referring to the second rule i posted, and it idd says that the player shouldnt play for both clans for a week. But the first rule already said that he cant play for another team if he already played in the cup ;) You can be on the APL but still aren't allowed to play :P
he can play for another clan if 7 days passed from last game he played (that's what CB sup told me)
thats the problem, CB sups and admins dont know the rules of CB and just make their own :D
I agree that its fucked up, we had no other choice then replace vanq though, he was totally wasted :D

as there were plenty of cases before us breaking the rules, I had no problem doing the same (especially as nevo agreed on it)

best thing would to make good rules and stick to them though, but its too late for that, maybe next ec? :D (homer sticks to the rules the most I think, when he was hosting EC the rules were followed always I think, not sure though)
with Homer pretty much every quali-related rule was not stickied with
hmm dno, guess you just have to stick by ur rules untill both teams agree on smth else, too bad this doesnt happen always :(
Well the players aren't the blame, you just wanted to play the game and nevo agreed, the admins should have stopped u from playing but they didn't. And I agree with u that too much teams (actually admins) break the rules.
Let's make next EC more professional, and if another team asks u to bend the rules just forfeit because they dont have a 5th player.
Many people want ET to grow into one of the big LAN games (which is too late allready imo) but that cant happen if nobody acts professional in this scene. But we need to point the biggest finger to the admins and past Admins (Killerboy is the biggest example, he should never have unbanned super, all others who came back when banned are still banned. And TosspoT himself he should never have allowed super to play on lan again)
actually the players shud also know the rules but more importantly the admins shud know the rules
True but the players are like athletes, they always try to cheat and the need an admin/referee to be corrected. And to be honest in ET I think most of the EC players know more about the rules than the admins do.
I only played on CC6 & AEF

on CC6 Tosspot kicked me out once he found out who we were.
on AEF Tosspot wasn't involved at all.

me & killerboy were logging in on nC forums @ CC7.

well imo u shouldnt be allowed to play any official compo at all, but thats just my opinion. You did prove everybody that you're skilled enough without hacks, but ur CB ban should still be there.

And I dont got a problem with you, but with the case around you. I know some players who have the same kind of ban that u had, but they are all still banned. Well ET scene is just fucked up because the rules only apply to lower skilled players.
meh imo 10 year ban for an online game is ridiculous anyway:d
true, but the others should be unbanned too then (well atleast if there isnt any trace of using cheats in the last (half) year)
mad cuz u need cheaters to play as a highskillor? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maybe i never played really active in clans, and never pracced more as 2 times a week, and never cared about playing in higher cups. The only clan I played active with was razzia in 2009 and we did get second place in OC lowbob league.
well i actually agree with you about highskillers bending the rules, but 20 year ban is kinda ridiculous :D cuz you're banned from playing all games :P but its kinda gay seeing some guys play in 4 teams in the same cup, hi squall olbaa :):)
true the the length of the ban is ridiculous, but admins shouldn't have made an exception for just one of the banned players. And if the admins aren't professional the players will never be.
if giving the teams you manage the easiest qualifiers means you're sticking to the rules then yeah he's quite good at it
nope. now it allows every team to break same rule now and knowing CB they never tell others what rules have been changed in the middle-way.
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