A trombidium

There is a trombidium next to me on the wall.

They look like this
image: 3597074494_49f57f5b82

If I want to reach it, I just have to extend my arm.

But if he wants to reach me, he'd have to climb down the wall and up my chair, because he can't jump or fly.

In the perspective of the trombidium, his/her accessible world could be represented as a single, flat, two-dimensional surface that he can just walk on. That's all he can do. He's confined in his own little world, completely missing out on a whole dimension of reality. If I told him he can also move up or down, he wouldn't understand and would just keep on walking. If I take him on my hand in attempt to prove that there is a third spatial dimension, he would just think that my surface has become a new part of his two-dimensional world. He sees nothing wrong with this.

If you don't approach things in life with an open mind, you will be just like the trombidium.

Unrelated musical score:

Deep stuff brohou.
please enjoy second response above everyone should have some sagan in their life
I like how 20% of the comments are of people that ARE SO FUCKING HIGH RIGHT NOW
the other 80% are so high they forgot about it and just did some science
I ran into a wall and I'm dizzy now, does that count?
id shout my mum no joke:S
I just copy pasted your post and put it as my facebook status.
id shout ant1y's mum no joke :S
no one cares fintard.

just like your last thread about odds and betting.
lmfao all over again.
QuoteMember For: 8 months and 25 days

Why dont u fuck off or shut the fuck up?
nigga you high or sumn?
this journal is better than 100 journals about hitler birthday.
I just woke up and I've got no fucking clue what just happened
He could still fall right ;XX
nizmizzle y u online so much? :D
procrastinating bro
Do you mean a Trombidium holosericeum?

Because 'Trombidium' is just the Genus, not the full name of the specific animal. Trombidium holosericeum is the Genus+Species which refers to the exact animal.

Many maybe confused by this so you should be more specific.
have to go....have a nice day

I'd stick it with needles till that bitch say "phew"
This felt like the right place to post this.

image: normal_813090336
Deep bro, Very Deep...

image: flamboyantly-annoying-gayguy-meme-generator-i-don-t-do-deep-dish-i-do-deep-throat-490a13
been reading flatland?
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